egg whites

> egg whites
> grits
> some american cheese
find a flaw in this breakfast

No vitamin C.

>remove egg yolks
>add shitty yellow plastic cheese
Y tho

>needing source of vitamin C(uck) in every single meal
for taste and different macros

I had a bowl of half oats, half 0% Greek yogurt with some cinnamon pecans mixed in.

egg whites in high amount sustained over a long period of time may cause biotin deficiency leading to hairloss

i can't.

you done good, son.

>no hash browns
>no bacon
>no egg yolks
>american cheese

>american cheese
There it is

>Steel cut oats
>Peanut Butter
>Raw cacao powder
>Almond+Coconut milk



The fuck are grits?

Libcuck detected

Fucking northlets

> some american cheese

>american cheese
enjoy your nasty plastic burger

>low fat quark
>pineapple juice
>flax seeds


has been my first breakfast for years


>am*rican cheese
There. This website is for humans, not am*rican subhumans


are you me

>he fell for the egg whites meme.

You are literally eating the worst part of the egg.


Pick one

I pick cheese because it has lower fat% content

Flax lowers test, you might as well have been injecting soy every day for years

No energy pills.

I see you OP.


You are failing on all level, you mongaloid.

Don't eat eggs if you're going to throw away the yolks. You lose out on half the protein and almost all vitamins and minerals.
It's like eating the peel of a banana while throwing away the meat.

Also the amino acid profile complements that of the yolk, so together you get protein with pretty much 100% bio-availability, but whites alone has about 70% so it's just as low bio-availability as most beans.

fuck you're right, going full time quick oats