Does being Veeky Forums allow you to be weird and it be cool?
I told this girl I watch anime and she thought it was pretty cool but then this other dude who looked like the only exercise he'd ever gotten was running away from pussy told her he watched anime and she laughed in his unshaven pudgy face.
Does being Veeky Forums allow you to be weird and it be cool?
OP, don't you want to be part of a chad greentext story to be forever immortalized in time as a "meme". But still fuck the bitch but raise the manchild as your own
Of fucking course faggot, it's like you don't know how society works.
Loser.Keep taking pride in having a bitch telling you that it's cool that you watch anime and laughed about another skinny guy watching anime.Such a fuccboi.
what really happened.
> OP told a girl he liked anime
> she laughed in his face
> chad said he likes animoo
> she blew him right there on the spot
I’m 27 and I work at the front desk at my gym. I also work out there too. I play Nintendo Switch during my shift and the girls seem to smile at me more.
anime is mainstream faggot
yup, and you can even make fun of dyel dumb weeaboos in front of girls too
It's a generational thing. I'm just a few years older than you, but girls my age would think I'm certifiably retarded to sit there and play a vidja game. I noticed this wide acceptance of nerd culture swept in right behind me.
I'm a weird neurotic fuck and people are really cool to me because I'm good looking, yoked, tall, and fun.
I literally told some girls I was chatting with that I had to leave so I could "greet my cat." Whatever the fuck that means, I was just excited to go home and hang with my cat at the end of the day instead of out for drinks with them.
Next morning two of them are hitting me up on fb messenger to go grab drinks with their crowd that evening. I swear to god guys. I think it's because I'm nice, contrary to all the pick up artist's beliefs.
Yeah, my friends and I watch Monster Musume while lifting and no one gives a fuck. Some even watch it with us.
>i'm good looking, yoked, tall
>I think it's because I'm nice
uh huh
>I told this girl I watch anime
sorry user, being Veeky Forums won't help with your autism
Definitely. It gives you a total free pass on eccentricity.
This is actually one of my main motivations for lifting, when people see a dyel doing some weird shit they think "Damm, that guy is crazy. Should be in home." but when they see a swole guy mumbling to himself they say "Damm, what a meathead."
>be law student
>getting lunch on undergrad side of campus
>normie friend made anime joke
>”it’s pronounced moe, like da guy from da simpsons”
>”what’s moe?” He asked
>skinny nerd with backpack walks by slowly and stops to listen
>”it’s an objectively bad genre of cute girls.”
>nerd guy smiles and says “I know what that is!”
>It killed anime. The only reason you like attack on titan is because it was the only not moe shit show for the season, making everyone think a mediocre anime was god tier”
>friend starts to defend himself
>kid doesn’t say another wird and quickly walks away
>friend stops talking when kid walked away
>friend brofists me and we go back to law campus
What the fuk
what kind of person makes a post like this
and why
Wheel in the sky keeps turning
Virgin Undergraduate
Chad Law Student
wtf does a mediocre Journey song have to do with anyway
Naa nigga. I ain't him, but being genuinely nice helps heaps. I always try to have fun with people and help them out any way I can, and that makes being social really easy. It's the patrician's choice as long as you're not autistic and can read social cues.
of course
if you are attractive and you are silent/introverted type it will be mysterious and puzzling to women
if you are ugly and silent / introverted you will be seen as creep thats about to shoot up his workplace
Society is built on double standards, and physical appearance is extremely important no matter what people might say.
Granted, if you excel at other things you might get away with being ugly.
Otherwise you are bound to work shitty job for rest of your life with ugly wife that doesnt give a shit about you but you give her some sort of stability in her life, and eventually even she wants children (or at least she thinks so)