He wears basketball shorts to the gym

>he wears basketball shorts to the gym

Other urls found in this thread:


>he gflfus in the uuuhghhh

>that guy that skips leg crossing day

>sleeveless hoodie, with the hood UP

why does it even matter what you wear, as long as it's functional?

god damn this video was hard to watch. What is wrong the US police? Disgusting.

You'll get it one day my son and then look back on this day with a chortle.

Pic related

jesus fucking christ look at them 0's.

It was hard to watch, because it was like watching a snail cross an 8 lane highway. You know it will end badly for it, but then again, what the fuck is it doing.

Truth is, both people fucked up. So either none of them is to blame, or both of them are, but it would be really fucked up to blame the victim, so it's logical that the shooter is not guilty (which was the actual verdict). If you watch the video carefully, it's a tragedy that unfolds in front of your eyes. So many little things that could've gone another way, but still, small mistakes add up and culminate in the loss of a man's life.

However, the US police is not to blame, and they aren't disgusting. This situation was a very hard one, and the guy was both unable to comply AND communicate the fact that he's not able (i.e. he lied about being drunk).

What else am I supposed to wear

are they associated with new gym goers too much or something?...I mean, they're cheap and made for exercise, pretty much everyone has a pair.

Hi there! Welcome to Veeky Forums. I know our memes are a little different than on reddit, but you'll catch on real quick! I'd say you'll "Veeky Forums" in just fine! :)

I wear these, a tee, and maybe a sweatshirt


why that nigga have electrodes on? he in a hospital?

ive been going for a year and wear fucking pajamas sometimes. i go at like 3am when theres barely anyone there but fucit

The US populace is to blame. They are a bunch of boot licking cowards. Such as this

White US citizens are the niggers of the world.

The fuck are you talking about? The video shows some psychopath toying with his victim before he murdered him. How much of a bootlicker are you that you dont see that?

t. Pajeet

Lol he could have just handcuffed him in 10 seconds. Cops are the garbagemen of the world m.youtube.com/watch?t=82s&v=-cPKuoAwXp0

I should start doing this. Get me some Maximum Comfort™

Lol, all these lefties being butthurt.

Hint: If a guy with a gun says you don't grab the gun behind your back or he will shoot you and you DO grab the gun behind your back, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

>both people fucked up
I can't imagine being so much of an indoctrinated faggot as you

>both people fucked up
Nigger what the fuck are you on, did you watch the video? That cop should be dragged through the streets.

wearing basketball short to the gym is fine
or loose joggers
if you're wearing some tight joggers or short shorts or whatever fitness fashion shlomo has managed to sell to you, you are a literal faggot and I don't want to associate with you

HAHAHAHAH Wow...how fucking stupid are Americans? You honestly think that is how police should behave? 3rd world country. All talking about their 'freedom' yet they're the most incarcerated and most likely to get fucking shot up by the biggest gang in the world - U.S police.

v ö l k i s c h

you insecure losers should seriously kill yourselves



>he doesn't wear a chastity belt to the gym

> have a man at gun point
> have back up
> have him on the ground legs cross palms up
> have complete control of the situation
> Fuck handcuffs, tasers, asking my partner to detain the perpetrator, were doing it live
> See man flinch in an awkward position!!
> 5 shots, one to take him down, and one for every 2 inches he is taller than me

If this saibacuck just cuffed him while he was face down on the ground, yamcha would still be alive.


>and one for every 2 inches he is taller than me
Fucking hell m8

>some dude is holding a gun out a hotel window
>this is a few months after the vegas shooting
>person calls the police, man pointing a gun out of a hotel window
>police respond
>police find 3 people who come out of the room
>first two people follow directions and are held into custody so the police may safely get to the room in question and sweep it for any more possible people / weapons
>ask the guy if he can hear me, he says yes
>ask the guy if he's intoxicated, he says no
>ask the guy if he can follow my directions, he says yes
>tell him to cross his legs, put his arms out palms down and to get to his knees
>guy goes to his knees but puts both hands behind his back
>scream at him not to fucking put his hands back, tell him if he does it again cops will fire
>guy says ok please don't shoot me
>two seconds later the guy reaches one arm to his lower back
>gets shot
>millennials and liberals everywhere cry brutality

Most the people posting here are probably Europoors who would rather their officers be like those females in sweden who got beat down by one muslim guy because they were afraid to even taze him.
No one wins in this case, the police could have handled it differently, but the people just going "nah mang fuk da police fukin powerhungry fegots" are legit retarded.

>the US police is not to blame
Kill yourself

>this guys pounces on your gf and slaps her ass

what do?


Underrated post

The dude was obviously drunk as shit. No sane policeman would expect him to be able to perform complex acrobatics just to please a retarded manlet with a gun.

I'm from Israel and you are all fucknuts, a police state where even traffic police can kill you for not following arbitrary orders.

this "thinking" is why our country is beyond repair, you're so incredibly brainwashed and you don't even see it

Lol satanic trips from a jew! What a coincidence!

The police officer was a fucking mongloid retard in the way he handled that situation but to be fair daniel chose a strange time to scratch his ass. Really did look like he was drawing a weapon.

at least link to the fucking video