Kinda fit related

Kinda fit related
Would you abandon your values for money?
I was planning to buy a glass turmix for 75$, but my mother got angry about it.
Asked her if she has an extra one, said yes, but that's plastic, and I don't let my food or drink to touch plastic. I work quite hard to avoid any and all estrogen intake.
Would you buy a glass turmix in my place (consider that 75$ is 20% of the average salary in my country), or accept hers?
Also what should I turmix first when I get it?
>inb4 onions
Besides onions, and also what's good with onions

>would you spend money on your health?

accept hers you retarded fucking autist

>was planning to buy a glass turmix for 75$, but my mother got angry about it.
stop listening to your mother, are you a little boy who needs his mummy to tell him what to do?

Take hers. It's too much money to spend on something that is very unlikely to have any significant impact whatsoever.

>Asked her if she has an extra one, said yes, but that's plastic, and I don't let my food or drink to touch plastic.
jesus christ you're stupid

Salary as in 75x5 is $375 is the average yearly?
Where are you from

> yearly

Are you seriously that retarded?

monthly, after taxes.

Wouldn’t worry about the plastic in a blender; the food is in there for only a few seconds. BPA’s need time and heat to transfer to the foods.

>what's good with onions
Gymbro protein shots

You're retarded if you ask for your mother's permission to buy a fucking blender.
On the other hand, you're also retarded for being this hung up about not using plastic. It's not like you'll grow tits from using a fucking plastic blender.

I wasn't asking permission, but she buys lots of shit she doesn't use after a week, and I always ask her if she has something that I want to buy.

For fucks sake just eat salads and whole fruit you retard. I got one of those things and its fucking useless, its much simpler, quicker and tastier to just eat salads for fiber and micros. Stop being a retard, save your money, and listen to your mum, she's obviously less retarded than you.

It's a fucking blender. Plastic won't get in your food because it touched plastic for a few seconds. You want to avoid food and drink that's packaged and shipped in plastic. Stop being so paranoid and take the free blender you mongrel.

why is your mom angry what you do with your money?

if it is not your money, but your mothers you have no right to say anything about it.

get a job kid

I live in my own house and it's my own money
Sadly mom is going senile

Why are you even needing a blender in the first place? Solid food is better.

inb4 muh convenience

You have convinced me, I will accept my mothers turmix, and if I use it for a longer period of time, I will buy a good one

Just make sure the plastic you come in contact with is BPA free.

>Sadly mom is going senile

Says the guy who thinks plastic is increasing the estrogen in his body.

what can I say, it runs in the family

>Implying an important man like me has the time for peasant activities like chewing.

use it until it breaks and you can't fix it anymore. what the fuck, you sound really autistic. "food can't touch plastic"

Move to a non-meme country so you're not so hungry all the time. $375/month Jesus Christ we make that in 1 day here.

maybe you can quit disrespecting his country just cause the average income is lower?

Low average income leads to a harder working people and i guarantee, less trannies, homoes and socialists.

Nigga wuuuut

sorry in first world countries we discuss salary as yearly

Translation: "Yes I am that retarded"

Shit Blender. Buy a quality piece like a Vitamix and never have to worry about buying one again.

Fucking based advice
Fucking based quints

he literally just said 75$ is 20% of his monthly salary. I googled vitamix, its more like 1000$. 1000$/(75$/0.2) = 2.7 monthly salaries for him.

Are you a retard?

Have you ever heard of saving your money to buy something objectively superior so that you don't have to buy shit things again?

>all these plastic shills itt

wtf happened to fit? plastic is stuffed full to the brim with toxic shit, xenoestrogens, BPAs etc

From Amazon I can tell two things:
Vitamix is made in America for Americans.
I doubt they can handle our superior Voltage here in Europe
It's plastic

That's three, dipshit.