Is the Grinch fit?

Is the Grinch fit?

>lateral raised an 70 pound girl with one arm
>ohp 1000 pounds of christmas decorations and gifts
>stopped the function of a 10 foot mechanical machine with his hands
>able to hold himself and his dog up in the corner wall of a room
>easily traverses mountain terrain


Oh my fuck I'm crying
Grinch truly is the Veeky Forums forefather of our times

Based grinch

He's only mad because normie gains goblins keep interrupting his cocoon mode

he went lenny mode, hiberates indoors with the lights off

He loves Christmas but hates people
Because people are awful

Fukin kek



he was trying to tell us all along

best thread of the night right here boys

I think I'm gonna watch it again tonight and do a set of push-ups every time somebody says "Who."

do it

I like this thread

Tfw this guy is the virgin big four


Truly amazing.

someone made this thread to post this

think about that

>tfw the Grinch is Veeky Forums in every single way


this. good job, op

you gotta be fucking kidding me...

I love it

I-Is fit on fire today?

>Veeky Forums unironically looks up to fucking Grinch

What the fuck op.I just got done watching this a second ago and got onto /fit so I could make this same exact thread. Way to cuck me.


i refuse to believe this wasn’t intentional

1000 keks


Can't make this shit up.


Now I believe

Put me in the screencap

Oh shit


Holy shit he IS Veeky Forums

Please do not include me in the screencap.



>bullied in school
>cocoon mode
>strong as fuck
>no friends
>eats onions
New king of Veeky Forums confirmed

He even ends up cucking the mayor at the end.


You're a mean one, Mr grinch


I hate this place why do I keep coming back

>eats raw onions
>functional strength
>hates christmas because of NYRfags


You're a mean one Mr Grinch

Kys, fag

I caught thst last night while watching it. Almost lost my sides.

You're a mean one Mr. Grinch.

I knew it

At least they did it in an inventive manner. Nice subversion of expectations

if the grinch isn't your goal body, what are you even doing with your life?

You're a mean one mister grinch

You're a mean one Mr Grinch

>no cookie cutters!

You're a mean one Mr Grinch

Making people laugh is a great feeling.

I can't fucking believe it

You're a mean one Mr Grinch

Youre a mean one mr grinch

You're a mean one, Mr Grinch



You're a mean one Mr Grinch

You're a mean one Mr Grinch

You're a mean one mister grinch

You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.

You're a mean one Mr. Grinch

You're a mean one Mr Grinch

you're a mean one, mr grinch


You're a mean one, Mr grinch

youre a mean one mr grinch

You're a mean one Mr Grinch



You're a mean one Mr. Grinch

youre a mean one mr grinch

You're a mean one Mr Grinch

Like that time he had a ski mask on.

You're a mean one, Mr grinch

You're a mean one, Mr grinch

im dead
You're a mean one Mr Grinch


You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.


So not only is he the original /robot/
>hated the normal who's
>lived in his cave
>no friends
But He's also the original Veeky Forumsposter
He'll He's even a /b/tard since he raided whoville for Christmas
The Grinch is truly /ourguy/

You're a mean one Mr Grinch

You're a mean one Mr Grinch

You're a mean one Mr. Grinch

You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch

You're a mean one, Mr. grinch

His body shape is exactly the typical result of GOMAD too

You're a mean one Mr Grinch

You're a mean one, Mr.Grinch.

You're a mean one Mr Grinch
