How hard can you cut and still keep gains? I've been permabulking for years now...

How hard can you cut and still keep gains? I've been permabulking for years now, and I've been cutting for the last few months, even made gains in that time. Nevertheless, it's so slow to lose weight!

I just want to do a drastic cut for a month or two (need to lose circa 10kg to be at 12% bf) and get on with my life. So I'd like to know what the advisable limits are, as I already cut at around 20% deficit.

What fucked me up was meeting a guy at uni who convinced me on the horseshit of IIFYM and bulking on an insane surplus whilst not caring about the number on the scale. Fortunately I only listened to his bullshit for a short time, but the damage was done. I'm currently around 18% bf atm, weighing about 105kg at 194cm, with a LBM of 86kg

pic related, was taken a week ago

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I'm sorry but you have to pay for your past. Like we all had to one time.

Those "gains" you will not loose unless you stop eating. I would cut to 12% while lifting, and then build muscle on maintenance or bulk. 1 kg a week you can do, need the willpower though.

You need to keep bulking brah you literally have no mass

>i've been permabulking for years now

i'm not being funny bro but you barely even look like you lift right now. How long have you been lifting and what kind of routine are you on?

>I've been permabulking for years now
you clearly didnt bulk hard enough

I assume it has to do with the layer of fat, my height and the fact that I'm not flexing there. But my FFMI is 21.8, so unless I'm a weird statistical anomaly there is definitely muscle underneath it all - especially as I rarely see people outlift me at the gym.

Admittedly my lifts are nothing special for Veeky Forums standards though.

My understanding is that when you eat at a deficit you will lose mustle mass regardless. You can keep it to less than 1 pound of muscle loss for every 9 pounds of fat aslong as you’re lifting / eating plenty of protons.

I mean, if you look at this chart I'd put myself at F5/F6, plus I have a barrel chest so I'm never gonna look thin (I used to be at 14% and looked lanky but never even remotely close to Auschwitz mode).

Fair enough, but what's the limit on the deficit? As in where do I get diminishing returns per calorie not ingested?

you can cut pretty fucking hard actually, muscle loss on a cut is vastly vastly overstated

i cut for months at a 1000 calorie deficit and maintained everything but my squat, and i've been lifting for 6 years

nah, most of these LBM losses (as measured by dexa) are just glycogen etc

and if you do lose actual LBM somehow while training hard with appropriate volume and high protein, you'll get it back very fast after the cut thanks to myonuclear domain

You've peaked my interest to try a 2000 calorie per day diet.

Are refeeds nessisary on a 1k cal diet?

Do you have any other pics? You honestly look closer to f2 than f5

Nope, sorry.

My lifts are all slightly below 1/2/3 though (don't do deadlifts as I keep screwing up my back).

single day refeeds are overrated, they barely do anything from a physiological standpoint (and mentally they can either be good or awful for you depending on your personality)

however, it's a great idea to take two weeks (no less than this) at maintenance every 8-12 weeks of cutting, as this will undo some of the hormonal downregulation and elevated cortisol shit that happens on a prolonged deficit

lyle is a fat loss god btw everything by him is solid gold, also check out eric helms and mike israetel

As in I'll reach 1/2/3 in the next handful of months is what I meant to say. Squats I already have, I just want to perfect form before moving on to more flashy weights.

Normally start a cut at 1600 Cals and progress to 1200 cals twords the end.

Refeeds break my mental

What about cardio on a deficit, is it really that hindering to keeping LBM.

For example is it better to eat 1k cal a day with no cardio, or better to eat 1400 cal a day with running off 400 cals?

Also meant to say 1/2/3 for reps, not just 1rm.

Would you not want cardio plus the deficit?

What i mean is, will doing cardio cause me to lose more mustle than not doing cardio while on a cut. Considering I’m eating protons and lifting as well.

only if the cardio is hard enough to cut into your recovery resources so you can't do as much volume in the weight room

you can either create a deficit through cardio only (inefficient), diet, or some combination of the two, i would start off not adding in cardio and then slowly add some in as your metabolism downregulates over time but hopefully your cut will be over quick

your strength doesn't matter, you don't have much muscle mass and are underestimating the amount of bodyfat you carry with your retarded FFMI estimate. Your arms are shapeless noodles, and you're indeed F2 on the chart you posted kek

I use calipers and take several measurements, been doing so for months. They're accurate.

what in the fuck...that took you "years"

i had more mass then that 6 months in with not nearly as much fat.

Who the fuck cares bro.

For me it worked best to get down to 6% then clean bulk for a year
150 1/2lb --> 185lb

...also what the hell are you talking about in that strength doesn't correlate with muscle size?

I'm 6'4 (194cm) mass doesn't show nearly as well on a larger frame, especially if you have a barrel chest...