> 2018
> That feel when no gf
>that feel when gf
>end of 2017
>that feel when no gf anymore
>no gf
>tfw no gf, but sick gains, new friends and experiences
>tfw gf, arguing, drama
may go back to nogf in 2018, not sure
honestly not sure
Might have a gf before 2018 starts.
Feels good man.
>Tfw Gf
>Tfw no Gf
She's probably and most certainly gonna suck some other dude off in the future.
2018 will be the year of the gf.
If dubs she wont be your gf
>tfw don't want a gf but have one now
>when you don't want to have a girl around is when they want you the most
>trying to get her to not like me
>before my first gf years ago wanted a gf so bad but never got one
God is loling, because we are ALL his lolcows
>tfw gf
>tfw gf tells me she wants threesomes with other women
>tfw gf becomes fiancee
Is a lifetime of threesomes making it?
If dubs you will meet a gf.
Nope, you're picking the wrong one user
like 2017 and 2016 ... maybe 15 too?
Trips and you will meet your wife
tfw thought of the past 2 girls they'd be my wife by now
>started lifting and got a job
I'm gonna make it or die trying.
>tfw I really might get a gf in 2018
>tfw I dont want a gf
>tfw never gf
>still no gf to banter and flirt with
>still no gf to think about when I'm sad
>still no gf to have sex with
>tfw no gf
>tfw onitis gf
>wanna be so happy about it but if it goes wrong it'll be x1000 harsher on me
saveee meeee
she gonna pull the ol one two on you and make you watch her get sexed by a guy.
>implying I'm not bisexual
You havent realized that everybody on Veeky Forums likes men yet?
says your relationship is good. they also say I will get gf.
Im with this user. This time we will get a gf!
>how though?
Any ideas?
did you predict your post number to assure user and yourself?
the absolute chad
More lifting
how the fuck did you
thanks for the blessings birbs
>finally free from gf for 3 months
>don't miss anything about it
>just by myself is fucking bliss
You'll miss this time period of your life soon enough man. Enjoy the times you can be alone because it'll all hit you like a ton of bricks when you got a girl and a job and shit
>getting matches on tinder here and there
>girls constantly ask for dates, after learning about me
>to autistic/to intelligent too seal the deal
>tfw rather get drunk every weekend with friends, weekdays alone
>still want gf
how am I supposed to make conversation if I know nothing about superhero movies, reality shows and pop music.
anytime I mention my interests I feel like I'm an autistic alien.
>Moving to a new city halfway across the country in January
>Don't know a single soul there
>Will either be a fresh chance to start over or i'll spiral into soul crushing loneliness
How do I make sure the latter doesn't happen?
>anytime I mention my interests I feel like I'm an autistic alien.
What are your interests?
Mine are
>Football (soccer yor amerifats)
>Fantasy novels and psychotrillers, and reading in general (reading now "psychology of the masses" by gustave le bon)
>gaming in general
>randomly getting drunk with friends
>politics (/pol/tier)
Last girl I dated worshipped my interests. She were like
>omg, you are sooo interesting. You like fantasy, and politics, and also go out a lot.
Its how you sell it desu. I didnt work out with her, cause I had no time because of my exams. I literally answered her when I woke up and went to sleep. In between I had no time. Bitch
>>randomly getting drunk with friends
in the trash
>>politics (/pol/tier)
not him but i'm utterly not interested in politics like at, all
>tfw gf left me a week ago
H-hold me, brehs
>tfw no gf in half a decade
I keep masturbating to giantess porn, how do I stop? Everything else in my life is sorted out, its just this one fucking fetish
4 months here bro
I share a lot of your interests but it's not really the only point.
The moment she turns around and Norman asks her what happened last post malone festival you'll feel out of place because you're not part of this mindset, and finding girls who share this is rare.
I am aware this makes us interesting at face value but we then go on to become that boring guy who doesn't do X or watches Y.
feelsbadman we all gonna make it brah no worries
>talking about your interests
>talking about her interests
Noooooo. This is not how you talk to girls. It's BORING. Every one of her 172 tinder matches will be talking about her taste in music and movies and shit.
Approximately every third thing* you say should be teasing, surprising or confusing. Women are terrible at flirting and will get you stuck on the same subject too long, if you have to wonder what your next response should be then just do a complete 180 degree conversational no scope and change the subject completely.
The reaction you want is not
>oh cool this guy has the same interests as me we are totally compatible
>???????? who is this guy, he's kind of a jerk but not in a mean way, does he even like me what am i doing wrong here
*I say every third thing because you autists will overdo it and tease her past her limit
>Every one of her 172 tinder matches will be talking about her taste in music and movies and shit.
>tinder matches
>>???????? who is this guy, he's kind of a jerk but not in a mean way, does he even like me what am i doing wrong here
Thots think like that.
The original post in the reply chain specifically mentioned Tinder. Every girl on Tinder has 100s of matches.
Advice still applies to non-thots, you've gotta take it a little easier though.
Hahahahaha this answers so many questions. I get bored with these tinder thots because they literally can’t flirt, as you said. So I decide “weol there’s no point in trying any further with this girl instead of unmatching, I’ll just 180.” And they suddenly get more interested every time!
My go to is randomly asking, “... do you know how to unmatch on this?” It drives them crazy
That wont do shit. You need social gains. The majority that have gfs are skinnyfat, fat, or dyel.
Every girl has an inner thot waiting for the right guy to come along and make her panties wet. There are no exceptions, no unicorns.
>tfw not gotten my goals yet.
You should.
You can not only impress a girl but everyone around you.
Friends and family are asking me who they should vote. Just dont be a leftie fag.
>but we then go on to become that boring guy who doesn't do X or watches Y.
But you can become the guy who started watching X because of her. But dont do it to please her, but cause you want to watch it. For example I wanted to watch 13 reasons why, and a girl recommended it. So I said, yeah, thanks, it was good blabla and could talk about it with her. But dont do things,, because SHE likes it, but cause YOU wanted it anyway. Hope you get what I mean, a bit drunk right now...
Yes, teasing is a MUST. But you still a fag
not interested in politics man
This nigga knows.
When I meet a girl who is actually sharp enough to flirt back and you have to up your game it gets my dick so hard.
The 4 Redpills of Tinder:
1.) the average girl you just matched has over 100 matches
2.) the girl you just messaged has over 10 active conversations ongoing, and 50+ unanswered messages
3.) You just got a match or two after spending a few days swiping right on hundreds of women. That means hundreds of women looked at you and nope’d
4.) She doesn’t want to date you unless you’re really hot. You matched because your first pic was “kind of cute.” But that only happened because she was bored while waiting for the bus and since she’s a woman, her need for validation was running low. Before you feel special, aee points 1-3
>a complete 180 degree conversational no scope
Minor kek. I can't do what you describe though I don't have it in me.
What does it mean, when I match girls I never swipped right??
do not use tinder if you're a decent human guy
It means you just don’t remember swiping right. You may ask why that is, and the answer my friend is that to men, essentially all attractive women look the same.
Sorry I don’t have the graph, but women like the top 10% of guys, but guys like maybe the top 60% or so
Only if trips I get a gf.
You all sounds like 13 year olds when you go on about this sort of shit, oh wait
>tfw had gf
>tfw finally had the feeling of being loved I've wanted my whole life
>tfw she's gone now
I'm alone again bros.
>that feel when you discover that you are an unlikable basket base with psychological problems
Feels bad man. I feel sorry for the girls that fell for me. Nothing ever lasted more than 6 months.
Don’t worry bro: here’s quads
imo repeating numbers have to come at the end of the No.
No gf for u
Delete this
Delete this now ;-;
tfw she deleted you again
Childish attempt
shan't be acquiring a gf anytime soon lads, hold me...
Nah bro, seriously. We need to make social gains. Talk to people. I am too flaky and I'm going to fix it... someday
that feel when yet another year of nosex
Nah man, I match girls I never saw. I dont swipe always right - I select the bitches I wanna fugg
Teach me master
>tfw no gf
but then I remember
>tfw 6'4"-6'5" masterrace
>tfw ripped/athletic greek god
>tfw stronger than 99.99% of the male population
>tfw 7/10 psl aesthetic face
>tfw IQ over +3 stddevs
>tfw physics degree
I'd rather be an autist introvert and at peak physical performance like I am now than a likable manlet loser. Atleast that's what I say to cope
>tfw you will never OWN a girl like a piece of property
>tfw all you can hope is to fuck her until she gets bored of you
>tfw girls treat men today, like park rides
>tfw all the pretty girls are normie insta whores
>tfw even guys in pua who pull are bored of sex
>tfw even when I had a gf I wanted more free time
>tfw human brain isnt wired 4 happiness
>tfw nofap day 8+ no desire but emotional rollercoster
>tfw hate everyone
>tfw every night dream of some girl and how we are happy only to wake up and remember she rejected me or doesnt exits
>tfw I really want to OWN a girl like a THING and have her at my disposal to fuck when I want
>tfw late 20's
>tfw born to late to have a proper marriage, born to early to experience AI android women.
WHY EVEN LIBE?gefahr marsh
>>tfw late 20's
That's because the majority of people are skinnyfat, fat or dyel. It has nothing to do with lifting.
Also checked.
b-but majority who wave pretty gfs are dyel!
>That's because the majority of people are skinnyfat,
t. me
>trust issues
>dont even trust my best friends of 16 years to 100%
>girl: you dontt trust me, I cant be with you
What do?
I'm not seeing a problem here user.
Start fapping to midget porn. After a while the mean should be normal size woman
Doesn’t this embarrass you? Seriously asking. Maybe you are a boy - trying to have a relationship reserved for grown men.
I’m married with two kids. No need to keep my wife in a cage - we’re going out tonight. If you don’t have a father figure to guide you - maybe try to get one. There are plenty of men’s clubs, no homo. It’s a great place to be a guy and do guy stuff, and even talk about bullshit with a real human.
Tell her "You're right. Because when I trust you completely I don't really care enough about you to fear for our future together. But since you care more about keeping me around rather then us being truly with each other then it's obvious that you want more then just me."
I only ever had this problem with girls I've been with. What reason do you have for not trusting people you're known for a long time?
As for girls, I never made it obvious. Just overthought everything 100%. Not sure what exactly you're doing that makes grills aware of you not trusting them. What did you do?
>Because when I trust you completely I don't really care enough about you to fear for our future together
the fuck
>r then it's obvious that you want more then just me."
>never had a gf
>dont want one
i have absolutely no idea how you guys feel but from the outside you seem insanely pathetic
You scare me yet I can relate to you
>Because when I trust you completely I don't really care enough about you to fear for our future together.
Am to drunk to unterstand. Also no native speaker.
>then it's obvious that you want more then just me.
What is more than me?
>What reason do you have for not trusting people you're known for a long time?
Everyone of them deceived me in one way or another, except one whom. It doesnt matter why or how. But for me loyalty and integrity are the most valuable virtues there can be.
Everyone who knows me, knows that my word is like carved in stone.
I dont open up desu. I hide a lot of information, cause I think it can be used against me/made fun of me. I think bullying in the past has a huge impact on this.
What part should embarrass me?
I honestly want to own woman I like and looking at it evolutionary for better part of it men OWNED women so I trust my instinct is natural.
I want to have total control over my woman. She can be her own self and of course do what she wants around the house etc but my word has to be final and she has to be available 4 sex always barring when shes having a cold or something.
I have few good friends to shoot the shit.
I agree with having good masculine company is healthy but I dont see why you would comment on that..
Anyways what would u describe as grown man relationship?
>I want to have total control over my woman. She can be her own self and of course do what she wants around the house etc but my word has to be final and she has to be available 4 sex always barring when shes having a cold or something.
wew lad
>tfw no gf
IM letting my hair long as that.
U look assassins creed-y mi nygga
How long it took to grow it to that?
My hair is thicc as fuck. It will be more of a mane.