Core doms

>core doms

mixed with the persistent fear of "what if this is a hernia"

So I'm not the only one that does this. good

>anus doms

what in the fuck are doms

delayed on-set muscle soreness or whatever

Hahahah I laugh at ablets, I do p90x ab ripper twice in a day. Never sore.

Dominant oblique muscle syndrome

I have this compulsion to check my stomach every minute because of this Jesus Christ

you niggas havent lived until you got lats adductor or neck cramps

do oats mean strength

I fucking hate you ruining that



>fem doms

> glute DOMS

>he thinks it was a successful leg day if he can walk the next day

>Calf doms

>wake up
>stretch arms out and toes down
>calf locks up
>holding it is painful releasing it is more so

Enjoy having a big ass waist.

>go overboard during a workout session with a bro because hype
>super heavy calf raises for high reps at all three angles
>previously untrained
>next day
>literally cannot flex calves at all
>feels like mush
>no fine motor control of my feet
>job requires I essentially walk all day outside on uneven terrain
It was a rough few days.

>go overboard during a workout session
How does this happen? Do you just think to yourself
>what's the worst that could happen if I just added two sets out of no where?
I only ask because it seems to be a common problem and I'm in the dark about the rationale behind it.

Basically, at the time I didn't have access to a quality gym. I was over at a friend's place who had a really nice gym at his apartment complex (he also had a Gold's membership and a squat rack and bench in his apartment). I mentioned I wanted to get into lifting, and we decided to workout. So, I didn't really have a routine I was following, just working out with him. He let me try some of his pre-workout, we had the gym to ourselves and had music blasting, and I was just really pumped. I felt like training calves, and knew the best way to train them was with multiple angles, so I just grabbed what seemed like appropriately heavy dumbbells and went for it. I didn't feel a burn at 10 reps, so I mentally decided to go for 20, and by the 20th rep they were screaming.

It was actually a really great workout, I just had serious DOMs.

>working out a ton
>lower abdominals always felly DOMSy
>poking around with fingers doesn't help
>stopped doing ab work for now (4 days or so)
>still get some discomfort in lower abdomen doing deads, squats...

hopefuly it's just strain, but being hernia paranoid everyday is taking it's toll

used the ab-wheel for the first time 2 days ago

life is pain

>having leg day to begin with

nigga i squatted 3 times last 5 days
and deadlifted 5 times last 5 days (different variations)

if you dont have at least 1 heavy compound that involves legs or posterior chain a day then your routine is objectively garbage

Eh. I do legs twice a week. I do bent over rows and stiff legged deadlifts two other days a week on back day.

When I'm having a bad workout I'll do some deadlifts to motivate myself.

>deadlift doms