Can someone explain why this board is basically just /crypto/? No one ever discusses actual business, just talking about meme coins all fucking day.
Can someone explain why this board is basically just /crypto/? No one ever discusses actual business...
shutcho gay ass anime postin ass up, boyo
Because there are 20,000 men from India making threads about altcoins, 99% of which are scams. Just buy bitcoin and invest the rest in stocks ya dingus.
crypto is essentially a pyramid scheme so this place is a free soap box for shills to peddle their scam.
Because if you want to run an actual business you have to talk to normies, and this is Veeky Forums.
Well actually there is some threads about stocks, and hustling. You should make one OP for discussion.
This board was made as a crpyto containment board that was shitting up /g/, /b/ and other boards.
There was a period of time, a couple of years ago, when there weren't many altcoins yet and crypto was pretty dead when 90% of the board's discussion was non-crpyto related
It's a widely known fact that Veeky Forums is 5-7 years ahead of the rest of the world
crypto is babbies first investment
because we're all young aspiring NEETs looking to make our initial capital for starting out businesses
pic related
>implying social interaction with normies is required to be a successful entrepreneur
>what is online business
Because buying and selling Crypto IS AN ACTUAL BUSINESS. It is THE business as of late.
Your question is like me going on Veeky Forums /mu/ and bitching about the fact that noone talks about Chuck Mangione anymore!
Please tell us about your coffee stand and your newspaper route OP
I would like to hear about business ideas other than crypto.
NEETs are one-trick ponies.
This board was literally added to Veeky Forums to save /g/ from half it's catalog being Dogecoin threads, it has always been crypto. The time after the Dogecoin hype but before the early 2017 crypto explosion, where other business discussion was had, was actually the anomaly.
That's true.
If you bought Bitcoin in 2012, you could've been swimming in money today, literally.
It's more like a ponzi scheme than a pyramid scheme, because it relies on the same investors putting more and more money into it whereas pyramid schemes need exponentially more people to sign up to keep it floating. That's why ponzi schemes keep going for so long and end up consuming much more money.
Successful people probably don't have time to deal with this place. Also this board is extremely toxic. No one shows any interest in anything besides shilling coins. Whenever someone knows what they're talking about they just get memed at since most of this board doesn't have the depth of knowledge to appreciate any advice given.
On top of all of this, why would someone who knows what the hell they're doing teach a bunch of poor 3rd worlders how to compete against them? I didn't spend all these years perfecting my craft to teach neets and 3rd worlders for free. That's just less money for me if a bunch of people know what i know, especially if they start teaching others.
It was created to contain the crypto threads from /g/
It's the quickest way to make money.
Most of us are neets without money to start a proper business anyway