>tfw your prostitute compliments your muscular glutes
Tfw your prostitute compliments your muscular glutes
>currently tfw no gf mode
>know all of this will go away with a warm hole to nut in
>live in West Virginia
>only hookers around are on craiglists who may or may not be police or someone waiting to rob me
I thought you had freedom in the US?
Been debating seeing a hooker lately been on a real long dry streak and living at home I don’t see any chances at pussy happening in months until I move out. What are anons experiences with escorts? Can I play out a rape fetish with one?
Attend cooking classes or something that would have loads of women make friends with one and have sex with her it's not hard
Cops are just exercising their freedom to arrest you, friend.
was he fucking you doggystyle haha gib You's
>attend something that probably don't have an interest in just to be near females
>make friends with girls by basically having to work with them
>finally bang
Holy shit you autist stop giving advice. All he needs to do is ask a girl for her number.
If he is banging literal whores I doubt he knows any women
>If he is banging literal whores I doubt he knows any women
Moot point because you don't need to know any women to bang them.
>mfw a hoe recently said i have a beautiful body
>now i come here and see this thread
Also, we didn't use condom, but she said she was on the pill, so why bother
What are STDs
I couldn't resist when she grabbed my dick and put it inside of her pussy.
isn't entrapment ilegal?
Tell that to your syphilis.
People have started talking to me and touching me
Does this mean Im attractive now?
entrapment is an undercover cop pressuring you into doing a crime you wouldn't have done otherwise. if you're looking for a prostitute and find a cop, you weren't entrapped.
Maybe you can ask for the prostitute in a clever way that forces them to either entrap you or reveal they're a cop. What that would be I'm not sure.
Just wait until grills start bumping in to you because they're walking too close all the time and doing things like telling you "good job" and patting you on the back like 10 times too many. They think they're being subtle but they're not. Good feels.
>Mfw I was told this nigh every damn time in German FKKs
Ah to be back...
We’ll have you ever considered, you know, just raping one? It’s not like she can go to the cops.
I’ve received a couple of compliments from hookers but I’m never sure if they’re honest or if they just try to make me feel good as a customer.
Try Norway. Selling sex is 100% legal, and buying is jailtime.
Police literally treat prostitutes as victims, and stake out their houses, even set up fake escort profiles to catch customers.
Selling something is legal but buying it is illegal, you like the logic?
WTF? I thought norway wasn’t as cucked as sweden.
ask them if prostitution is legal or illegal
was he fucking you from behind? faggot
no say to them that you assume prostitution is legal and if they look strange at you just change topic and go on and fucking her if cop shouldn't they have to answer you that it is illegal and if the trap/woman/feminin penis they would look at you stupid but the nyou change topic to you fucking them
>mfw prostitution is legal in my country
>mfw i see all those amerimutts fearing jail time for it