Holy flipping based instagram.com
Holy flipping based
>i studied our ancestors
amigo original
Is this a booze ad
>Holy flipping based
Huh? He's just spouting the same shit he always does.
Faggots from the fasting threads would laugh hard at 4-6h fasting
>4-6 hr fasting
I don’t get this on principle. Doesn’t everyone do that every day at some point? How is it a “fast”?
is kinobody natural? I thought the rule was that anyone who makes their living from their physique isn't natty.
First 4-6 hours of the day, meaning after you wake up. The full fasting period would include time spent sleeping, etc.
>Flipping based
>Making some weird shitty instagram commercial for fasting
This has to be someone trying to advertise his shit on Veeky Forums. Shoo shoo shill.
you know he incline benches more than eric bugenhagen right?
that's because the bugez only does zercher incline bench press
he is currently on cycle. He’s been making huge progress in his lifts and physique yet he’s been stuck at the same weight for the last 5 Years
and when I say weight I mean his lifts. In the past few months his strength/physique skyrocketed yet he’s been lifting for plenty of years. he’s also done at least another cycle in his time.
greg is natty as fuck my man, at least from what i can tell (theres always that chance they arent). As far as youtube personalities go, greg is one of the best to take info from. Him, betadestiny, and and the other tubers that focus on specificity of training have it figured out. The reason greg looks not natty is because he knows that focusing on certain movements to achieve that physique is superior than "muh bench squat and dead" ..
He's starting to look big again so probably not, I haven't followed him closely but I'm pretty sure he went off cycle for a long time after everyone was speculating he wasn't natty.
Even though I think it's cringy how Greg hires escorts and camera guys to film "based" nights in the city after his "scientifically pinpoint" workouts and then makes videos calling himself the real Bruce wayne and talking about how his subscribers are am exclusive shadow club of intelligent, strong, gigachads, and it makes me want to hate him. I actually like him
yeah, I can't hate.
you prefer annie or kristina, out of his GFs?
Never understood the hate for this guy. I get that he's wealthy but thats really it. Most of his advice, aside from his recent shilling of his sups, is pretty solid.
The typical visual indicator of gear usage is the shoulders. If they look more rounded than natural (i.e. bowling ball shoulders), then it's safe to say not natural.
I think our buddy, Greg, is on some light usage.
fuck those faggots and their gay accents
yeah for real. This is literally just a normal break between meals lmao
Eric flat benched 405x3 strict as fuck about a year ago.
He’s saying he waiting 4-6 hours after he wakes up to eat you brainlet
how do you do a zercher pressing movement