Can someone give me the final redpill on diet soda? pls

Can someone give me the final redpill on diet soda? pls

just drink almond milk

Experiments where people are assigned to switch from regular soda to diet soda don't result in weight loss.

It doesn't help you so don't put it in your body.

Artificial sweeteners nurture certain bacterial strains in the GIT that results in you being more hungry due to overpopulation of that bacteria and its need to be feed even more.

Drink this instead. It’s pretty good.

Even if it works, it would keep your addiction to sweet drinks alive. You'd be better off without it.

consuming liquids other than water, milk, coffee, tea, beer, spirits, natural fruit juice, shakes and wine are the worst memes ever created.

>''alcohol is fine though lol''

Quitting sweetened drinks is super easy. It is tough for two weeks, and then you don't even think about them, and your next sip of pop will gross you out.

>But yeah go ahead and get shitfaced nightly lol no problem

Specifically to diet soda, they will not help you lose weight. They will not do any real harm to your body, and they sure as fuck won’t make you gain weight (those mouse studies have been redacted). The worst part about them is for your teeth.

Theyre a better alternative than soda with suar. They dont cause cancer, and aspartam is safe, and only shown to be dangerous in huge doses(anything is dangerous at huge doeses, even water).
Water is the best alternative, as you also lay of the need for excess sweetness

not the guy you replied to but alcohol in low/moderate doses doesnt harm anything. Just because he included a drink containing alcohol doesnt mean he is a proponent for drinking massive doses of alcohol.

Wouldn't it be okey to drink moderate amount of diet soda, too?

If you have so little will power that you need to consume diet soda, you will literally never make it.


Be a good goy, drink your soy!

I had zero cavities for the first 18 years of my life and 2-3 in the 7 years since I started drinking diet pop.

I also developed acid reflux around that time and I know that is bad for teeth. Even if it is the diet pepsi giving me cavities it's worth it though tbf.


Really didn't expect anyone else to have a balanced approach to diet soda, dang.

Coke Zero is my favourite pre-workout and tastes better than Coke imho.

even bebis survive drinking non-sweet milk from their mothers neeples. Is your vodka sweet too? When thirsty consume large amounts of water low cost high yield.

>Coke Zero
My nigga

this jesus christ fatties shut the fuck up

It's that good shit.

Tried Pepsi’s competing product. Good lord it’s disgusting. Coke Zero > Diet Coke > anything Pepsi

Drink only WATER, fatfuck, until you LOVE it.

Naw pal, I have the list right here

Vanilla Coke>Coke Zero>Diet Pepsi>Coke>Cherry Coke>Diet Coke>Pepsi>Pepsi Max>Crystal Pepsi

All are Canadian formula

>all literally garbage

Based purely on taste or taste:calorie ratio? I dispute if based on ratio, agree on just taste, concerning Coke Zero vs Vanilla Coke

Hey how bout you shut the fuck up cause no one asked you and I'm a goddamned adult?

>he thinks he's an adult, LOL

Oh, entirely on taste; I don't give a fuck about calories, I'm not drinking it all that often and I can usually fit the ~200 cals in my quota.

houive never seen a skinny person drinking diet coke i tell you what

You, I like you. Thanks for not leaving me hanging when it comes to Coke Zero though, I drink it when I cut

Go back

Yeah, even when I'm recomping or bulking I'll usually reach for the coke zero. I love the taste but I'd rather use the calories for a chocolate bar or something.

dont want to be mean but adults have adult problems and soda abuse is not one of them.

>all the projection in this thread
>this is the same board that worships sips

I drink diet soda now and then to big meals and no studies that I've found so far give me a reason to stop doing that.


Coke Zero is probably the dirtiest part of my typical non cheat meals.

Why can't I find a diet sprite or lemonade in Australia anymore fellas?

In what fucking world is drinking a diet soda a few times a week abuse?

>Coke Zero is probably the dirtiest part of my typical non cheat meals.

Really not much dirt in it beyond the acidity really fucking with your teeth. I usually just combine the caffeine in a coke zero with an Eatmore bar or a Big Turk as I walk into the gym to train for the day. Doesn't get me as fucked up as that neon powder shit that everyone else goes in for. I also found one type of Zevia soda that isn't total shit, and Diet A&W rootbeer tastes exactly the same as the regular stuff, but with no caffeine.

Woolworths has the Sprite Zero m man

are you socially impaired?

Breast milk is very sweet. It doesn't taste like cow's milk at all.

>the final redpill for soda
The Jews made diet soda to help whites lose weight so they can assist the Jews in fighting extraterrestrial lizard men, sent here to space holocaust the Jews, who are really 4d space Nazis whose primary goal is to initiate planetary socialism in every single planet in the galaxy, killing species mixers in the progress

Drink strong green tea with lemon juice instead.

Helps you cure your addiction to coke since it contains good amounts of caffeine, is pretty taste since you squeeze in some lemon juice and is healthy because of all the antioxidants and shit.

Lost like 30 kilos after making the switch. It was a bit difficult in the beginning and I still buy a coke from time to time but its incredible how much weight you lose once you're off this garbage.

Personal experience.

They make me crave sugary food more when I have them.

so diet soda is god tier bulking food
>drink diet soda
>can eat even more

well artificial sweetners undergoes glycogenesis inside ur body which means it becomes glucose (sugar) when ingested

SO its just a disguise

It's calorie free soda. That's it.

I always drink it when I'm out instead of regular because that means 200-400 calories I don't need to worry about.

That's because fatties take it as carte blanche to eat whatever extra bullshit they want.

All things equal, if you replace regular soda with diet soda you will lose weight. It's just really hard to do that, because half of losing weight is managing your actions/psyche.

If you don't regularly drink soda it won't make much of a difference at all.