What does Veeky Forums thinks of his content?
What does Veeky Forums thinks of his content?
great content, bit clickbaity but fuck it hes a decent dude with solid advice.
Went waaaaaaaaaaay overboard with the clickbait
We have so many of these threads lately that i now genuinely think that Jesse was forced to shill here by Jeff Caviar under a threat of no fucking gummy bears for a year.
Good vids. Cool dude
He's pretty much God
Jesse fuck off
Like others have said, massive on the clickbait and annoying in the way he presents his topics, but solid advice if you can sit through it
Do we have to praise him everyday here? (FIX THIS!)
He is great and helped me alot too though. (NO MORE PAIN!)
Favourite meme in a long time
pretty good
As you can see here, with the help of my marker pens...(PERIOD!)
I am gonna start marking on my muscles with a marker before I go to the beach so people can see where they are!
annoying (BIG MISTAKE!)
he prevented me from being an idiot and doing stupid accessories, convinced me to stay natty, convinced me that not beig lean is basically just a disgusting excuse to not train properly, convinced me that athleticism is all that matters and the size comes with that but shouldn’t be the goal, convinced me that fitness Yt’s are only for DYEL’s and i needed to stop relying on him and Hermann faggot for advice and needed to just learn shit for myself
He is a manlet so I dont respect his opinion
how tall is he?
Cavalierposting is my favorite meme
We literally have this exact thread 2 times a week. I think we all agree that while his content suffers a bit from his clickbait mentality the content itself is solid.
we have discussed this
if you missed it then your loss.
Thumbnails of his vids make perfect response images.
5'8" kek
Like others have said, his advice is top level, man knows what he's talking about, it's just that for some people, the way the content is wrapped is annoying. I find this easy to ignore tbqh, and focus on his content
Its a goldmine
Honest guy here
helped me fix lower back pain and understand whats my proper form
It think its great
I think it's heavy-handed on the click-bait title
I think these question and answers hasve been repeated ad nauseam on the weekly AthleanX threads since before you started lurking
Is fit going stale or what?
Is he /ourguy/?
The only person who fearmongering harder than Veeky Forums.
I recommend supersetting his videos with Bugenhagen to prevent kinesiophobia
Some of his videos have really helped me out. Wish he'd make a video about hip impingement.
This faggot fucked up my back for some time by his tips for shoulder exercises. Fucking faggot. Anyway good content.
Only seen two of his vids, the one about upright rows and why they are so terrible, and the one about doing lunges and half squats instead of proper squats
He's obviously completely retarded
This is a Cavalierposting thread now
Kek. Saved.
>mfw bicep doms
>Jeff caviar
>no gummy bears
Kek. Wouldn't be surprised if it's Jesse starting these threads. Wouldn't mind it either.
Is Jeff the Todd Howard of being fit?
Who is Surp and why is he rising?
He's what scooby would be if Scoobs decided to become a professional trainer and opened his own gym.
Honestly, i think most of scoobys advice is more reasonable and sensible.
are these threads the new meta meme?
Hi guys, this is Jeff Cavaliere, AthleanX.com. One of the biggest problems i have faced while training athletes, mostly pro baseball players, is that they train with progress not designed for their body, today I’m going to teach you one simple trick to determine which typo of exercise is good for you. I want you to stand on the frame of a doorway, just like this. Now, fix your posture and lift yourself with your tiptoes, lift yourself as much as you can. See, doorways are a standard height, so if your head touches the frame, it means you are a tall guy, at least 6 feet 1. If you can do this, stand on your tip toes and touch the frame, it means you are perfect for heavy lifting, deadlifts, squats, whatever. Now, what happens if you can’t reach the frame, if you are short guy, well, I’ll teach you a trick to fix that. Get one resistance elastic band and hang it from the door frame, since you can’t reach it, stand on a chair or a box. At this moment, place the elastic band around your neck and hang yourself until you die, there you go, an easy fix for your manlet problem, that way no one will ever say you are compensating.
he can see his muscles, you can't see yours.
He gives good advice but he won’t be able to do that forever.
There is only so much advice and tips on diet and exercise and that’s why fitness sources eventually end up constantly repeating themselves or shilling bullshit.
If people ever realize that the “secret” to looking like you exercise and eat healthy is by exercising and eating healthy then all of these guys will be out of a job.
>he won’t be able to do that forever
>mournful tits
If i had pectus excavatum like that i would be ashamed to take off my shirt
Computer, give me a print-out of Oyster smiling.
Pretty good
He specializes in treating injuries and physical abnormalities. He's still got plenty of videos to work on. Hasn't even done a video on hip impigmenting yet