Who else here has been lifting for years and is still DYEL?
Who else here has been lifting for years and is still DYEL?
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What makes someone a dyel. ODyel Rules!
>almost 1 year in
>bp 70kg
>dl 110kg
>squat 70kg
>ohp 55kg
4 years. Numbers are dyel, looks are ottermode.
Tried everything except roids. Even been 110kg on a 6000kcal bulk.
What are we supposed to do?
Checking in
Been lifting for countless years, probably ten. I just never eat enough.
Still can't dl above 3 or bench much above 1 plates.
Try lifting, you know. Not the PPL/brosplit shit.
Literally tried pretty much everything during these 4 years. 8 months ago I added 3 hours of endurance cardio a week and slimmed down to 85kg at 6'5", ottermode ( i got a narrow frame, so looks good ).
Do full body mon, wed, fri, same every day, 8-12 rep range. 90 minutes a session.
Numbers still dyel, but looks are good, feeling good. I have embraced my destiny of never getting good numbers.
Check for tapeworm or other gains goblins
Only those that don't eat
Lifting 2 years with breaks here and there. Still look dyel as fuck and my lifts aren't great
Bench 80kg x8. Attempted a 2pl8 bench but the bar only got about halfway up.
Deadlift 160kg X3
Squat 105kg X 5
Ohp only 50kg X 4 because I only started doing it again a week ago after six months of not doing it
According to/fit/ I should be closing on on 2/3/4/5 by now
I do cardio predominantly. Apparently, it's very difficult to get "big" while running, cycling, and HIIT are your primary exercises. I lift weights, but I'm pretty sure it's unnoticeable. I never wanted to be jacked in the first place. My friend who lifted had trouble understanding this.
gains goblins lol
I used to lift and had 19inch arms
I'm at 17inch arms now and life kind of sucks evr since I stopped lifting and training through the pain
>tfw no gf
Post body
> 8-12 rep range
First mistake, way to make your strenght gains slow as hell/non-existent.
> You are a lanklet
If you are a lanklet it is very fine to use damned dumbbells. The barbells/plates are made for normal humans, your proportions not ideal for them.
> I added 3 hours of endurance cardio
I thought you wanted to gain. 85kg 6'5" You are a fucking skeleton friend. I mean it might be a tremendous improvement if you were 70kg before but you definitely did not try everything to be reach your full potential.
Already figured this out, use dumbbells for everything but squats.
I tried bulking at 6000 kcal per day for 4 months, gaining to 110kg last year
I got fat, didn't see that much strength gain.
So yes, I've been everything from 75kg to 110kg while lifting.
Not a skeleton though, as I said lanklet frame. So I literally look ottermode and not pretty good at it (idk my bf%, but I have a solid six pack when pumped, and my back is very well defined.)
Cardio is helpful when I'm doing 8-12 reps on squats etc. Before I added cardio, I was out of breath at 6 reps.
>8-12 rep range
Obviously tried other rep ranges, this is what works best for my body, seen my best gains using this. Also have to use this rep range on squats cause disc slip.
Couple of possibilities:
> You are at a genetical disadvantage somehow
Maybe, only you would know
> You are inconsitent/on a retarded routine/just not pushing yourself hard enough/you do not eat enough/you do not sleep enough
You did not post your routine nor do we know how consistently and dedicatedly you lift. Reaching 1/2/3/4 in 2 years if you are fucking around is good. If you are dedicated something is not right.
> Ohp only 50kg X 4 because I only started doing it again a week ago after six months of not doing it
> You have shit form on all your lifts
Fix them.
Me until I started roiding. Now I look like I always should have.
>tfw too spooked to roid
Have you tried working harder and eating more?
Body dysmorphia is also a bitch
Around 1.5 years in with 9 months of that being cutting. Currently bulking and I see myself just getting fat all over again, getting love handles back, send help I just wanna be aesthetic by June/July
>OHP: 140 lbs
>Bench: 205 lbs
>Squat: 275 lbs
>Diddly: 315
Kill me
Some people just don’t have great genetics. I like really good, but I’m not strong for example.
Yeah that was me until I started eating like a (mad) man.
>unos cojones
Are you even trying? I've done SL for 8 weeks and only OHP is below yours
Isn't OHPing half your deadlift somewhat disproportionate / strong on shoulders? I know, his whole body is still weak, but relatively?
Uh someone who can bench press 70 kilos is not 'weak', some people can't even lift the bar.
>Have a history of gaining too much fat on bulk
>Start slow, go from 155-158 I'm a month (pretty good)
>Stall at 158 for a few weeks
>Start eating slightly larger portions, add protein powder, occasional small snack for breakfast
>Stalled at 160
>Eat a little more
>3 weeks later, at 167
>Look like a fat DYEL unless I have a pump
What. The. Fuck. I still feel lethargic too
70 kilos is fucking nothing on the bench, kill yourself weak faggot
lmaoing @ u shoulderlet
Been lifting 12 years now.
Never consistent and on a program. Had most success once IIFYM became a thing and I got MFP app.
Only starting to look like I lift now. It turns out programs work, tracking macros work, and staying consistent work. Go figure
I agree, but only if you split people into lifters and non-lifters. If you throw an average person under a bar and load 70kg most will definately struggle and propably fail, but it is pretty weak for someone who seriously lifts.
Lifted for since 2008 or so in a gym, with some breaks because of real life commitments.
My diet frequently suffers and all my male relatives are wirey dudes and no one is athletic or fat so I don't have the best genetics.
I'm dyel by fit standards but usually the biggest guy in the room frame-wise and have better posture by far.
So it all works out.
>I like really good, but I’m not strong for example.
These two go hand in hand with being small and lean. I'm not saying everyone should be a fat powerlifter but if you gained weight (and some bodyfat) you'd be stronger.
been lifting for almost two years
still can't bench 2pl8
should I kms?
here fellow non/fit/ fag
3 years here, testing maxes next week
I'm also quite happy about it, I stopped worrying about Veeky Forums standards pretty soon and don't regret it a bit
Everybody has his own pace, his own goals and I think the path matters more than "how quickly you made it"
Does counting macros beyond making sure you eat enough protein really help that much?
Also what is actually the difference between a "program" and a routine?
Please tell me these are kilos.
I thought it was implied, I'm replying to a comment expressing weights in Kg
According to fit I should have reached those in 3-6 months
you meed to bench more to bench more. Google Smolov Jr. for bench.
pretty good depending on your weight desu
1.5 years
315 / 320 / 205 / 125
Having fun, not really concerned with numbers but definitely think I'm below average progress.
I'm 130lbs/60kg and I'm 6'5", I have tried whole milk, I've got braces so it hurts to eat anything harder than a peanut butter sandwich, I go to the gym a fair bit, I sued to be a long-distance runner.
Ottermode is my only hope at this point.
How you you get neck gains? Bulking never worked for me.
>t. fatty
Used to be one of those guys.
Then I switched to push pull 3 times a week total workouts.
It was nice. Gained some mass.
Then I started eating at least 500 grams of pure meat every day in one meal, and fill out rest of ccal and protos in other meals.
Im growing like crazy and Im heaviest I ever been. And strongest probably.
Basically you gotta juggle eating, working out and sleeping until u hit combo.
Nofap helps with faster recovery and better gains FOR ME. Might not be same for others.
>reddit spacing
Literally try harder. Do more compounds, heavier, and with more focus. Fix your form already if you haven't. Stop looking for these easy shortcuts and don't cheat yourself. Eat more food. Especially eggs/milk/red meat. I guarantee anyone who hasn't made gains isn't doing all of this
>they all fell for the natty meme
have you checked your test levels?
stop falling for the natty meme
been lifting for a little over a month and i can see rippling in my back, shoulders stick out, and chest is wider. numbers also went up. am i going to make it?
Tbh mate I don’t think you look DYEL. You look like a strong dude, you just don’t look roided. I wouldn’t fuck with you, anyway.
You’re doing great man. I wish I could put up those stats... just start cutting in like Feb/March
is 400g test and dbol a good roid starter pack? If I still look dyel after 2 years of natty lifting will roids even make much of a difference?
jesus, wtf happened in mid October?
Same brah. Could never get past the 83/84 kilo mark
I went from 84kg down to around 78kg in 2 or 3 weeks just by cycling to college.
Gastroenteritis, my dude. My guts were hollowed out. I ate nothing and shat water for days. And then, about a week after I recovered, I got a couple of colds. It was a bad month and I haven’t been able to put on any appreciable weight since. I used to be gaining 0.5kg a week.
I feel like I'm headed down the same path. Been doing a 3 day full body since July & my progress in terms of physique and strength has slowed right down. I started a more physically demanding job (~50hr weeks) after finishing uni last semester, so I haven't been as consistent as I'd like. But I'm not sure how capable I am of getting acceptable numbers.
In kg I'm 41/61/80/90 (5rm) @ 5'10, 74kg
Lifts don't matter, just the percentage increase of your lifts from when you started. All relative bro keep goin
Congrats. That's where I was my first few months in too.
Stalled hard at 1/2/3/4
>85kg at 6'5"
I'm 6'2 and 84 and I'm textbook 'hungry skeleton' + 'dyel' mode
Thanks, but I'm 5'7, which means proportionally I look pretty small
>rep range
There's nothing wrong with 8x12 , nor is there anything wrong with 3x10, 5x5, etc.
But there is something wrong with using the same rep range all the time. Utilize different types of volume. Stagnation occurs due to shit programs with shitty repetitive volume. You can't just keep linearly progressing like that after your first few months.
Take the neck pill brother
can you post bod? I feel like i might be on a similar path
>t. brainlet
My tip for everyone out there struggling to progress. DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING GET A PT. NEVER. PERIOD. Unless this guy trains olympians and world record holders, he won't know shit about you and won't help you either. Listen to your body, some people need shit tonnes of volume, others cannot stand it at all. I remember one interview with Sheiko, in which he was despising morons taking his templates and using the numbers there. He said there is no fucking way, you will get great results with a regime, that wasn't created with YOU in mind, hence only you can program for yourself. So listen to your body, change intensity, change volume, change periodisation, hell even fucking change hours when you workout. E.g. I have found out my best strength sessions are after a really big dinner, I haven't eaten in an hour before training, I will probably collapse. Also - I never train in the morning, 8PM is my time. When I was trying to workout in the morning, I have puked on 2 out of 4 trainings in one week.
>According to/fit/ I should be closing on on 2/3/4/5 by now
majority of Veeky Forums will never hit 2/3/4/5 for reps user, don't worry about it
may asell use 500 (600 if you're using t400 gear)
make sure to have adex and pct on hand
frankly I'd leave the dbol out as it'll complicate dialing in your AI and you don't need it, just run the test for longer (15 weeks at 500 is good)
If you cannot bench press your own bodywieght, then you are underdeveloped or not a man. eot
>8 months
>30kg ohp
>55kg bp
>60kg squat
>100kg dl
I started getting into "fitness" three years ago, before I literally never did a pushup in my life. I have never been able to consistently make progress but I am at least in shape for normie standards. Between depression, work and school I keep on fucking up.
I know consistency is the most important thing for gains and it's one the thing I haven't mastered yet.
If you are still dyel after a few years you're clearly not "trying everything" like fuck fitness is a very long journey but you should progress nicely if you're consistent.
If ya wanna get big here's what I found works for me.
>Cardio every week.
Cardio doesn't kill gains, not eating kills gains. Cardio does so many fucking good things for your body it's crazy. Do it for a couple of hours a week. Just 20 mins after a session even.
>Food consistency.
Set your caloric limit to something in accordance with your goals and stick to it like glue. Personally I don't have a cheat day, I'd rather aim for 90% on my diet every day than 100% for 6 days and blow out completely on one.
You know there's more to gains than protein. Learn what matches your goals the best, keep it lean and sugar free where you can. Don't follow a fad diet, follow fucking logic. If guys in WSM, IPF and Olympia aren't doing a diet you're on, chances are yours is just a fad/inferior. (Within reason ofcourse. Chances are you're not on $10k worth of gear per month either, so once again plan with your goals in mind)
>Earth lollies.
For the love of God eat your fucking veggies. As kanye once said, having veggies isn't everything, but not having veggies is.
You can make gains without veggies, but not smashing veggies while training is like trying to win a car race on flat tyres. Good fucking luck to ya.
Partying is super fucking fun, but you know what's even more fun? Winning.
Keep your alcohol/drug intake low.
Weed doesn't fuck your gains as much, but it DOES affect your training, and your training affects your gains. Keep that in mind.
Indulge every few months or so though. Personally I can go out and stay sober and still have a blast. If you're not yet able to do that and need to drink, atleast keep it low.
Alcohol is the absolute fucking devil for any progress you are trying to make in ANY aspect of your life. It helps in social times but you get dependant.
Yeahhhhhhhh boyyyyy. You'll always hear cunts saying "I only need 5 hours" or "I do all nighters man always on that grind"
Good for them. If you need 6 get 6. If you need 9 get 9. Sleep is possibly the most important thing to prioritise in your life for success. You literally need it to function properly.
Inb4 "but there's not enough time to get everything done!"
A) prioritise your shit better.
B) a well rested 14 hour day will be so much more productive than a fatigued and tired 18 hour day.
Sleep mother fucker. Sleep.
>Scheduling food.
I don't have set times for my meals, but I try to follow a few dot points.
1) eat as soon as I can after waking up
2) space my meals evenly to the best of my abilities
3) have a meal/snack around 1 hour before gym, no more than 2 hours, and little carbs/mostly fats and proteins.
4)smaller meals for dinner make for a less tired wake up the next day.
Whatever your training goals, get a routine that will assist you to get there and stick to it. Training day by day based on how you feel isn't very beneficial. Have an expectation of how your week of lifting will go.
You don't need a belt and wrist wraps for every lift, but buy some gear such as the correct shoes etc. $200 lifting shoes may sound like a rip off, but it's cheaper than the chiropractor bill for fixing your fucked body from 6 months of training on a supinating ankle.
Also helps your form and increases gain rate.
I don't touch the shit, my brother did a lot of HGH and now has a brain tumour from it. If you're gonna do it, by all means go ahead but for the love of fucking god do your research, get a good supplier, know what you're taking and follow the healthcare/advice/therapy etc to support your Body while you do it. Don't be dumb for gains.
>Listen to your body.
No one knows your body like you. People will grow faster or slower than you. Don't base your lifting on what someone else is doing.
Lucky last.
These are the most focused on by dyels, and probably the least important because they do exactly as the name suggests
- suppliment what you don't already get from your poor diet.
Follow the basics.
Multivitamins, some fish oil and creatine and a whey isolate.
Vitamin C helps with removing free radicals giving you a more balanced day/clearer output. (Also absolutely magical for coming down off acid/LSD/MDMA)
Vitamin B helps with your energy levels so take a vita B complex if you can find them
Liver detox if your diet/supp ranges are fucked up or if you're on the heavy juice.
That's all that comes to my head when I think about what works for me.
That and just not being a weak willed cunt when I train.
Do core
i don't think majory of Veeky Forums is powerlifters.
being on 1/2/3/4 is still WAY above any normie.
my goal is 1/2/3/4 and after that im never gonna increase weights, only reps(unless i get bored).
currently at 0.7/1.5/2.2/3 for reps
been lifting about 8 years, pretty dyel because I have never consistently stuck with any single program or style and take long breaks and never really eat any protein
ahh such is life, if only browsing Veeky Forums made one strong and aeshtetic
Me too, OP. We just need to eat more. It's hard when your TDEE is 3,000 Calories BEFORE lifting and exercise like mine is though.
I have really shitty lifts and look dyel after 1 yr 2 months.
I'm blaming my pesky overactive thyroid, so I'll have no excuses when half the bastard gets cut out at some point in the next few months.