Now that the dust has settled
>did he win?
Well /fit?
Eric is winning at life.
>op here
That goes without saying and besides Eric doesn't want any drama bullshit. What were talking about here is that fat fuck blaha.
Blaha is irrelevant. His reputation and credibility has been completely destroyed. Blaha has never been respected and will never be. His "views" and subscribers are either bots or trolls.
I've been out of the fitness shit show bullshit for a while, what dust is settled?
Ah I see. Alex had already won before the battle had even started. Truly next level, but it is to be expected from him.
>over-compensating,more than likely homosexual manlet
>ever winning
This exactly.
Don't know how anybody ever thought blaha could win
I think he looks really nice. Not in aesthetics, but as in he seems like a nice guy to hang out with.
I also like how pale his skin is.
Strapon Destiny got BTFO by Jason fucking Bloho he lost hard at life.
I hate this fucking beta retard manlet.
Keep the threads coming, tho.
No, he lost, but it wasn't because of Blaha really. Eric just made a rational argument that convinced me that after a certain strength level rack pull above the knee are just impractical.
This guy looks like hes five feet tall tops...and whats up with that unibrow? It actually has more hair in it that that shitty beard..
Who is he?
is this real?
why is it so easy to determine if someone's natty or not just by looking at delts?
>whats up with that unibrow
Do you know what a unibrow is?
He's standing up for the little guys!! Pun intended!! I'd let him fuck my waifu for defending my honor
But that doesn't make them a bad exercise. That just means they're not appropriate for all levels of advancement.
SS, SL, and GSLP don't work for advanced lifters but they aren't bad programs. They work great for beginners.
Same thing with rack pulls above the knee. Past a certain point they become impractical but they work great for intermediate lifters.
Veeky Forums incarnate
Alex block pulled 585 lbs + chains double overhand without straps or a hookgrip.
So much for Blaha calling him strapondestiny. Alex's grip strength is ridiculous.
It isn't. you agree with Eric then? That's exactly what he was saying.
>cooly sipping my jizz cup
definitely is...3D delt syndrome.
I've read that article and think it's BS. Sure if a guy has huge cannon ball delts he's probably on drugs but some guys act like anyone who has decent shoulder development has to be on drugs. Genetics plays a huge role. There are naturals with capped delts and drug users without.
My point is that Eric didn't "beat" Alex by saying that. Alex's advice still works for intermediates.
Hell, Alex doesn't even do rack pulls above the knee that much anymore. He mostly does pulls from below the knee.
It only took a year of shilling on Veeky Forums for his youtube channel to take off.
blaha loses to everyone apart from Colin Cassidy
Mabye even jeff seid and other aesthetics fags, dude to the fact that they can't get to his level.
nah, he comes off as being too sensitive and try hard while blaha is just eating cheetos and lmaoing
Idrc about the 'contest' or whatever you want to call it, and I never really even saw it as Eric vs. Alex but Alex can't defend his position against the points Eric is making. And Alex does dickride that movement way too much and never admits the downside(s), he needs to just admit that there are drawbacks to them.
Alex openly admits that rack pulls aren't a perfect exercise.
The idea that Alex just blindly promotes rack pulls above the knee as a miracle exercise is more reputation than fact. He doesn't even do them that much and he acknowledges that you can get big without doing them.
When did I say anything about a contest? My point was the exact opposite. There isn't a contest. Both Alex and Eric give good advice and Eric hasn't discredited Alex in any way.
The people saying he has are misunderstanding Alex's views.
We're saying the same thing lol, I didn't say you think it's a contest I'm saying that so you don't think that's my position.
There's a difference between 3D roider delts and strong shoulders. Alex's shoulder muscles look very flat - highly fucking doubt he's juicing.
>have good body
>someone how this means you have a good life or are a good person
What are you talking about
okay, my bad
It's not, like at all. Look at that muscle metrix guy, no delts at all and he blasts test and tren, then look at this guy that literally has never stepped foot in a gym, how would he look if he lifted?
Stop shilling your website, fag.
yo post naturally enhanced overhaul
Every time beta destiny makes a point he’s like “I agree with you Eric, because I respect you and I am not the type of man to talk shit about another man for the sole reason of trying to make myself feel better” like he needs to rationalize his stupid fucking though process ONLY because he doesn’t want to come off like a salty faggot