Be black

>be black
>spent my teen yrs on /pol/, Veeky Forums and /mu/
> redpilled myself to know the jews want me to ruin my ancestors legacy and race mix
>black girls don't like me because I don't act hood enough but im also not nerdy so I can't impress them with financial gains
>white girls just see me as a Veeky Forums guy with a walking dildo
Lifting can't help me anymore lads think im going to end myself soon.

>think im going to end myself soon


>le humble brag BBC

It seems that you are self-conscious and that's something that makes you better than 90% of world's population. So don't worry too much and keep what are you doing. You are gonna make it brah.

go back to /pol/

>go back to /pol/
Don't you have some fields to work?

Robert downy jr. is a filthy kike, which is worse than any nigger. Also,
>liking capeshit

Have you ever seen a dildo land flat!?

Get a t shirt. like a stop signs
Or somethingbrelated to the dildo


id a women can wave a dildo out in public..

why do the same.

Youd realize that waving a big dildo isnt the norm. but! if a person can understand symbolic gestures within a shirt.

youd make her drop the dildo

Go after Asians or Arabs then faggot, plenty of fish in the sea

It's a play on the original pic. And besides, who said I like capeshit? I might be /co/, but I've got taste.

Besides, RDJ is one of the few right-wing actors and has publicly stuck up for Mel through everything.

>I might be /co/, but I've got taste.
lmao no you don't.. go jack off to your 3d pics faggot.

>muh capeshit
Saying comics are all capeshit is like saying movies are all blockbusters, music is all Lonely Island and books are all Twillight.

>being this dumb
look pal its okay to have shit taste. move along little boy

>I have no arguments so I just call others dumb
God you're a faggot.

What a dumb blog post. Fuck off


If you were a jew, why would you stick up for an antisemite? Seems pretty cucked desu.

Downey's Ethnicity:
*37.5% Ashkenazi Jewish
*25% mix of English and Scottish
*25% German and Swiss-German
*12.5% Irish

Besides, Mel was the guy who helped him stand back on his feet after rehab, and Downey has stuck with him since then. He's probably the only redpilled guy there.

>inb4 Shillary
Watch the vid and it's just an "urge you to vote" bit. He never endorses her, while others do.

Reported sick of the non fitness shit on here.

>>be black
Stopped reading right there.

>it’s another racebaiting thread
do you guys ever get bored

If you aren't hood then there must be black girls who ain't hood retard.

/pol/tards get just as triggered as tumblr

meet a black girl at a white church

Obviously this retard can't meet any girl of any type because he is a pol autist and is using his race as a excuse.

Kek is that an edit.

>''just one sip user''

kys nigger

> redpilled myself to know the jews want me to ruin my ancestors legacy and race mix
you aren't white or asian, this doesn't apply.

It does though. No race should ever breed with another race.

they only want white guys.

Who only wants white guys?

Do Americans really use church to meet up girls?

Also /pol/ here, get a vasectomy or move to a black/mulatto country. Dominican Republic is ~85% mixed already so go ahead and jump in.

Have you ever seen an Asian mixed with black? Ugliest admixture by far

Start a black nat soc Instagram and YouTube channel. Only post shit by Malcom x and the like Godspeed

All black mixes are ugly user.

>black girls don't like me because I don't act hood enough but im also not nerdy so I can't impress them with financial gains

Those women are trash.

>white girls just see me as a Veeky Forums guy with a walking dildo

if its something meaningfull youre looking for go change sociall circle

>be black
>think you're redpilled because you understand the jews' game
>still somehow can't comprehend that black people are inferior to all other races

Thankfully within 50 years the white and asian races will have developed industrial level genetic modification plants and inferior nigger genes will be silently removed from all future generations.

Black guys

go for asian girl like all redpilled men

>go for insecure homeschooled yellow fever who doesnt know anything except from saying yes
>all redpilled men are weak fags who can not withstand the competition with other guys and normal white girls
Kys senpai

t.asian cuckboy


Non ghetto black girls exist. Just go to rich white places and talk to the black girls there, if all else fails go to Africa and take one back home. Ethiopia or Nigeria could work, but you might get robbed in Nigeria. You can also try south Africa but that also has a lot of whites so it'll be harder.

It's what i plan to do once i get my shit together. My church has the cutest girls I've ever seen, but i need to be at my best cause i don't want to bring them down.

asian women and black men make good relationships

asian women and white men make horrible relationships

damn look at dat neck

Claim your birthright and voyage into conciousness, friend.

t. Unaccomplished """white""" basement dweller

>Lifting can't help me anymore
with what? life isnt made or broken by a lack of "genuine desire" from the opposite gender, youre still a child OP
since you have all this free time
>start with the greeks
or something

>>start with the greeks
>understanding the Greeks
Tag yourself, I'm 9.

>muh incomprehensible greek magic daddies
Please, give me an awe inspiring insight, retard.
Not even black, you just sound like such a fag that I want to take your dumb ass down a peg.

t. bootyblasted negro desperately pretending i'm not right

>dat 56% cope

This thread is absolute garbage and you should all be ashamed. The last two digits of my post is how many atonement pushups you faggots have to do, the nigger has to do double.

It's almost as if discussing race on the FITNESS board is a bad idea......

>Not Hood Nigger
>Not Nerdy Kike Nigger
>Muscle bound and not degenerate

Literally Black Chad

Your only struggle will be finding a black chick that isn't degenerate if that is your goal, other than that, you're gonna make it in all (or most) fields

Churches are almost 100% one ethnicity.

>implying race doesnt affect athletic ability of individuals
Lots of kenyan swimmers arent there?

you made me think i was the retarded one

What that's a bit gay boi.

>implying Kenya has recreational pools and coaches.
Notice how soccer, the most economically accessible sport, has no clear racial dominance.

We are just memeing about niggers. Nobody hates you.

>Lifting can't help me anymore lads think im going to end myself soon.
From the rest of America; "Thank you!"

Choose a mudslime, a sandnigger or a mexican instead.

Don’t end it bro
Fuck what women think,
Does it make you happy being mired or do you want an actual relationship ?
Just do what makes you happy and focus on that until something comes along, or, travel the world & get laid a lot.

All black guys are gay according to you, what?

Soccer requires skills and muscles that are seen in many different races

>racial muscle groups
Time to put the Veeky Forums down m8, you're no longer distinguishing memes from reality.

If you kys the jews win.
not /pol/ so kindly fuck off but stay strong

>Lifting can't help me anymore
you need more cardio
Stay strong nigger! The future depends on people who can see the truth without despairing, to combat the gullible and naive retards from doing the rulers bidding.

I hate jews

>based nigger
I hate nu/pol/

I'm a black female. Date me.

hes not wrong

Nothing he said was contra to national socialist ideology.

Just try and get into the WE WUZ communities and red pill some chicks there

is he... dare I say it.... Our guy?

Just stop acting like you're 2good4thehood. Start saying nigga, listening to rap music, using ebonics, smoking weed, and complainig about white people instead of 'friendly merchants'. Before you know it you'll be swimming in hoodrat pussy plus the white pussy that goes for black dudes.

I was with him until he caped for whites. He only does it because he probably is with/wants a white woman. White people are just as oppressive as Jews just in a different way.


How's it going Shlomo