is it really too late for me? can i somehow salvage myself and even make it to prince of manlets @ 5'10 / 5'11?
or should i just get ottermode as fuck and chisel my face so i look like some kind of mini model?
any secrets to grow between 18-21 are very welcome, already stretching twice a day and taking what i believe to be BCAAs, and drinking 2l of water a day.
Certain meditations can help you grow 2-3 inches if done consistently.
You need to stand in the corner of a completely dark room. No light can come in from windows, doors, etc. Then you need to reach up as high as you can, as if you're trying to touch the ceiling with your fingertips. While doing this you need to softly whisper, "grow...grow...grow". Do this for a 30 count and relax, then repeat 2 more times.
Do this twice a day, preferably when it's dark in the morning and evening, until you reach a desirable height.
Ian Perry
thanks i'll try this
Isaiah Sanchez
Rarely anyone grows at that age honestly, I was 6ft1 at 18 and had hopes of reaching 6f2 but it didn't happen
Cameron Thomas
Wyatt Adams
>19 >5'7
Growth plates haven't closed yet as I grew between asthma reviews so genuine growth advice would be appreciated. Those capsules OP is taking - do they work? Thanks boys
Jason Lopez
You are both more than likely screwed unless you are significantly shorter than your parents
Andrew Reed
At 19 you have, at most, an inch left to grow. You best be is to go full twink mode and submit your boipucci to much stronger, taller men.
Lincoln Hughes
not sure why my genetics got so badly fucked up if i'm honest. grandad on mum's side is 6'6, dad is 6'3, so plenty of tall gene in the family (even though mum is 5'6). malnourishment in childhood is a real bitch.
Logan Powell
You can't, you're fated to fall into the Pit.
Caleb Taylor
I'm 5'7 but my dad is 6' and mum is 5'5
Shit lighting, not the best gains but natty (>inb4 obviously, I know) but I hope I've surpassed twonk status
Josiah Parker
Have you been diagnosed with a genetic disorder or disease?
Mason Thompson
It’s possible op
Kayden Garcia
I remember back in the day on misc someone posted about niacin and melatonin or some shit but it was obviously not scientifically validated
Justin Reyes
You're not that short, try not coming here, it'll fuck with your head.
David Williams
poor little guy
Landon Thompson
>5'6" I do not want to live this life.
Kevin Cook
>unless you are significantly shorter than your parents why?
Tyler James
>on misc
Bentley Jenkins
perfectly healthy, apart from mild asthma. didn't eat much as a child (fell short of required calorie intake) and didn't exercise but I'm surprised it's affected me this drastically.
William Russell
Well the vast majority of existing women are shorter than me and I have good social skills and charisma so I'm not too bad off
Xavier Jackson
Because little guys get their hopes up when they think there's still a chance to grow.
John Rogers
>such a newfriend that he wasn't into fitness during the golden age of misc
Kevin Howard
How do you figure your genetics are fucked up if you don't suffer from a genetic disorder?
Jackson Ward
There ya go, buddy! Keep your chin up, you'll look taller
Nicholas Jones
this thread is pretty sad, you aren't going to grow any significant amount in your late teens sorry
Austin Sanchez
>implying they will learn
Isaac Phillips
Jesus christ stop being pathetic. The only thing you need to focus on is how to stop being a little bitch. And you do that by lifting. Also stay at a good fat percentage.
Aiden Nelson
Thanks dad
Nolan Sanchez
Itt: itty bitty boys
Parker Walker
i don't see it as being pathetic. if life is about bettering yourself surely seeking to increase one's height, a physical aspect, falls under the heading of self-improvement?
Kevin Howard
feel like i inherited a recessive gene of some kind that there was very little chance of inheriting, if you catch my meaning.
Jayden Cook
I have a great appreciation for short men. They wake up everyday knowing they'll never get the same respect as a normal man and they still persevere. That takes a lot of courage and mental discipline to fight through.
It's the pathetic manlets in this thread that deserve no respect. They bitch, feel sorry for themselves, and pathetically search for nonexistent ways to become taller. At no point do they strive to become better men, only taller men. If they woke up one morning to discover that they were suddenly 6'3", they would still have the diseased mentality of a manlet. Manlets will always be subhuman pieces of shit.
David Hughes
Christopher Torres
The gene associated with being tall is a recessive genetic trait, you stupid fuck.
Christopher Campbell
You still have some chance of growing, it depends if your growthplates have fused or not. Make sure that your diet is good (enough proteins, vitamind D, etc.), you get plenty of sleep, and do workouts that spike your HGH (not gonna spoonfeed you, HIIT and google the rest).
You can try stretcbhes for a better posture. You can get some cowboy boots/logger boots/nike airmax/whatever + shoe inserts to cheat 1-2". Don't go overboard though, more than this looks fucking ridiculous.
If you are really serious about this shit go see a doctor to see if your growth plates have fused yet, and if they haven't just hop on some HGH (I hope you are rich in this case).
Grayson Powell
well in that case I simply didn't win the genetic lottery, which is a shame.
Ryan Parker
I'd say your physical and mental states are a perfect match. Keep aiming low, manlet
Colton Gonzalez
Bitch please, your height is the only thing you have going for you. You're a skinny, lanky streak of piss that is obviously empty inside judging by the fact you took time to type out a manlet hate passage.
Jack Robinson
was just taking the bait on purpose, anything with "grow grow grow" is just a carrot on a very high up stick to us little guys.
thanks for the serious advice there, much appreciated. i'll start with HIIIT in the new year despite it being potentially adverse to my asthma.
i'll also see if i can get an x-ray to check my growth plates.
Hudson Smith
I'm sure a lot of the manlets you think of as courageous and disciplined to fight through just grin and bear this shit and go home and wallow in it when they're alone.
I never talk about the height issue unless it's brought up. By and large I try to avoid it. I don't think about it much when I'm out and about and doing things in life. It's only when I'm home alone and allowed to get myself into a funk that this happens. It's even worse when I'm trying to work on self-improvement (browsing Veeky Forums for information and advice) and half the threads are stating how I should just give up and go home because I'm genetically inferior and immutably undesirable. Regardless if it's true or not, I wish this manlet shit would get out of Veeky Forums so I can focus on bettering myself and stop being reminded of what I can't change. Then again, that's what makes it a great trolling technique. A bunch of people working with what they got to better themselves? Badger them about the few things that you can't change. Canthal tilt, height, bone structure, etc.
Nolan Thomas
please refer too Plenty of sleep (without a pillow preferably) + balanced diet & nutrition (essential amino acids) + workout (do your HIIT) + streches/yoga for good posture. Try to avoid alcohol & tobacco. Try to avoid spiking your insulin levels, look up intermittent fasting. Use google, there is a ton of shit written on this subject by fellow manlets.
If you want to experiment, there is hypnosis and visualization and other shit with some very dubious claims and flimsy testimonials (Victoria Wizell, Laura Di Giorgo). Around your age I grew an inch when listening to this shit, but it was more likely a coincidence or had to do with breathing exercises/relaxation.
Evan Johnson
Looks like I struck a nerve
Chase Scott
Gabriel Hall
Jace Turner
I laughed desu senpai
Liam Sanchez
>18 >182cm just 2 more
Nicholas Ward
This is the fate all Manlets deserve
How does this make you feel?
Juan Diaz
5'8 fellow manlet here don't worry OP you're not 4'9 you just have body dysmorphia and are being trolled into even worse dysmorphia by lanklets with body dysmorphia who are jealous of the easy gains bitching about being 5'8 is like bitching about a weak beard or receding hairline or being a "hardgainer" or having poor parents etc. etc. you know? It doesn't matter don't be a faggot
>Other people are responsible for my pathetic, insecure mentality
No, you're a piece of shit with no one to blame but yourself.
Henry White
I'm 28 and somehow I have slowly grown from 6'0" to 6'2" since I was 18.
Work hard in the weight room, eat big, sleep big, growth hormone should come with that [citation needed]. And you might as well really stretch that spine out through inversion, foam rolling, dead hangs, etc. No need to walk around more compacted than you have to be
Tyler Cooper
Isaiah Morris
>lmao it's your fault for letting the hundreds of people constantly shitting on you whenever you make a post or try to better yourself get to you I mean, you're not entirely wrong, but I'm no perfect man. If I were perfect, I wouldn't think about what I cannot change. It doesn't help being constantly reminded.
Cameron Torres
>If I were perfect, I wouldn't think about what I cannot change.
Keep on telling yourself that, fuckface. This is why your life is, and will always be, shit.
Ian Nguyen
Why would I yearn for what I cannot have? Or are you just gonna keep being an aggressive, ambiguous faggot?
Literally what do I gain from thinking about it, apart from the "learn" part of the meme where I give up and neck myself?
Gabriel Bennett
Holy fuck, you're a mental midget too. The only person responsible for your fucked up body image is you. Me calling you a short stack of human shit does not give you a free pass to obsess about how much you hate yourself for being a manlet. It is your responsibility to recognize your own unhealthy thoughts, realize you cannot make yourself taller, and then make meaningful changes in areas that you can control.
You think you are a piece of shit, so you act like it. Other people see you act like a piece of shit, so they treat you like it. You use that treatment to justify your shitty self image and the cycle continues. The only person who can do anything about it is you. Take some fucking responsibility for yourself.
Jaxson Anderson
>It is your responsibility to recognize your own unhealthy thoughts, realize you cannot make yourself taller, and then make meaningful changes in areas that you can control. except this is literally what I'm doing. I know that feeling inadequate due to my height is not a healthy or productive thought. Thinking about what is unchangeable will never be a productive thought because there is, by definition, nothing to be done about it. Therefore, they should be pushed to the back of my brain so that I can focus on what can be done. I don't see how that MO will lead to my life being, and continuing to be, shit. Thoughts about my height will always lead back to those toxic thoughts. Thus, in a perfect world I wouldn't think about height, period. I would think only about the shit I can change to make myself a better man given the exact card I have been dealt.
>You think you are a piece of shit, so you act like it. Other people see you act like a piece of shit, so they treat you like it. You use that treatment to justify your shitty self image and the cycle continues. The only person who can do anything about it is you. Take some fucking responsibility for yourself. This is one of the things that I'm working on specifically. Reading these threads are part of my imperfection, because it leads back to those unproductive thoughts that kill motivation and only lead to stagnation. So I don't know what you're arguing for, that I should continue thinking about my height, wallow in it and remind myself of it constantly so it can fuck me up? The alternative being moving on, realizing I have value, and working to better myself regardless of the memes or the scientific studies or whatever the fuck you want to bring up about how height matters.
Dominic Brown
I’m 5’4 140 lbs. be grateful lanklet
Lincoln Taylor
>Thus, in a perfect world I wouldn't think about height
Again, this right here is why your life will always be shit. You don't recognize and dismiss your shitty thoughts, you push them "to the back of your brain" and try to ignore them. Forcing yourself to ignore something is an exercise in failure and you are too pathetic to see it.
I'm a recovering heroin addict. If I just ignored my obsessive thoughts about using again, then I would eventually go out and use again. I'll never be able to make them go away, but I have been able to control how often they come up. I recognize my craving, recognize the consequences of use, then go out and do something else. I'm five years clean without existing in a fairy tale perfect world.
You are weak, pathetic piece of shit because you take no responsibility for your shit attitude and make no meaningful action to solve your problem. You bitch and moan about how tough things are for you, how other people force you to feel bad, and how you have no control over any aspect of it. Your problems are superficial and your weakness won't kill you. You are just a little baby bitch obsessing about a problem that only exists in your head. Seek help or shut the fuck up.
Dylan Walker
Dominic Murphy
>heroin addict calling me a weak pathetic piece of shit okay lmao I'm done It's literally a semantic difference in what we're doing. I recognize my shitty thoughts and, knowing that they are not conducive to any progress, I brush them off by pushing them to the back of my mind, because they'll always be there.
Don't you have smells, sights, or other triggers for your heroin craving? On completely different orders of magnitude, it's the same shit as when I see a billion manlet threads on here. It'd be nice if those weren't there, right? There's a big difference between blaming the world for your inadequacies and just wishing that there weren't a fuckton of pointless shitposts that make your life harder. It's like how recovering addicts end up moving/changing environments to separate themselves from their triggers.
The rest of your post is either projection or just putting words in my mouth. Please elaborate, with specifics, on how I: >take no responsibility for your shit attitude and make no meaningful action to solve your problem >bitch and moan about how tough things are for you >how you have no control over any aspect of it
Joseph Adams
> I brush them off by pushing them to the back of my mind, because they'll always be there.
You take no responsibility to manage you thoughts or attitude. You just try to ignore them without controlling your reaction.
> It'd be nice if those weren't there, right?
No, because if they were not there then that would mean that I'm using. Your problems exist regardless of your wishes. Take responsibility for your attitude.
>There's a big difference between blaming the world for your inadequacies and just wishing that there weren't a fuckton of pointless shitposts that make your life harder.
No, the difference between immaturity and willful ignorance is very small.
>It's like how recovering addicts end up moving/changing environments to separate themselves from their triggers.
Which you refuse to do. Again, you take no responsibility for your actions. this is an area that you can control, but refuse to.
I've taken responsibility for my problems and am managing my addiction. Because of that I have 5 years of sobriety. You are lashing out at someone who sees through your pathetic bullshit and is calling you out on it.
My addiction can kill me if I ignore it. Your problems won't. Grow a pair and deal with them like a man, not a baby.
Tyler Cox
>Choose to enter manlet thread >Get depressed at all the manlet posts
Dylan Cooper
>On completely different orders of magnitude, it's the same shit as when I see a billion manlet threads on here.
Manlet threads get you high? explain what good comes out of you lurking a manlet thread
Ayden Allen
When will they learn?
Ryan Sanchez
in b4 "I was only pretending to be retarded"
Luis Cook
Okay, I think I get what you're saying, somewhat. Don't try to control the environment, control the reaction. That's decent advice that I might try to implement.
is reading your strong point?
Ayden Young
>Height is a monogenic trait We are reaching broscience levels that shouldn't even be possible
Xavier Butler
You've internalized the insecurities of dickheads on the internet. Just work out and make peace with yourself