Who do you lift for ?

Who do you lift for ?

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Only who’s, not me.

myself, so i can have confidence and keep having sex with hot 19 year olds

The man in the glass. I'm afraid of what he will think of me if I stop.

My dad. He came to the US and worked his ass off to make sure his kids would live a good life. He passed away recently a little too soon. I'm being the best man I can be in all aspects of life for him.


This. You're a real man. Bon choix mon ami.

ça va faire un vide dans le paysage français.


How do people lift for jews?

This is Jewish genetics? How can one be so skinny, yet so busty?

For him

Because they have tits.

Askhenazi phenotype

If the nazis succeed then we wouldn’t have these qts in the world. Nazisim BTFO

For Myself.

She looks so jewey

>mfw my mom was going to introduce me to this Jewish girl back in highschool but i sperged out of it

Autismo LEGO building Australian streamer GF with heart condition

Her optic is falling off?
I lift in order to be able to beat up people that might fuck with me

Yeah, it’s busted airshit. I love her body and aesthetic. Need STICC gf who likes Sam Hyde

For the day she's coming back. (She won't come back)

Dafuq is wrong with her back?
did she sell a kidney?

She's not fat, not short and not a fridge.
This is how women look, user.

different girl

Women and social status

Keep climbing lads

It's a skinny jew with giant tits.
How the fuck is what you said even relevant?

>the scope

no its not.
pretty sure that groof is to the side of her spine and the discolouration suggests scaring?

got it from the same imgur collection

>never ever

My People.

And? Yeah she does look Semetic. I've seen worse, though, and at least she has those giant tits and a not bad face. Yeah, the nose is beak-like but whatever. Again, there's a lot worse. Plus that chick is at least a little dirty. Which is good as vanilla becomes boring.

I want to GOY her


For blondes

>yeah she doesnt look good but im a virgin and cant get any better
Sucks to be you

It’s how her webcams shitty quality and filtering renders it you returds

I do it for my pet cockatiel

I don't want to hate myself for being lazy, so that's mainly it. But I also want to be mired by friends and family for how much work I put in and how good I look. Also if I even have kids I want them to get in to fitness early and have a good father figure, unlike my dad who was in prison and I didn't meet until I was about 10. He's about 300 lbs at 5'10" and my mom's 190 at about 5'8". My mom's great though and feels like about the only person who cares about me sometimes. I've gotten her to start losing weight, trying to get her to quit smoking too.


Based user, hes the one to please never mind all the rest

Not that weird cunt, that's for sure

>shit trigger discipline
>rifle falling apart
>text on shirt but the image is mirrored

this must be a trap

The handsome guy I see in every reflection and mirror

I too lift for the Jews.

No but I think she’s a dyke

for my future asian girlfriend

Another French existential crisis on a mountain of French existential crises

How does a brainlet meathead like me get a wholesome smart asian gf?
I'm really only useful for picking up stuff and putting it back down though I make decent money doing it. I'm a smartlet though. No brain genetics and my brain gains never stick

Ben Shapiro's sister looks like THAT?

Move to Vancouver. Most Asian girls hate Asian men and want that prime white deck.

The nebulous concept of my attractiveness and the hopes that a woman may eventually find me attractive.

>move anywhere in canada
Is there another way?




For my future asian bf.

>a cute girl will never look at you like dat

Having the same answer for about 4 years.
For the guy who s gonna throw his clothes away on the beach and he will not be feeling shame, like when he was a 14 year old fat f*ck and all his classmates were mirin his skinnyfriends.
I am weak friends. I am not as strong as those whou do not care about their personal appearance.

for undebateable best girl

Well it's airshit so...

Miriam leone i think

my god, she's gorgeous

my heart aches

delet this please my friend

i dont lift,just some pull ups and some other shit from time to time but i dont take it seriously. Still look and feel great

Your idol was a mophine addicted failure who killed himself rather than face consequences for his actions.
Here's your (you) :^ )

I lift for the humungus and to one day become like him.

myself, to get strong

This is my favorite meme from Veeky Forums



Asian girls don't even like muscles on guys. You should look like those faggy little kpop-guys, like this





all that surgery and injections yet has black teeth...

For the smart, cute runner girl who is no way a figment of my imagination.

I'm gonna find her. Please.

>Lift to ensure I'm strong and athletic enough to do everything I possibly can to keep my partner safe in the field


to keep my waifu safe

I miss her.

1. Myself
2. My wife

to show everybody i'm not the fatass I used to be

also so I can find a wife so I can have kids, hopefully multiple sons

for Nicki

humungus what?


We're from?


With Jews, we others will cease to exist due to their actions, so you won't be having any QTs because you'll be gone.



Why alter a quote? Hitler never once in his life said "white race". He said German race.
No such thing as the white race you Amerigoblin, there are many different white races.

He never took drugs once in his life, and he didn't kill himself. You probably believe everything the Jews tell you. Bet you think he only had one ball too.

Me too user, me too...


I'm just staying in shape to impress the mortician whenever I die. I mean they are going to be the last stranger to ever lay eyes on me before I disappear forever so I don't want to embarrass myself you know

>tfw when my Mom tried to get me to me the daughter of one of her colleagues.
Be straight with me Veeky Forums, is pathetic or beta when ur mom is trying to hook u up?

Miss him so much

*me to meet*