All the bruhs in my country use the bench press as THE measurement of their lifts. Why is that? Is the same thing happening everywhere?
All the bruhs in my country use the bench press as THE measurement of their lifts. Why is that...
2pl8s minimum lad
easy, just work up to doing sheiko cms 4 day bench and outbench everybody
1. nobody outside of the internet and people who get lifting advice from the internet cares about lower body strength
2. bench press is most popular and everyone does it, so it has the largest talentpool (you are most likely to capture genetic outliers by looking at bench #s)
Don't fight it
Just become autistically good at benching
Literally this or nuckols 3 day int/adv
If you don't bench 3-4x a week don't cry about a shit bench.
1 year lifts
started 61kg bw, 180cm
was lifting 22kg then x 12
right now 76-78 kg , 181 cm
my max lifts are 75kg x4
i ve been "dieting" - bulking and just measuring proteins and taking extra calories since like July.
Are these good progress numbers?
I do
>Monday: Flat bench
>Wednesday: Incline bench
>Friday: Flat bench + CG bench
Is that enough? Combined with some chest flys and dumbell bench too.
Fuck this gay shit. Clean and press remains the best test of total strength.
Nobody gives a fuck about bench pressing when we're talking about lifting the bar over your fucking head as if to command God himself to take it from you.
Tfw hit 2pl8 after 4 months. Barely moved in the last few weeks though, gets me frustrated. Maybe a deload week?
How long until I hit 3pl8? Looking to set a national record.
Must suck not being perfectly short (166cm) like me. I got that bench after 2 months
what country has 3pl8 as the national record?
>crossfit shit is the best test of total strength
I don't think so, bucko
>this niche movement done by
Nah, whatever you can press you should be able to clean easily. My current best power clean is 90kg while my best press is 70kg.
The Principality of Sealand
>most popular and everyone does it
Basically this.
Yeah that seems good to me, I'd check out nuckols 28 free programs his bench programs are in there.
Pretty similar to what you're doing but periodized so you'll be training smarter and more efficiently.
he would be national record holder already in india
You'd be surprised about how low the records are in countries where people don't give a fuck about powerlifting. The once marked are all the bench Junior and Open records below or around 3pl8.
idk even short guys in Greece don reach it.
everyone uses split here so u dont have time to work out chest more than once (on occassions twice) per week.
Is this what roid-free lifting looks like?
Because it's easy and any retard can do it.
Most people that train will be retards, hence the obsession with the bench.
benchlet cope
>thinks benching is impressive
you can squat or deadlift all the plates but nobody cares about that shit, bench is the quarterback and prom king of lifts
>think I care what brainlets think
I've benched 140kg before (more than you) before dropping that shit anyway.
Only lifts that matter are the clean and jerk and the snatch.