Is there any (military)bros training in their armor?

Hello, /fiz!
I realized that regular everyday WOD without any iron is not quite hard and if ill will continue just raising the number of reps it will take quite a lot of time.

I've got my old SPC with ESAPI, sideplates and loadout so maybe its a nice way to make WODs more effective and also get used to wear armor.

So, armor workout, anyone?

Also dont judge the grammar - I'm fucking slav with no english practice fot about 2 years.

Just do what you fuckin want, mate. No one cares.


I'm not in the military, but I'm planning to enlist end of next year, would wearing a weighted vest for calisthenics and cardio be a good idea in the meantime?

First work on getting a good number of reps in push ups, sit ups and pull ups before doing it with a vest on.
In terms of running, you dont want to run with weight, especially on concrete because youll fuck youre knees up. The most you should run with plates is in a Murph. Instead focus on 800m repeats, quick 5ks and slow steady 5 milers.
Also, practice rucking/tabbing, i.e walking at 4km/hr pace with weight. Get a good backpack, put a few towels in the bottom, then some dog food cans or bottles of water; avoid weight plates because they shift and worst case can fuck your back up. Go cross country and ideally pick a route with hills; run a few hundred metres every couple km to stretch your legs out and let the lactic acid dissapate.

thanks for the advice, that's all actually really helpful.

All good mate. Remember, rest is important as well, overtraining injuries suck. If youre not used to running a lot or tabbing, dont overdo it; start off slow, running maybe 2 or 3 times a week. Gradually build up the distances as you get fitter. You can alternate though, run one day, calisthenics next day, then running, etc.

Yeah when I started lifting I was super weak, so I lifted literally every day, and fucked myself up because of it. because I have the deadline of end of next year, i kept trying to cram in as much as possible, which was counterproductive and really frustrating. Are you military or just like excercising?

Wow, thats good bunch of advices, saved.

Mil and i like exercise

what country?


damn, I had you picked for an aussie, anyway thanks again for the advice, enjoy the rest of your day

You too lad, best of luck

Mil here, i dont really see the value in it, just focus on general fitness but make it tough. Weighted runs are terrible for joints and you want to save them as much as possible. I assume your going army or marines and they will give you plenty of opportunities to blow out your knees

I'm in the army and I fucking hate IOTV runs, all that shit does is make you a slower runner.

Long runs always make you slower but more durable, as I know

>focus on general fitness but make it tough

Some kind of calisthenics method?

Running in full loadout in the city is kinda crazy idea, so I will use SPC especially for indoor training.

Ty for opinion, bro.

Would your same advice apply for Royal Marines?

Royals got the mobile App called 100% Army Fit. I used it a year ago. Really nice app for beginners.

Any advice on how to crack the PJFT?

What is PJFT?
Something PJ (I mean USM PJ rescuers) related?

Sorry I thought you were the bong poster from earlier.

The Royal Marines PJFT is a treadmill test that consists of two 1.5 mile/2.4 km runs separated by a minute rest. The first run must be completed in

I'm an OP.

I think you need to train especially on dreadmill.
I have problems with it too, because naturally Im making too long steps which cant be made on dreadmill.

Thinking about going into the navy reserves, so I’m going to occasionally do navy seal training for a week every month

Planning on enlisting, do you think it would be a good idea to do cardio/calisthenics in boots and shit? I've found it makes it a lot harder