How tall do you have to be for ottermode?

How tall do you have to be for ottermode?

>Minimum - 5'10
>Decent 5'11 - 6'1
>Ideal 6'2
>Good 6'3 - 6'4
Max - 6'5

The idea of otter mode is to not be too huge, so too tall is actually bad

What exactly is the appeal of ottermode?

it's sexy as hell no homo erectus

Purely for aesthetics, I came into Veeky Forums wanting this body coming from Veeky Forums because I know I need to work out, but I still want to fit into clothes.

women infinitely prefer it compared to anything else.

That physique looks like total shit in clothes.


Not if you're neckpilled

huge neck would overpower that kind of body you would look like a bullfrog.

Sauce? Im going to have to disagree. It looks twinkmode. Stronk dad bod masterrace or big and chiseled or gtfo.

Being ripped is better than being big.

I believe that's the point

I'm 6'5" and pretty close to ottermode, I want to add that unless I had a narrow frame I would never be able to reach ottermode at my height.

So it's not only about height, but also about frame.

lolno. wear clothes that actually fit that frame and you are golden.

i'm 6'3" and barely started lifting recently. girls already tell me my body is perfect. so yeah, don't lift for girls.

Man I remember 3 years ago before i started lifting and roiding I thought this was big

post pics

What if 5'9'' with lanky proportions? Asking for a friend.

manlet. sorry. might as well get jacked on roids.

take the neck pill already

Your clothes, maybe.

Just buy thightly fitting clothes

gl with that when ur 6'5"+ and ottermode slender.

i have seen lots of threads about this very pic already.

Some say its very easy to achieve: barely lift and be lean while others say it does indeed require a significant amount of time to get there?

whats true?what routine would be best to achieve this mode?

>be 6'2 DYEL
>1 1/2 years later
>acheive ottermode

Help me escape this pain fit

>whats true?what routine would be best to achieve this
Yeah it's really not outstanding. Slowly bulk up for a year, diet down if necessary, tadaa lean ottermode.

Lots of core work, minimal legs. Probably even achievable as a calisthenics fag. You're already halfway there if you start as an anorexic

I am currently skinny-fat. shouldn't iI squat at all?

is ottermode pretty much tpns of cardio and some basic lifts?

why be ottermode when you can also be 6'4" and ripped/athletic like me

Ottermode isn't really attractive to girls unless you're in high school.

Connor has the perfect body.

Wrong. Wide shoulders and a slim waist acentuate a lot of clothes, much like a coathangar.

ottermode is achieveable when ur tall without juicing though.

Train to look like hercules.

athletic mode like pic related and Connor murphy is also achievable unless you're a genetic deadend

>Minimum - 5'10

Barely made it, phew.

too much
too much

>no v taper

what if im literally 5,9 and 2 thirds. with shoes im 510

no, that is not achievable natty at 6'5", unless you are a 1 promille monster.

Lol written like a true gymcel
Bearmode is the universal preferred physique by females. People who say ottermode is preferred are either autistic idiots who believe everything the internet tells them, or manlets we are bitter they can’t ever be bear mode no matter how hard they try

>dad bod
keep telling yourselft that you bench warmer faggot lower tier frat nigger, the tall lean muscular chads always slay the most at every frat. the dad bod faggot second string lineman and linebackers always had to settle for the ugliest srat chicks. hilarious how every chubby fuck with a gut thinks that’s actually good looking to the top 20 percentiles of women.
>inb4 Johnny Bravo
women don’t like that, they want steroid lean beast of prey not a fat fuck with muscles or a giant sausage meat stick with vague definition. its so obvious
