Why is it usually tall people who lift ?
At my university as 5 11 I'm taller than 80% of the guys. however at the university gym most of them are taller than me
Why is it usually tall people who lift ?
at my gym in ameriburger I'm a freakish giant at 5'9"
congratulations,manlets around your area have finally learned
taller people are better at most sports. lots of people in university do sports.
You will be better at most sports the taller you are.
So then what are the manlet cutoffs for DYEL vs the FIT
those are student athletes working out
well I'm fit and in a university gym. I can give you my personal manlet cutoff. Im 6'5", so to me anyone under 6'3" is by definition a manlet.
6'2" is king of manlets.
i'm like the wolverine at my gym i guess
Lmao I'm 5'9'', 5'11 is not tall
not trolling but I think tall people have more of a need to lift because they would look really weird if they were tall and skinny
a short dude who's skinny would just look more average and proportional
not hating on lanklets but I think it's objectively true that they need to put on mass to look proportional if they're taller.
I know this feel. I swear I walk around my uni and I'm pretty strong... somewhat of a manlet, but I don't feel disproportionately short.
I go to the gym and I'm basically dyel and every girl is 6'0.
lanklets btfo
>5'11's on suicide watch
Manlets won't even try anymore. Could it be that they have learned?
I've noticed this too, 5'11" average to taller than most regular dudes I see. Go to my gym though, and I feel super short.
same feeling, I'm 6'5" and there's a few lanklets around my height there. There's also this one dyel dude who's around 6'8". I'd say the average height at my uni gym is definitely taller than around university (probably around 6'1" instead of 5'11"). With that said, I've never seen a guy taller than me with a good physique, all the tall guys in the gym are probably there to salvage their shitty physiques.
wtf. six in a row
>trying to dictate who's tall
you're barely human kiddo
5'11 not tall confirmed
>university gym most of them are taller than me
Cause those are the athletes.
y..yeah, good thing I'm actually 6'
>At my university as 5 11 I'm taller than 80% of the guys.
Are you american?
I'm 6,2 in mutt metrics and that's bordering on short in my homeregion
Thank fuck I'm in the city now where 1,80 is the average so I can look down on people
5'7" and no muscle mass = normal, proportional looking body
6'3" and no muscle mass = hello earthlings, i come in peace
>tfw 5'7 with broad shoulders and thin wrists
>tfw i have the exact same body of the greek hoplite, the roman centurion, the french knight
>live in southern europe where no one even cares if you're short
>5 11 I'm taller than 80% of the guys
d e l u s i o n
>5 11 I'm taller than 80% of the guys
where the fuck do u live? 6'0 is painfully average at my uni
you ?
Yes I am
Manlets and king of manlets eternally btfo
Messi is a manlet and is renowned fĂștbol player.
5 11 is not short either
>renowned fĂștbol player
In countries that aren't poor he's mostly known for cheating and actually getting a goal for it though
>hand of god
because you haven't been found out yet and sent to the pit.
>confusing Messi with Maladroga
Fatness overload.
I'm Not american, you semi-niggers just all look the same to me, lel
im 5'10 and feel like a midget in uni
> t. 5'10
wtf? Im 6'1 and feel short sometimes around my uni.
Im in britain dont know if we're a tall country.
You mean 5'12"?
everyone above 5'9'' BTFO kill yourselves
>tallies on suicide watch
Mexican living in Minnesota, so I'm cucked by tall swedes constantly. Thankfully some race mixing has brought me to normal height.
Day of the pole vault when?
nah just biased picks
yeah better
taller people are just better at any sport other than maybe gymnastics in an absolute sense, fortunately weightclasses exist
Lmao lies
I'm 6'0, i wish i was a little shorter
opposite for me, im 6'1 and average in public but at the gym, tower over everyone
better=/=more skilled
like nba, 6'1 players have to be gods, 7'0 players can be dogshit with down syndrome and make it
Used to be lanklet 6'1" 130 lbs like a modest gust of wind would blow me all over the place. gf at time helped me gain weight but then in a bad way and ballooned to 220 lbs in less than a year. Down to 181 and 6'2 but look somewhat normal now.
Northern Europe masterrace
Looks maxing I suppose
My gym is full of roided out manlets who live off the dole and wear those stupid stringy wife beaters all the time. They are very cringe worthy and I wish they would fuck off or stop acting so insecure.