daily reminder that YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT
Daily reminder that YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT
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Reeeeeeeeee why does the bloatlord has all those qt while I have none!!! What is his secret?
Your weight does not equal FULL
If I unlock BLOAT gains will I get a gf?
this look like something I need to try
Holy fuck those 300kg zercher front raises are insane, I bet he could ohp at least 350lbs half way
BloatLord looking lean here
mirin’ hard
Imagine that hulking mass smashing that little tiny skelly from the top
How are her bones still intact Veeky Forums
BLOAT in the streets, FLOAT between the sheets.
kek this meme just keeps giving
the assorted madman
What's his TDEE, 10k?
it's a guarantee
More. Fronk young was eating 8-10k when he got to 205 lbs, that's like 90kg right? He's also taller. I wouldn't be surprised if he has to eat 15k a day. I mean he also does walking training. Walking at 206kg for 2 minutes burns easily 1000 calories.
Fronk young is probably exceptiona, guys like Brian Shaw who weigh 160+kg eat 10-12k calories.
Bloatlord is probably 14-15k
That looks horribly unsafe in several aspects
He is seriously strong. He just does unrelatable excercises all the time so only few realize his potential in the classic lifts
>Not twisting your spine with 150kg compressing on it
He is way more bloat than strong, that’s not very impressive when the scale says full and not even close to Olympic or strongman strong
>being so big you outangle the powerrack
> his hands can barely reach the belt