Female lower body focused routine

Hello Veeky Forums,
I wrote up a routine for my friend from scratch, because most workouts out there are either memes or male physique focused. Note she is a typical female so is inconsistent and goes to the gym maybe 2 times a week which is why I've kept volume for lower body high on purpose while at the same time writing down a workout which she should be able to complete in 1-1.5 hours and which has a lot of variation. Any feedback or suggestions welcome. (I've left out lat focused exercises on purpose cause they look shit on females)

A (quads, glutes, shoulders)
4x5 Highbar squat/Frontsquat, full depth (ATG)
4x5 Barbell glute bridges
3x8 Lunges
3x8 Overhead press
3x8 Lateral raises

B (Back, Chest, Arms)
5x1x5 increasing weight, stiff legged deadlifts/deadlifts
3x8 Bent over rows/seated cable rows
3x8 Cable chest flies
3x8 Cable tricep extension

C (Hamstrings, glutes, +other)
4x5 Single leg squat (using kind of machine that we have in the gym, allows controlled deep squats)
4x5 Good mornings / 3x8 Weighed hyperextensions
3xF hanging leg raises
3x8 bent over reverse flies
2xF plank (keeping time)


Made for bbc
(Big Braps and Cock)

5x5 Squat
3x5 Press
1x5 Deadlift

5x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift


meant to OP.

Squats give big quads, I specifically chose exercises more based towards glutes/hams.

made for bbc (black)

Just do the bottom left part

Deadlifts give big ass and hammies, add hip thrusts and GHRs if you think they don't.

>op asks for lower body routine
>tell him to do bp and ohp


Just make her do SS you imbecile

Read the StrongCurves routine


snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....


Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes…

It was a SS joke, user. But also chest help giving perky tits, shoulder help build a X frame.

Did you at all read my OP post ? Those are all in there. If you wanna give some critique please do but back it up with something.

This is one of the memes i was referring to. You think 5 mins a day doing some bodyweight exercises is gonna give you a nice butt think again.

Again what I said, SS will give females a shit body, it is developed for strength training, not aesthetics.

SS is no joke, kiddo

This shit is worse than the banana meme shit they forced on /b/ a year ago or so

The back squat is literally pffftttt the only exercise in the entire repertoire of weighted human movement that allows the direct training of tee hee...so sorry user:) the complex movement pattern known as hip drive. The posterior (lol butts) chain is a term that refers to brrrrrrpppp the muscles that produce hip *gurgle*....oh no, I knew i shouldn't have eaten all that Taco bell :( extension-straightening-out of the *burp*....oh excuse me user, how unladylike of me hip joint from its flexed (or bent) position *face turns white*....oh no i think i just shit my pants a little....you don't mind, do you user? in the bottom of the squat. The muscles that accomplish hip extension are the oh my, that is quite smelly! my word, what an erotic olfactory delight the good lord hath bestowed upon us on this glorious morn! hamstrings, the glutes, and the adductors or groin (lol) muscles, and together OH NO! I forgot to refill my IBS medication! but i know you'll unclog the toilet for me, right user? tee hee these are referred to as the posterior chain. The initial movement up out of the bottom of oh no, there's no turning back now brrrrpp a full squat is hip drive, and is best thought burp of as a shoving-up of the sacral PFFFTTTT *starts gagging from smell* area of the lower back, the area right above your butt (haha butt). This is the hardest BRRRAAAAAAPAAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAAP BRRRRAAAAAPA PSSSSSHHSSHSHSHHHSHS SPLOP PLOP PLOP PSSSSSHSHHHH SSSSPPLLLLUUUURRRTTTFFFFFF BAAAZZZZZZINNNNNGGGAAAAAAAAAA thing to teach in my preferred method of squatting, and by far the most important. Oh dear, what a mess I've made. Well, eat up!

>SS is no joke, kiddo
user I have bad news for you, buddy.
SS is very good for females that want to train to achieve certain looks, do not fool yourself, 5x5 is an hypertrophy rep range. It also targets, with great emphasis on lower body, the most important areas for female aesthetics: Legs,glutes,back and shoulders, while training chest that will help with the looks from the front(Tits). If anything change the reps of Squat and DLs to 3x5. GHR and Hip trusts to 5x5, and add pullups or other form of upper body pull for 3x5

Most fags on here don't know shit unless it's about strength training. And even then they just regurgitate whatever ripetoe has vomited out.
There are some glute focuses routines out there like strongcurves. I say follow that.

>SS will give females a shit body, it is developed for strength training, not aesthetics.

do you people no nothing about anatomy?

if a male requires a strength base to look aesthetic why do you think it would be any different for a female?

some bullshit "aesthetics" program with a bunch of ass isolation isn't going to give a girl any good results since they have even lower testosterone than males and we already know that similar aesthetics based programs don't work for males either

girls still need to squat and deadlift and train intensely, a strong body is an aesthetic body, no separation. Everything else is down to GENETICS. If a chick has no ass to start with she can improve it, but no amount of "booty blasting" workouts will give her a fat one. Just like if a dude has narrow shoulders he can improve the delts and gain a bit of width, but no amount of side raises will make him considered wide.

>things I'm saying are in agreement with rippetits
I'm literally saying the opposite of what he preaches, I unironically think SS is good only for females that want big lower body(ass included) and not any other goal. Fives are not good for strength.
Most importantly you can't bother doing bodypart focused routines if you have a small body all around.

This is retarded, obviously females should focus on other exercises than males. Even as a male you need to adjust your workout to your body and specific goals if you're training for aesthetics purely. If what you said was true why don't female powerlifters look like IG fitness models? Get out.

> implying only females need big butts

a study that surveyed women showed the most attractive bodypart for men are the glutes

I wasn't even talking about you fagtron.
Anyway SS is shit unless you want big quads.
5x5 is low volume high intensity no matter how you look at it.
Yes you can very easily do body part focused routines. You don't need to bench 3pl8 just to do glute isolations.

>tfw glutelet despite deadlifting 4pl8 for reps

> If what you said was true why don't female powerlifters look like IG fitness models? Get out.

This is probably the most retarded statement I've ever heard on here. Comparing competitive female powerlifters who's main goal is to move as much weight as possible, to IG thots who's main goal is to look as good as possible? Same thing as saying "hurr durr if powerlifter so strong why they not big as bodybuilder"

You seem pretty clueless. We're talking about natural females with average genetics here.
All those IG fitness models look the way they do irrespective of their training because of their genetics, fat distribution, frame, etc.
All the programs they shill are dogshit and just cause whichever naive girl who's doing it just to get sore in the ass to make them feel like they did something, but there's no actual progression or gains being made. Again, the only way for a girl to see ass progress is to build muscle. The rest is pure genetics. So how does a girl build muscle efficiently? Same as a male, linear progressive overload, heavy compound movements. That's it. Not rocket science man.

Then it makes SS perfect.
How different is 5x5 to 3x8? Not only it is more reps it is more weight, which is perfect because it is not only the big muscles in the body, but a very strong one. You'd be hitting lower body very frequently.
>Yes you can very easily do body part focused routines.
Please do an arms focused routine and show us the results later.
>You don't need to bench 3pl8 just to do glute isolations.
I never said something like that, user.

Yes because you're basically trying to say you can't choose to develop certain muscles more by focusing on specific exercises. It's all just genetics and as long as you get strong your body will turn out exactly like genetics have planned it and there is nothing you can do about it yourself. Don't ever post on this board again.

>5x5 is low volume high intensity no matter how you look at it.

as opposed to what? 3x8?

3x8 is lighter weight for 24.
5x5 is heavier weight for 25 reps.
5x5 is high volume.

>not making your girlfriend into deadlift machine that deadlifts heavier than 90% of your gym
>not showing your girlfriend warmup routine with banded lateral walks, banded glute bridges, hip airplanes and overhead squats

>ywn teach your girl proper diaphragm breathing technique, hip hinge, lat engagement, and advanced feet rooting techniques

it fucking hurts brehs

>Yes because you're basically trying to say you can't choose to develop certain muscles more by focusing on specific exercises.

I didn't say that? Of course if you spend most of your time on upper body and rarely squat your chest will be better than your legs, if thats your goal, nothing wrong with that. Still doesn't change the fact linear strength progression is necessary, even on those 'specific exercises' you still need progression.

> It's all just genetics and as long as you get strong your body will turn out exactly like genetics have planned it and there is nothing you can do about it yourself.

In what way is this not true? By all means, if you wanna do curls and other stuff, go ahead. You still have to progress in strength on those to see continually gains. When you max out your strength progression on curls, whatever result it has on your biceps is up to your genetics to decide. Just like the girl focusing on glute isolation for a bigger butt - to see continuing progress she has to keep progressing in strength and reps, everything else is left to her genetics.
No clue why you're having such trouble understanding this.

But frogs meant to be dissected are already dead

Just stop posting. You have no clue what you're talking about.

>mfw I have to explain this joke

Lol!!! This is gold.

You're the one that thinks that linear progression isn't necessary for gains, think that you can somehow beat your genetics, yet I'M the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about.
Good fucking lord. I bet you wear a bodybuilding.com t-shirt too.

I've been looking for a good routine for my wife. Is there any cons to this routine that anyone can think of? Only thing is she wants to work out 5-6 days a week..

Where did I ever say linear progression is not necessary? I wrote down some exercises and set and rep ranges. I didn't mention one word about the weight, it should be logical to know this for anyone browsing here...

right here, you sarcastically brush off the need of a strength foundation, as if focusing on 'specific exercises' excuses the need for it

>what is reading comprehension

3x8 isn't even high volume either. Try sets of 15 to 20. I know you GOMAD powerlifters can't comprehend bodybuilding routines but you should look them over sometime.
You wanna know the result of doing an arm focused routine? You get big arms.

can confirm

set of 20 at 70% is absolute killer of body and soul

black bavarian cock?


>GOMAD powerlifters
Not one bro.
5x5 is an old as fuck bodybuilding rep scheme. I said it was hypertrophy rep range, not the only one, but I wouldn't recommend anyone to do above 15 reps, personally a fan of 10s, even if I did 15s require careful exercises selection.

no such thing as a "female focused routine". youre an idiot.