Does Veeky Forums recommend 12CODCAD?
Does Veeky Forums recommend 12CODCAD?
Chads need only apply.
Wow he just earned my respect
As a person who drinks two bottles of diet coke everyday, MY NIGGA
The biggest and strongest natty I know drinks over a gallon of soda (not diet) a day, when u need 6k calories just to maintain you have room for it.
my dad used to drink like 20 in a day, probably still does. takes a cooler full of nothing but diet coke with him to work everyday. even has a discount with the local gas station clerk who gives him 50 cents off on 12 packs. the aspartame has rotted away what little brains he had to begin with. I cant wait until he gets dementia and dies a slow painful death.
But as for Trump, he's alpha male enough to drink whatever the fuck he wants. MAGA.
you are a dumb bitch. Aspartame has been studied for the past 50 years you conspiracy freak. It is perfectly safe. Only bad thing about diet coke is that it fucks up your teeth.
aspartame has been shown to decrease brain function as well as increase homicidal aggression
>Increasing brain tumor rates: is there a link to aspartame?
>Effects of sugar and aspartame on aggression and activity in children.
>Effects of Diets High in Sucrose or Aspartame on The Behavior and Cognitive Performance of Children
>Studies on the effects of aspartame on memory and oxidative stress in brain of mice.
>has never touched alcohol
>has never smoked
>never drank coffee
>never done drugs of any kind
And he's still high energy and healthy in his 70s. Degenerates btfo
turns you into a sparta mane
I drink 6 liters of coke zero a day and have done so for a few years.
>as well as increase homicidal aggression
Only a soyboy would think this is bad.
>aspartame has been shown to decrease brain function as well as increase homicidal aggression
GOOD. Trump is already having an IQ of 156. He intends to lower it so the lesser humans can understand the genius concepts he has. As for homicidal aggression im 110% for that in him. He needs it for when we start saving the white race from extinction.
We just found out why fat women are all crazy.
How did someone with a 156 iq beat out Hillary who has 162?
Because Americans are retarded
>Increasing brain tumor rates: is there a link to aspartame?
This is a comment, not an article, or a study, written in 1996. Further studies, conveniently listed on the sidebar explain that this comment is ill-founded.
>Effects of sugar and aspartame on aggression and activity in children.
"Double-blind crossover challenges with aspartame, saccharin, sucrose, and glucose produced no significant effect on aggression or observers' ratings of behavior. ... It is unlikely that sugar and aspartame are clinically significant causes of disruptive behavior."
>Effects of Diets High in Sucrose or Aspartame on The Behavior and Cognitive Performance of Children
"The results of this study do not support the hypothesis that a diet high in either sucrose or aspartame adversely affects the behavior or cognitive functioning of children."
>Studies on the effects of aspartame on memory and oxidative stress in brain of mice.
"Only at the highest dose of 5.625 mg/kg, did aspartame significantly impaired water maze performance." "Considering that a can of Diet Coke contains about 180 mg of aspartame, and the average adult weighs about 70 kilograms (or 154 pounds), a quick mathematical calculation will reveal that you can drink about 16 cans per day without worry."
You didn't read your own cited studies, they all either don't support or argue against your previous arguement that "aspartame has been shown to decrease brain function as well as increase homicidal aggression".
>How did someone with a 156 iq beat out Hillary who has 162?
Asking the wrong question user. The right question is: When did Bannon come back from the future exactly?
What an honest man
Wasn't the effects documented at really high doses, like 3 liters of diet coke a day for a prolonged amount of time.
I don't drink much soda, and will rather take a bit of sweetener rather than 100% pure beetusjuice
>Further studies
you probably drink alcohol or are a hedonistic apathetic drug user. Don't tell me that aspartame is harmful
you should die, or at least shove a can of coke on your ass
you're retarded and you didn't even read what you posted
Aspartame is harmful.
I was on this until last year. Quit cold turkey- no caffeine, no soda, no aspartame. I feel so much better now.
wow, CNN has really gone to trash
Did your roidhead friend ever hear of milk?
12 cans of soda is 1.1 gallons
it's easier and still accurate to just say godcad
> trump
> chad
trump is the chaddest motherfucker i've ever seen
We need an H to make it GODCHAD, what could it be?
H2O is gay
A Day
>drinking literal tranny potion
>good for gains
This is why you're small user
I drank a 12 pack of Diet Coke a day for like 5 years. I finally cut soda out and only drink black coffee now.
>perpetual brain fog is gone
>money in my pocket
>soda tastes like poison now
No, 12CODCAD is fucking awful and makes you feel like a sad sack of shit.
Did you read any of those scientific articles?? Jesus Christ
>worth billions of dollars
>hot wife
>most powerful man in the world
>speaks his mind and doesn't back down
>his one liners
Trump is THE alpha chad.
>Trump is the lowest test president in the history of the US.
>40% body fat, sleeps very little, irritable, on finasteride, all of his sons have weak jaws.
> marries his daughter to a jew
Why does /pol/ like him again??
>sees a woman he like and grabs her by the pussy because he can
>billionaire with a sexy wife
>became the president of the USA by making fun of fat women and disabled people
Could he be more of a chad?
>not sips
>most powerful man in the world
Lmao at the state of trump supporters
Trump is literally the chad from the meme.
>can fuck any woman he wants
>has a former supermodel wife who is 30 years younger than him
>crazy yellow hair style because fuck you
>grabs pussy because he can
>captured war veteran? fuck you, shouldn't have been caught
>disabled? lol
>says whatever he wants
>doesn't give a fuck what cucks think about him
>doesn't give a fuck about your feelings
He makes me hope that Hell is real.
Because he is..
162? LMFAO That alcoholic ho bag struggles with basic coordination and stringing together believable lies. 162 my ass.
my grandpa has done all of the above and is 78 and still does his own lawn work, drives, and has sex
That's around how much my mom drinks. I feel just the slightest bit closer to our President now. Thank you, CNN.
>commands the most powerful army in human history
>thinks hes gonna be the man when he becomes pres
>has no clue about 90% of the shit he has to deal with
>ends up entering the cuckzone of letting bribed people do the shit he has no clue about
>tries to be a man by acting like a cunt to most other leaders
>meanwhile acts like Putin's Samwise Gamgee by emitting submissiveness rather than trying to logically challenge Putin's dominance while still maintaining leadership
>fucking proves how much of a cuck he is by letting his lack of knowledge manifest into Jerusalem now becoming the capital of Israel
Literally what the fuck. Don't get me wrong, I was very pro-Trump pre-election. But if you're retarded enough to think everything the candidate from your political party does MUST be right, then you can't think for yourself.
Trump simply couldn't pull off what he was promising. He's no different from any other Republican candidate. Shame really, but it was nice to have had hope.