There's literally no reason in this day and age to not be vegan, you can't refute this

There's literally no reason in this day and age to not be vegan, you can't refute this.

Other urls found in this thread:

I want more calories

Oh nice. Glad we measure weight in calories.

Your right. But i also think hurting plants is cruel so i became photosynthetic a while ago. Pretty great hit a PR in bench yesterday .

Post pic with timestamp. Show us how great a vegan looks.

Call me when babies stop dying when fed by vegan mother's
Until then, it's a diet composed of compromises.

but theres no reason not to
checkmate athiests


100 calories of broccoli is like 3/4 of a fucking pound. Good luck eating all of that

>this shitty picture again

>he doesn't eat beef and brocolli at the same time.

you need to eat 22 times the weight of your steak in broccoli to get the same amount of proteins

Nowadays' fruits and veggies are picked before ripening, lacking taste and a shitload of minerals.
Plus pissing off proselytizing faggots such as you is fun. Fuck off manlet

>Weight/calorie ratio
>Incomplete aminoacid profile
>Required to consume supplements because vegan diet cannot provide all the required nutrients
>No reason

"per 100 calories"

a 100 calorie serving of broccoli is like 10x the size of a 100 calories serving of beef.

anyone who believes this shit needs to be culled.

>per 100 calories

Turned Vegetarian six months ago. Same gains. Feel good.

Vegans are retarded tho

>There's literally no reason in this day and age to not be vegan, you can't refute this.
Yes, I can.

>Look user! You can get all your protein by simply eating 15lbs of broccoli a day!

>you can't refute this.
yes i can. I don't want to be vegan you faggot. You can't do anything about it either.

Good luck eating 300 grams of brocoli to get only 11,1 grams of protein you dumb fuck.

Not a vegan but implying broccoli is the best way a vegan can get their protein intake is pretty retarded.

>eat 9 1/2 cups of broccoli
>"so why aren't you vegan, user?"

Bro it's so simple, you just have to eat to the point of discomfort to get all your proteins!


Broccoli has much fewer calories, so this comparison is dogshit.
Are you gonna eat like 4 pans of it just to get as much protein as there is in one steak?

You're retarded too. The only reason you're doing good is because you're eating eggs, cheese, and maybe milk (American milk is shit tho). How is this not enough to tell you that animal products are essential to humans? Inb4 muh feelings

/pol/-tier shitpost threads should not be the norm on Veeky Forums.

the picture flat out lies

per calories lmfao so disingenuous

And how much Brocolli would one need to eat in volume to meet their protein targets for lifting op?


yeah but i'd have to eat literally 4kg of broccoli to meet my protein needs

>you can't refute this.


not only are the numbers themselves inaccurate, but according to this you'd have to eat almost twice as much broccoli as beef to get the same protein.

> this thread again

damn i thought this shit died in 2014

>300g protein target
>1g protein/.5 cup
>150 cups of broccoli or 6.6kg
So bassically 5-6 bags of pic related, per day, vs 6-7 cups of chicken breast.

Speaking of which, my chicken is done.

b8 but I can't believe there are actually people who think 100 calories of one food is equal to 100 calories of another. 100 calories of steak is like half of a single slice, 100 calories of broccoli is a fucking truckload of broccoli. I'm pretty sure they also got the protein amounts reversed.

>not being photosympathetic

People read numbers and their brains shut off. All they see is that one number is bigger than the other.

No shit, Sherlock. That's why I'm an Ovo-lacto Vegetarian. Getting good meat would be too much of a hassle, so I switched. I'm not a PETA faggot

broccoli is not the main protein source, you fucking spastics

A cup of broccoli is about less than 5g protein. Also plants are living creatures. Nuff said.

you need to eat 2 stalks of broccoli to reach 100 calories, thats a lot compared to 1 beef burger patty which is 192 calories and 20 grams of protein. Also protein from veggies arent absorbed the same way and they have less nutrients

thats per 100 grams not 100 calories

Bro, you can get liver, heart, and brain for no more than $6/lb, these are extremely nutriotus foods. Organic chickens from farmers markets are only $6 each. Just saying.

>implying this is common
The parents were retards and should've taken the baby to the doctor. Also we don't know the health state of those parents; they may have been "hurr oreos and french fries are vegan" vegans.

And you're retarded for not being able to think that far. Congratulations, you're retarded.

Yeah, because you're going to eat only broccoli... okay. Also what the fuck are you doing eating 300g of protein? You only listen to retarded broscience? I bet you look like shit, too.

>flat out lies
Veganism in a nutshell.


Liver is total shit for you and brains are EXTREMELY bad for you. They're both mostly saturated fat and cholesterol.

Stop giving people advice and consider suicide.

Like I'm going to visit a farmers market. Good one.

It's not like I've started lifting yesterday. I've had 2.5-3 kg of meat every week for the last 4-5 years. That's absurd. My neighbor is a hunter. So, every time I get some deer or stuff like that, I eat that. It's nice, because it's just a few kilos a year now. And the shelf life of veggie stuff is incredible

It's cheaper to eat non-vegan
Meat tastes good.
There is nothing morally wrong with eating meat.
You cannot get key nutrients such as B-12 from plants alone, which are essential to living a healthy lifestyle.

City slicker detected

I prefer the california blend desu

Rural or suburban retard detected

Don’t you have a bathtub of broccoli you should be eating?

Saturated fat is necessary for production of hormones (read: testosterone) and dietary cholesterol has been consistently shown to have almost no bearing on your HDL/LDL ratio. The only two problems are that liver has too much vitamin A, and that you’re a gigantic faggot

I had a hearty 1min kek, bless you user

the "per 100calories" way of thinking is fucking retarded.

Let's say you're an 80kg heavy male. You'd want to aim for around 160g of protein per day.
Thats around 6 kilograms of Broccoli you'd have to eat daily.
Of course you wouldnt wanna go shopping every day. So lets say you buy enough broccoli to last you 2 days. You just left the the supermarket with 12 kilograms of broccoli. Thats how you spot an autist ...

and thats not even all. The bioavaliability of plan based protein is around half of that of meat. So you'd actually probably have to ead twice that amount to even get enough protein inside your body to hit those macro goals ...

>2 bites of steak is 100 calories

>the picture flat out lies
>posts picture supporting the OP's picture that 'lies'

13g of protein in 213 calories
13/2.13=6.10g of protein / 100 calories

11 grams of protein in a half pound of eating grass...sign me up.


>with none of the violence.

Man, society is becoming gayer and gayer


learn to read

I like tasty food

IL have both, no reason to go full vegan.

Protein per 100kcal does not make any sense
Beef: 26g Protein/100g
Broccoli: 2.8g protein/100g

So you had to eat roughly ten times the amount to be equal with meat

I'll take this retarded bait:
>bioavailability of protein
Meat doesn't have stiff cellular walls that have to be broken down for the body to absorb what's inside, meaning we get more macros and micros from meat than plants
>complete protein sources
Plant sources of protein are incomplete sources due to missing different amino acids to form protein. This means that you need to mix multiple sources of plant protein (or pay for supplements to fill the gaps) to get enough protein into your diet (assuming you eat more than enough since you won't get every gram of protein)
>meal size
Meat is more calorically dense. Chicken breast (one of the best protein sources) is 100 calories for 100 grams and gives you 30 grams of protein.

Broccoli (shown in the misleading picture that used beef instead of chicken) gives you 11.1g of protein for 100 calories (already inferior in terms of density) and requires you to eat ~293.5g of broccoli. That's about ~3 cups of broccoli per 11.1g of protein. So ~9 cups of broccoli to beat 100g of chicken in terms of protein.
Due to the lack of animal based micronutrients I'd be forced to supplement key micronutrients, which means it costs more to eat vegan, and it's less sustainable for lower income people.
Supplementation can hurt the liver since the body has to process the pills (reminder: tablet style pills don't fully break down in your digestive system either, so more lost nutrients) through the liver to introduce them into the blood stream. This can negatively impact health.
I don't want to look like a vegan squat goblin (pic related).

Post proof with a picture of the bad dragon didldo (and a spoon) we all know you have user or fuck off about your claimed gains.

That's a really good post.

How would you rate ovo-lacto vegetarism?

Never heard of it, but I'm guessing it's vegetarianism that allows milk and egg products?

It's less stupid than veganism, but you're still going to have some issues with micros and getting enough complete protein (though access to whey helps).

Still better than fucking food calculus a vegan lifter has to do to get their complete proteins together every meal though.

What the fuck are you talking about? I read that sentence a couple times and I'm still without a clue. Dude, I know some 1% bikers that are vegetarian and 10x more alpha than you faggots

This is /ft/, not the Hell's Angels. The vegans here are omega fucks who like to warm their dildos with their asses. Let's not even pretend otherwise.

>food calculus a vegan lifter has to do to get their complete proteins together every meal though

It's really not that hard, any bean + any grain = a complete protein. The only real problem with vegan lifting is that soy is in fucking everything and probably the worst source of protein of all time.

Yes, it is. As I mentioned above, I started it 6 months ago and had my test checked last month. It's still about the same. Maybe I switch back. I wanted to at least try it. The meals are okay. It's not the worst

Quit posting tired-out memes from Last Thursday, faggot. NOBODY on Veeky Forums is vegan, and NOBODY is stupid enough to fall for this shit.
>GB2 /b/

Right, but again, bioavailability of micros from plants is shit compared to animal sources.

Cooking helps, but then you lose micros leading to a greater need to supplement.

Basically the whole thing makes the process harder than it should be.

Humans run best on a blend of food to include meats. Can we run without them? Sure. But I'm not going to expect anyone to win any competitions as a natty while vegan.

>Post pic with timestamp. Show us how great a vegan looks.

I don't know how autistic the people are on here, I can only imagine

I agree aside from
>micros from plants is shit compared to animal sources.
Whether or not the bioavailability is true, the vast majority of vegetables far outweigh meat in terms of micro content. Also I wouldn't expect anyone natty, vegan or not, to win any competitions and even less so without any form of supplementation.

this desu they go so well together

Maybe you should try to convice us. the burden of proof is on the person making a positive claim. therefore, just prove that "vegan is da best." according my my standards for morality and complex definitions. good luck!

Plants require more work for the body to break down and release micros from them. This is why they have such a high fiber content.

Animal cells lack a thick and stiff cell wall. The one animal cells have is thin and more easily broken down, which means even if the micros in plants are higher per gram, their actual availability could be quite a bit lower.

There are natty pro-bodybuilders who compete in a rather heavily monitored federation, but I doubt vegans would claim the top prize on any of that.

>not eating ginger and beef together
clearly you're a beta fag.

this alpha beta labeling on this fucking site is so out of hand

Pro-tip: The anons calling others 'betas' are the actual betas.

You know what's not out of hand?

My dick when I watch trap porn for a test boost.

I've guessed that much by now. It's beyond pathetic

>he doesn't eat 10lbs of broccoli to get half his protein for the day

Enjoy power shitting from your fiber overdose.

>Yeah, because you're going to eat only broccoli..
So what else do non-meat eaters have?
What is the BEST vegan protein per mass?

The picture shows a high quality piece of beef vs broccoli.
What it doesn't show is the lies from "Albany Times-Union".

Using USDA National Nutrient Database

Product Beef Broccoli
kcal 135 34
Protein 22.16 2.82
Total fat 5.10 0.37
Carbs 0.00 6.64

100 kcal 16,4 8,3

To eat 150 grams protein you need 0.677 kg (19.2 ounce) beef or 5.319 kg (187.6 ounce) broccoli.

But that's not the whole truth. Plant protein has low bio-availability, so basically you have to eat a lot more to compensate. Too bad we ain't herbivores or it wouldn't be a problem.

As luck has it we can let specialized herbivores eat plants and then we eat them. They will refine anything from unhealthy GMO soy to fresh grass and turn it into meat.
Sure it's healthier if cattle only eat grass and no soy but better them than me. I wan't my body to last me a hundred years after all.

There are other guys on the Internet who debunked this vegan propaganda. Check here for another PoV.

Wew lads, nice to see this place isn't so full of vegan soyboys. Now it's time to take the final meat pill and realize that you should be eating your meat raw and that you really don't need to eat any plants or carbs at all.

No, you need carbs for glycogen so your muscles don't end up flat and lacking definition.