/Motivation/ general

The more autistic the better...Also, does anyone have the full sun ken rock training collage to go with this one?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll dump some since OP doesn't like to.

Literally been less than 2 minutes since OP...

sun ken rock is so fucking good.

>The more autistic the better
Hahhahahah I fucking love posting this



American Princess

>mfw no perfectly aesthetic webbed ken/zyzz traps

watching this literally makes me want to do nothing but train for a year in a hyperbolic time chamber


I prefer this


how high can you kick Veeky Forums?




Ending was trash sadly

Brehs it's been 2 months since I started lifting and I'm stuck on 0.75pl8 squat. Will I make it?

you're gonna make it brah



the meta

At some point you have to stop stuffing yourself with other people's words and feelings, and face yourself.

In the end, you're the only problem and the only solution.

i like this one



>reacting to your own post
Is there anything more disgusting.

this is fucking stupid why dont they place "in this world..." on the god damned left instead of the second fucking portion of it being there. fucking japs cant get a god damned thing right.

I prefer prose to poetry, but this sends shivers down my spine everytime
My grandmother had it on the wall of her living room when I was a kid
I'm 31 now and my grandmother left us a long time ago, but the poem never left me, I'm sure she'd be happy to be remembered on Veeky Forums :D, and to know she had an influence on the man I became
Merci Mamie ;)

Swear to god if I die before I can stomp some alien faggots into the ground I will shit in gods mouth

Don't you mean the decidedly non-japanese translators?




Just join the Border Patrol or ICE, user




Last one, not motivation, but came across in my images folder
good times on Veeky Forums

Worthless goals, baseless threats. You sound like a keeper.