
Someone finally said it

>7 minute video defending his anigay obsession

Oh shit it's real

I thought it was one of those memes like "Top 10 anime battles"

That's sadder than a Blaha video.


>that haircut


It doesn't matter how much I lift. I can never become Sephiroth.

>Manlet Destiny
>Anime Fan

memes are breaking into reality again

he's so hot, but then I heard him talk...
how old is he

more important question is how tall is he


I unironically love muscle manlets, but I'd never let one top me.

That's gay, brah.

>likes anime
>beard is scraggly and unkempt

Are we 100% sure he’s actually had sex before?



It's this a video about crusader specifically

What's wrong with anime?

There won't be another season of k-on!
That is very wrong.


Next video will be about Sonic, how he drew new awesome Alpha-Hedgehogs and whats their superpower is. (FIX THIS!)

D-did..... Yu... Seeee da n-new hewo moobie?


anime is for fucking weebs and man children. I don't understand these soyboy's obsession with otaku culture

What the fuck is with all the retarded wojacks

>I don't understand these soyboy's obsession with otaku culture
>anime is for fucking weebs and man children.
You just like looking for things that confirm your bias, don't you?

How much you bench though?

>weebs irl

I bet I can Easily out lift you

Fuck off newfag shitlicking cunt


You all act like you dont watch a show lmao, its no different than watching got or breakin bad or any other tv show.I watch dbz and got me into lifting and you'll never be the best of yourselves cause you are too insecure to admit it off what other insecure people with think of you.Now think whos the beta, the one not giving a fuck and does what he wants and feels like doing or the other, constantly feeling pressure to it in and hide his personal prefference just to be accepted by other losers?

I can't wait for him to release his anime list. I bet his a shounenfag, even though he says he watches mature anime for mature people, like him. ReviewDestiny when?

this retarded wojak meme is the best thing to come of 2017


is it because - like allmight - you're not natty?

He already said some of his favorites include Fist of the North Star and DBZ. Based on that he probably only watches shounen shounen.

Is this a /tv/ meme?

What a disgusting normalfag, preaching to other normalfags. I hate manlets. They can't even have good taste in anime.

You all act like you dont watch a show lmao, its no different than watching got or breakin bad or any other tv show.I watch dbz and got me into lifting and you'll never be the best of yourselves cause you are too insecure to admit it off what other insecure people with think of you.Now think whos the beta, the one not giving a fuck and does what he wants and feels like doing or the other, constantly feeling pressure to it in and hide his personal prefference just to be accepted by other losers?

Meme kino

Don't give me these feels you sadist!

I like how the term brainlet is used more now.
It accurately describes most of Veeky Forumss posters, as they are on par with Yoshiko.

Just go sit in the retard corner, retard.

If I ever win a jackpot lottery I would unironically throw enough cash at Kakifly-dono and Kyoani to produce another season and all I ask in return is one of the first blue-rays.

Except that Yoshiko is a genius. Think about it. To get 0/100 in a test requires that you know all the answers and intentionally put wrote them wrong to confuse the teacher, otherwise even by luck you would get more points.

225. How much you weighted pull up eh?

You could easily get a 0/100 if you write "banana" as the answer to every question.


Jubbo sid in corna wetaa.. bregga bad geeno..

Back to school or university shenanigans? This is an important question.

Death Devil prequel.
Though if Kakifly wants to make the university stuff less shit than that's on the table.

unrelated to his video, his hair and shirt look shitty as fuck. how can you look like that and give "seduction advice"? i don't mean he has to change his genetics, his face, whatever. i am just saying get a real haircut and an actually good looking shirt. get a buzzcut if you are clueless.

i recall him saying he wanted to grow out his hair and beard. more like hobodestiny amirite?

He should be raided. "Traps aren't gay" tier of memes.