Lets see the people of FIT in 2017

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Lose the beard you faggot. You’re not a lumberjack you’re just a Jawlet DYEL. Beards only work if you’re fuckin huge and have a GF, otherwise you’re just compensating for your ugly mug

Mad he can't grow one

The beard doesn't look horrible, I'd visit a barber and cut it into shape tho if I was you. Keep lifting.

late July to now
5'10 165ish

Good progress my dude! Keep going

Really nice progress my dude
Keep going

thanks lads


Merry Christmas friends

can you post your routine? i'm currently your before.

basically this reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/37ylk5/a_linear_progression_based_ppl_program_for/
except some changes to accessories, doing rows every pull day instead of just 1, and I usually do 5x5 for the compounds. if I cant add 5lb to the lift for 5x5 i do 6x3 with the added weight.

also, I first cut until October from 180lb to 160lb, only now slowly bulking. This was me at the end of the cut, so if youre my before definitely lose weight first cuz I was fat as fuck

not 5x5 for deadlifts btw, I mean rows, bench, ohp, and squat

iM op

Thanks a lot dude. I was actually thinking about ppl

Np dude. Yeah I think PPL is fine as long as you focus on linear progression like you would any other beginner program. I didnt wanna do SS or something like that because I have a bad knee and cant squat heavy 3x a week


God hates me tbqh

you ok bro?

6'2 220

>tfw gf left me because my calves are too small
5'9" 153

>math student
>20 year old virgin
>masturbate to gifs
>get penis swelling, dick looks fucking abismal
>think god wants to kill you
>lose eyesight, become less conscious, feel your heart pumping
>call 911 twice
>lie down, regain eyesight
>emergency team too lazy to walk up the stairs, have to walk down from the sixth floor
>shrink wants to go into your room, walk up the stairs again, measures
>"Everything is fine. Btw your room is smelly"
>Team leaves without transport, have to pay half a grand in the coming weeks

Also pic is me in the hospital after kms

You have to pay for that? Wtf.

why you tried to kill yourself?

>projecting THIS hard

holy shit is this the virgin guy from the virgin vs. Chad
nice progress though, I'll hand you that
>tip while flexing- never do the closed fist, it's cringy as fuck

>Social isolation since 10th grade
>having an IQ in the 95th percentile
>become mid-tier through brain fog and stupid parents
>no chad genetics to compensate
>major depression, go to psychiatry for adolescents and young adults
>go to bathroom in bathrobe, girls get dripping wet, tell me that
>think it's nice to practice the good old rapeface
>girls get freaked out, get diagnosed with mild autism

What are you big three lifts at? I’m curious because I’m 190lvs your height and always put off losing weight past 180 because I wanna be a big guy

>Social isolation since 10th grade
>having an IQ in the 95th percentile
these two scream autism
not even memeing

Nah I am just a fucking retard.

My stats are abysmal at 1/x/2.5/3
I don’t do barbell bench

hope you get better bro

>10th grade
fucking amateur get your shit together.

some people have been socially isolated since 4th grade

Posting at home in dyel thread
6'3" 185
How much is lipo for a small area? This meme stomach will see better days.

Gotcha yea every time I start to cut and lose my bench and squat I just say fuck it. You look really good, but I guess if I want strength and aesthetics I just have to train for 10 years. No fast route

Thx lad.
Not going to list everything, but things were rough.

Second line meant for

There’s always steroids lol thanks bro

What weight did you start at ?

wow great work! keep going, never stop!

My idgaf weight was around 220-230
My waist and stomach is just really that big to gibe the illusion I have tiny ass shoulders.
Wait you'll all tell me that anyways

Current is 240lbs.
Started last week of August. Today is the last day of my diet.
Still dropping.

>tfw I've working out for a year an still DYEL

Left is November 2016, when I started to lift, and right is exactly 1 year later. Both are non-pumped and without flexing.
I went form 69 kg (153 lbs) to 76 kg (169 lbs), I'm 182 cm (6 ft). While I guess it hasn't been useless it has certainly less than I hoped, in part this was influenced by losing in April all my gains by that month (4 kg) - I traveled for 3 weeks and I didn't workout and ate like crap. However I was able to recover that loss in about 2 months. Last few months it has been difficult to get further gains, I recently started to eat even more hoping that would solve it. Is taking creatine worth it?

what's your routine like and how much do you eat?

>Is taking creatine worth it?
if you dont mind balding, sure

I workout 3 or 4 times a week and do a push-pull split. I do it from home and I don't have a rack or a bench which limits what I can do.

squats (dumbbells and backpack) 4 sets 5-8 reps
weighted push-ups 4 sets 6-10 reps
dumbbell shoulder press 4 sets 5-8 reps
dips 3 sets 8 reps
DB skull crushers 3x12-15

RDL 3x5-8
weighted chin-ups 5x5
BB bendover rows 3x8-12
plank 1 arm row (elbow to the side) 3x8-12
hammer curls 3x8-12
farmer's carry

I was eating about 2.800 calories the days I workout and about 2.500 when I don't. Recently I added about 300 calories more.

>if you dont mind balding, sure
Really? I'm already balding so it might be worth it.

I don’t need to grow a beard cause I’m not an ugly emasculated pussy who needs facial hair to feel manly. And any real job doesn’t let you have a ridiculous beard

5'8 154 lbs

can i get a bf stimate? guessing between 14-16%

Cutting atm, going for that ottermode look for the summer. South hemispherefag

do you care about actually being strong?

No, only for aesthetics. I know im pretty small, and i actually try to progress on incline bench, ohp and weighted chins, but my ultimate goal is aesthetics, dont care much about numbers, which mine, desrarding OHP, are pretty fucking gay

Never mind all the CBT stuff. The REAL question is why the fuck haven't you changed your underwear in a year!?

probably like 14%


I figured that making a vow not to change my underwear until I get to something similar than pic related would help me stay motivated. Admittedly, however, it's taking me far more than I hoped. It's yellow on the inside around the crotch area and the fabric is rather stiff, I'm hoping other people can't perceive the cheese-like smell that comes from it.

>cutting at the moment

bad idea, especially if you care about aesthetics


2017 progress. Not the best. But it was better than nothing.

good job bro, looking way better already
keep it up

Looking good my man

Thanks for the hearty laugh

Natty gains are just slow really

up 10 pounds on a bulk. almost in 1000 lb club :)

It is slow, I'll keep going. At least I feel stronger.

routine? I wanna be viking mode.

I'm almost in the 1000 lbs club too but I'm DYEL as heck
What's your secret mang

you are very very wide, keep up the work, gonna look beastly!

if you're gaining weight but not muscle you're probably either lacking in volume or protein intake

if you're gaining weight but not muscle you're probably either lacking in volume, protein intake, or intensity overload. Are you lifting significantly heavier over time?

Bulk more. Your Routine is ok but maybe push yourself more and eat more.

Goal body

>making fist in a calm and relaxed atmosphere and standing natural
Check your autism today, bruv

Goal body right there for me as well

How’s this for 11 months progress fit, give it to me straight. Started around 155 pounds, now ~190 at 6’2. Goal is 210. Just changed my diet up a bit as I’ve been stalled for awhile now but I’m ready to gain again. Lifts are shit at .5/1/1/2

not as much of a milkbag anymore..

12 months difference from the top left photo to the bottom 3 which were all taken tonight.

Dude you're doing extremely well

thank you! been hard at work for nearly the whole duration, I was also brought into fitness by an upper body everyday type of gang.. I think the greatest thing I achieved so far is not hitting arms and chest 7 days a week and instead working a proper split and resting/dieting adequately!


you're killing it dude great work

My progress for 2017.
Slow, but steady, I feel I'm heading in the right direction.
I only really seriously started working out and eating right around June/July, but I didn't think to take pics then.

Awesome, I'm glad to hear it my man. Yeah it's a big hump to get into a proper routine and get the right sleep and diet, but once you do, you really start gaining momentum.
This is my progress for the year



6 ft
4 years lifting

mid section symmetry 10/10




natty or on juice?

for u

hahah oh man. you're a goofball.

I think my gains have been mostly lean. And yes, I move to heavier weights/more reps as I get stronger. When I have gotten stuck with an exercise at a certain level, I've increased the weight and the sets, and lowered the reps (I saw that tip here, btw). I do take protein shakes and try to take a somewhat protein heavy diet (a fair amount of meat and tuna cans).

I've been thinking the same. The fact that I've gained little fat is perhaps a sign that I'm not eating enough. Also, my workouts I probably leave too much time between exercises in my workouts and that takes out some intensity, part of it is due to the fact that I have to manually change the plates and screw/unscrew the nut (it's not a pro set), but still I could do better

Yeah and I'm actually thinking that there might be something wrong with my T levels. I was just looking at the 2D:4D thread and my index is actually longer than my ring finger, whatever that means.

Mild scoliosis


youre a big guy


Mmmmm... gimme

height weight?


Thx, I’m like 5’8 - 5’9, around 200 lbs.

how long have you been on juice?
