How accurate is this bench bros?

How accurate is this bench bros?

That's what happened when I had a motorcycle.

Better get used to taking dick.

It depends on how much of a beta you are. If you know how to capitalize those gains, you will get more girls

it's true. everything above golden ratio and an athletic body (let's say a gymnast's) is a waste of time and money.

the body the majority of women find attractive is a dyel body for "us"

>benching with an EZ-bar

If lifting doesn't get women, then what the fuck does?

being charismatic, well-groomed and not ugly af. everybody can be a 7 with some effort

Getting friends is a middle step to getting girls.

>the body the majority of women find attractive is a dyel body for "us"
wow the levels of cope you fucking dyel faggot

>everybody can be a 7 with some effort
please be true
I'm a newfag and I'm just trying to better myself in general after a recent rejection. Praying for those social gains.

>acting like peer acceptance is a bad thing

i've been doing muay thai for 15 years and hitting the gym for 7. i'm past dyel nigga. but i moved on to staying "just" athletic, because i had foot surgery and there's no way in hell i fight with that foot again

the majority on here is, besides gym topics, fucking retarded. not ready for society. that's a major issue when you're dealing with anything but thots. eventually you'll grow out of that phase and get your head straight. i'm probably older than you, faggot

t. dyel

>I used to lift

All the time.Turns out everyone used to be super strong and fit before they got hurt and became fat slobs. Truly amazing.

Autism, the post.

In my experience it goes abs, arms and shoulders, legs, chest, back. Chest has very little
aesthetic and practical value. Girls don't give a shit about it and it's a none factor it in most sports.

t. chestlet

Personally I've experienced both, and for some reason when I started in high school at 15 most guys I knew would always talk about how strong I was even just 1 month in cause the normies are dumb and the single women would too.

Now the people I regularly talk to are used to it but new women may hit on me and men may try to have a convo about their gym experience

My experience has been arms abs chest shoulders forearms and glutes.
The thing that I never found girls give a fuck about is vascualrity some found turn off when I was sub 13% bfat

Yeah I don't know many girls who like vascularity. Tbh I used to think it looked freaky but as I started lifting more one of my favorite signs of progress was seeing veins start to pop out where I had never seen them before. Maybe you just have to live the life to really appreciate it.

Golden ratio?


waist (a)
shoulder (a*1.618)

the golden ratio is found virtually everywhere in the world

still true. stay mad. had sparring with a sargeant of the local bandidos