One Punch Man Workout

Will the One Punch Man workout do anything for a 6'5" 215lb skinny fat?

>100 pushups
>100 situps
>100 squats
>4 sets, 25 reps each
>Biking 10k instead since I don't have the willpower or physical ability to run that much

>I don't have the willpower or physical ability to run that much
Why the fuck do you ask about opinions on following a certain routine if from the very beginning you're not willing to actually do it?
Just give up already dude.

Just do this, alternating squat and deadlifts every week and you’ll be good

I've been doing everything else for about a week and was wondering if I was wasting my time or not

I have tons of excuses to make about this, but one is that I'm homeless and don't have enough money to afford a gym membership. Anything requiring more than my body, my bike, or Veeky Forums isn't going to work.


My program for calisthenics is simple as shit and I helped getting some people in military shape with it. Not to mention the fact that I put on 4-5kg in a couple of months.

3x3 pullups
3x15 situps
3x12 pushups

Every excercise is followed by an AMRAP set of the same movement. Every time the fourth set reaches the amount of reps you did on the other sets, you increase the other sets by 1/2 (depending on the excercise, obviously pullups are going to be harder).
Also, run every other day. Start slow and steady and aim for distance rather than speed. Add around 10% of your weekly mileage every week and you'll be golden.

If it can help motivate you, I've never been mired more than during this program.

You increase the other sets by 1 to 2 reps*
Thought I wrote it unclearly.

If you can't do 5-6 pullups for sets you should probably start with a negatives progression

Thanks, might give it a shot. Any ideas a guy my height (6'5") could find a place to do pullups? Random bars very rarely go above my height + my arm length, and bending my knees makes my form feel weak for whatever reason.

You can stabilize by contracting your abdomen and bringinf your legs forward in an L. Makes the excercise more difficult and it helps develop a doorframe of a core. You can "air-sit" too, it has the same effect with a lesser intensity.

It's because you can't kip the rep. That's a good thing, means you are using the muscles you want to use.

Everything is in order.

one punch is manime brah

>I have tons of excuses to make about this

at least you're honest to everyone but yourself

>I don't have the willpower or physical ability to run that much
The idea is not the you start at this level. That is the goal.
You have to keep in mind that is no just a body training its mind one too. Sleep in cold, hot weather... do it everyday...
You will not be able to do it properly in the first month or two. 10km day, 100 consecutive pushups... its hard.
If you dont hurt yourself in the processes. You will improve. But you probably have not the willpower

You did not say your goal..

>Not having the willpower to run 10km every single day
>Not having the willpower to sleep on the floor
>Not having the willpower to sleep without heating or AC no matter how cold the winters or how hot the summers
Never gonna make it

>taking a meme workout seriously
The most you will get is noob gains. The body is quite adaptable and will need co stant adjusting of exercises such as variations or adding more weight. It's why this meme exercise is shit.

>Military shape

Jesus christ, everyone I know that wasn't a couch potato lost fitness during basic. Even the airforce aspies.

I recommend you remove that glowing preface because it makes everyone who isn't a chimp roll their eyes.

The 10km run is the most important part of that workout. Substituting anything else violates the letter and spirit of the program. If your really out of shape start with a 10km walk then 10km jog then 10km run. Also the pushups and squats can be weighted once they become too easy.

Best beginner routine out there. Shamefully underrated

so you do this routine everyday?

Did I recommend going through basic? Not by a long shot. I recommended a basic training regime that can get one ready to face SOF selection.

what should I do if I can't do enough chinups?

Dude, you need a home before a gym membership. If you do already have a bike stick to that until your lifestyle is in order.