Where were you guys at on your 3 lifts at 6 months?

Where were you guys at on your 3 lifts at 6 months?

I'm feeling pretty insecure because all the data points at me pushing past 225lbs/102kg on at least squat and DL but i'm still only hitting 185lbs/83kg on both. Will be six months for me come January.

Are you a grill? Because 185 lbs on DL after 6 months is pretty terrible.

Feels bad man

Idk I didnt eat enough so I stalled hard at 110kg dl,65kg bench,40kg OHP and 80-85kg squat.

I'm actually at a similar benchmark right now, it's just my DL is stalled around 83~kg. It's always been my weakest lift.

more important question is are you making progress? Where did you start?

I'd say I was 115lbs on squat and DL when I started, and 95lbs on bench.

I made about 70-80lbs progress on the first two and 70lbs progress on bench.

Learn form maybe,it should be your highest lift.

Where do you fail?grip?or you just can't lift more with good form?

I had a similar problem. Make sure you're eating at a 500 calorie surplus minimum, and getting at least 8-9 hours of sleep every single night. Form was/is also a huge debilitating factor for me when it comes to progress, make sure you're watching tons of videos and trying new things when you start to stall

How much are you eating? How much do you weight, how much did you weight, and how much calories are you consuming daily?

dont worry bro, everyone progresses at a different pace

make sure youre eating enough and following a real program

Can't lift more with good form. I tried 225 once and my back just rounded on the first rep, was embarrassing. I know it should be my highest lift but I think during the first three months of me lifting I just didn't do it correctly at all.

I think I'm fucking up my diet honestly. I don't count calories or macros/micros and I just kind of eat junk food. Don't get much sleep cause of clinical insomnia.

I follow 5/3/1 for the most part with my own added accessory workouts.

Been lifting about 8 months now and bench has barely progressed. Start point was 130lbs where I struggled to bench 85 now 170lbs I'm only at 125 on bench for 5 but deadlift is at 315 for 3 and squat 225 for 5

Give us background. How tall are you? How much do you weigh?
Are you sure your form is correct?

5'10'' and 175lbs

Yeah I'd talk to your doctor about that. I'm 5'6" 145 and my dl 1rm is around 225ish and I got serious about lifting less than 2 months ago

Your limit could also be psychological, not physical too.

Well like I said I got a really late start on DL cause I'd kinda skip it for the most part the first 3 months. It makes sense that it's fucked up/stalled

It is relieving to know that the rest of my lifts are at a decent pace though

Make sure you are eating properly. Also do a bunch of accessories, it's very helpful for getting past sticking points.

bro lifting weights will make it worse try taking melatonin or zzzquil or some other sleep aid and incorporate some cardio no more than 3-5 times a week for 20-50 minutes if you’re trying to build muscle

could be that or you aren’t eating well enough think you said junk food? try healthier food or at least home cooked junk food

also try rack pulls and supplements

forgot to add hip thrusts are good

I'm at 175lbs squat and 230lbs deadlift at five months

I'm female

6 months in I had a 205lb bench 275 squat 340 deadlift

2 months and 5 days in (weird mix of huge antisocial WoW/runescape nerd + athletic background)
80kg bench 1rm
107.5kg squat 1rm
60kg OHP 1rm
140kg deadlift x5

you're just fat

3pl8 squat
195lb bench
4pl8 diddly

Honestly, numbers don't matter at all.

I am going on 3 years lifting and cardio, and bench 50 lbs dumbbells, squat 1 plate, dont even DL.

That said I am 6'5" ottermode, and do 12+ reps on every exercise and look like I lift way, way more.

Numbers are what manlets use to feel less insecure.

t. lanklet

nj for 2 months
just ask how many pullups he can do, that is the best way to see if it is a athletic background or fat

>130 kg deadlift with good form
>110 kg squat with ok form
>80 kg bench with meh form
>60 kg ohp with good form

post pic

True, have to work with what I have.

5months in
60kg OHP
140kg squat
110kg bench
220kg dead
6'3" @101kg