Guides like pic related are full of bs. Can I get some real tips?

So far I have squats, hip abductions and maybe some leg press?

Diet is a given, cardio too for fat redistribution towards hips

Bonus question
>you see a thicc trans girl doing squats in your gym. would you hit on her?


There's this other thread in the catalogue where OP made an ass routine for a girl. That might work.

Pic related.

Oh! interesting! thank you!!!

>overhead press
>tricep extension


What is the obsession of these guides about training arms,back and shoulders when we need to shed as much muscle off them as possible?


What so bad about training those? I want to look like pic related.

You want to avoid training arms and especially shoulders/back because it will make your figure masculine very quickly.

basically this, you have to play a lot with your frame, and, since you can't change bones, you're left to play with fat and muscle, so you want as little of these un shoulders, back and core as possible, while having as much of these in butt and tights as possible.

That's why many trans girls go for the thicc look, while others go for the "skinny with big implants" look.

> this is what I look like with a shit load of hair

Core is alright to train, you obviously don't want shredded abs or a straight torso but there's a lot to train for that region (plus having a strong core just feels good to have).

I'll be there in half a year. Too bad I don't have the face of a prepubescent boy.

if you wanna be a qt tranny you need naturally insanely low test

i have a friend who is a very femenine guy, he looks lik a girl (no joke) but he has hormonal problems since a kid, his body doesnt produce the testosterone needed, althought he claims to not be gay, hes very femenine overall

and no i dont wanna fuck him

Me neither but I’m also trying to be swole as FUCK

>if you wanna be a qt tranny you need naturally insanely low test
Literally the only choice is hrt.

Ah well I actually have a kinda similar body to Arslan (the prince boy). What are you doing itt then?

strong core = wide waist

Sorry but no, we want to look hourglass shaped...

Why not? best girls are boys :P

of course, but you can be one of those freaks outlier who have low test and 0 masculine feature, but thats weird

anyways i wonder how much of a sick you need to be in order to want fuck a trany

OP from other thread here, I wrote it for a girl, as a guy who wants to be a girl you already have wider shoulders and a stronger upper body, of course you can just leave those exercises out.

I want to fuck traps but I look like a trap so when I become 200Ibs of muscle I can fuck traps.

>strong core = wide waist
Nah not necessarily, my waist got actually a little slimmer because I lost a few kg. You should def ignore shoulders etc. but core is trainable (plus hourglass is vastly dependant on genetics and fat distribution anyway).

im not homofobic or whatever, but i feel like people who like fucking trannies and dont consider gays themselves are just sick

if i wanted to fuck my friend i would be just gay, and im not

Sorry but are you stupid? The vast majority of traps (assuming you don't mean trannies) prefer other cute twinks and traps.

Femboy isn't my goal, more like bishonen or something. I still want to have a guy's body so I'm not on hrt, making becoming a trap impossible for me. Still, I'm going easy on those muscles, I don't want them too big. Problem is I love pull ups.
Got enough hair for that look. Face is going to be a problem though. I've been mistaken for a girl several times, but it's probably because of the hair.

Is there any place on Veeky Forums that is free of this faggot shit? I've already had to leave 2 boards because the trap faggotry.

Veeky Forums is one of the gayest boards.

The routine in your picture would make you a skinny legged fag, not feminine at all. You'd end up looking like that guy who posts on /b/ all the time "I'm a gay guy that likes to wear woman's shorts!"

This is actually a good exercise for anyone.

That's a picture. A drawing. You can't look like that. The forms in that picture are not physically possible.

if you think browsing a board plenty of semi naked man where everybody is saying "no homo" constantly isn't gay...

You're just witnessing dying society.

KYS fucking degenerates

>Eat more semen

God I just want to slam Arslan so hard FUCK

So tired of hearing that. Society is fucked up right now, but it's not dying. There will either be a war or natural disaster which resets the priorities or it will just get weirder and weirder, but it won't ever stop.

Shut your mouth, the Greeks fucked guys as well but it wasn’t homo cause there was no gay or straight back then

You dipshit, the war will happen PRECISELY because it's dying


no one cares bro, just keep yer fetish in the bedroom.
That's all, you all are very broken humans and nature has chosen to end your bloodline.
We all have kink, we all have fetishes. But good and strong men and women keep in the bedroom, get up in the morning, put their big boy pants on and go join society for how ever many hours they have too till they can return to the their home where they can be and do whatever they want.

It's all a societal agreement to keep the machine moving forward.
We have real problems in the world, we have real hunger, real violence, the real threat of technology leaving a big portion of humanity with out work.

These are real problem my broken son.

Not you and your soy boy faggot friends fetish

This You can do whatever you want as long as you're not hurting others, and as long as it's at your own expense. Don't expect the taxpayer who disagrees with your lifestyle to pay for yours. I'm pretty sure if you were against guns, you wouldn't want to pay for another man's gun either.

God, fuck off faggots. Just because some fucking old wrinkly greek and roman dudes thought it was ok doesn't fuckin make it ok now.

Meh. Pretty doable. Just angles and shit. Butt load of makeup too. He's even more buff than I am.

>women's erotica
What did he mean by this?


Fat cycling, bulk and cut, it really works.

Start as you would start if you wanted to get muscular and built: first of all, get lean. Then ,when you're lean, hit the weights. Never deadlifts, leg presses let you control better which muscles are you using to lift, hence you can focus more on buttocks or quadriceps, depending on what you need.

In the end, it's pretty much like what Veeky Forums men do, just focused in the lower chain.

where do i find a qt femboi friend


Don't know if I'm a cutie, or a femboi for that matter, but I'll be your friend user.