We going up now? back to 1200?

we going up now? back to 1200?

No just hurry the fuck up and sell already



It's not done dipping until 0.12, check the 1D fib retracement

Wall is at 0.1 dummy

y'all niggas be gay
call me when there's some real news

god damn I better not miss the next pump
I'm gonna go all in and if I fuck up I'm going to kms

Who else here BCASH MARINARAS?

make sure the rope is sturdy. if it breaks you'll just be even more depressed with a scar around your neck

$1015 is the bottom please

Sell that scam and buy real bitcoins. There's no where to go but down for you cashcunts!

Back to >r/bitcoin cunt

Nice reddit spacing! Have fun with your bags.

hows new delhi this time of year?

Sell wall is at 0.1
So it's gonna drop to 750ish or so

i guess this is one way to create a community. create a bunch of bagholders who have no choice but to shill your shitcoin. it's brilliant actually.

i'm sorry you missed a good entry point back into btc during that last dip and are stuck holding this shitcoin instead. i really am. you got played.

errr guys... why is btc rising ? i-i though bch was the real bitcoin g-guys- satoshi's true vision g-g-uys?/.. help ARGHHHHHHHH

Do you think we're seeing less threads from BCH shills because they've all committed sudoku now?

Most of you guys are just pathetic. You will never make it if you cannot fucking hold an investment through a period of -50%. Even if you would have bought Bitcoin around 100$ you still would have sold them with a loss because you cannot hold an investment for a decent time period. Especially those huuurr duuuurr Bitcoin win, and BCH is going to zeroo!!11 You are the worst kind of 'investor' you cannot even call yourselves investors. You are emotionally attached to an investment and cannot even make one rational thought about how value is created in the future. You are just swimming with the stream. Every somewhat decent Investor would see the huge potential gain in BCH and buy it, especially when it is decreasing in value. I switched my entire holdings to BCH for a price of roughly 300$ and would never sell

LOL you didn't take profit? talk about swimming with the stream. you fucking held through the most unnatural pump in crypto history and didn't think to your self to sell? fucking retard.

cope harder, this shit is going nowhere but down and there are a hundred reasons why that is so. chief of which is that bitmex holding millions of dollars worth of the shit that they intend to dump onto the market at any moment. only an idiot would continue to hold BCH knowing this.



they just stopped getting paid to shill

something is brewing with BCH though and i dont fucking like it, the BCH jew chinks arent done just yet.. its gone oddly flat

t. ATH bagholder

You will never make it. Thats the point where you would have sold all you Bitcoins.

You can lead a horse to the water but you cant make it drink. Enjoy your missed gains in the future.

Your assessment sounds about right but i dont see the good / advantage in BCH... i just dont see it. It's a copy cat coin that tried fixing a >potential< problem of the original with a supposedly quick and easy fix. So when you look deeper into the tech (deeper than most here) you find a lot of potential new probleme that just arose by that quick-fix the BCH fork was...and these are problems BTC does not have in the first place cause the original solution prevented exactly these. I checked into Lightning Network for BTC ; the solution they are currently building to address the problem BCH forked for - and its a way way cleaner solution that does not only fix bugs but also adds new capabilities. So technically speaking that quick fix BCH did is not a long run thing and eventually fires back. Hope you get my point, but +1 for your hard balls, appreciate.

Sell while you can, as soon as it hits $300 again it turns into unsellable bags which no one will buy unless you're willing to sell under the price. Just like the last time. This coin never reached equilibrium at lower prices.


why u heff to be mad

I enjoy watching chinks fall at the foot of the white man

well then you're actually retarded

I go all in at 0.27 just kill me already

> btrash is mo


Memes aside I think there's a good chance that either coinbase adds it as an option in January giving it legitimacy and the price goes up more, or it is pumped just prior to the January happening. Either way I'm keeping a little bit incase some excitement happens.

You'll see coreboy

he won't see you from up there, bchboi

Actually honey, I hold both from after the fork.

I would be fucking terrified if only held BTC, especially after a few days ago.

I can't wait to see corecucks squirm when it moons again

I believe we just had a trend reversal

problems with your pants-on-head retarded shilling:
1) btc is more profitable to mine, miners arent mining at a loss;
2) the hash rate is nowhere near ath at the moment;
3) the current speed of btc is exactly 6 blocks/h;
4) the expected difficulty correction is -6% at the moment.

get fucked, mr. bagholder


No you dumb cunt, you invested in the Myspace of cryptocurrency.