How the fuck do i bulk

How the fuck do i bulk

I've been eating about 6 large meals of meat and pasta/rice daily for months now and still haven't gained any weight.
Between the meals i snack on nuts and drink milk, but the only thing that increased was the amount of bathroom trips, i shit 4 or 5 times a day.

Seriously how do i exit dyel mode without chugging down weight gainer crap or fast food?

Do you measure your calories, what weight are you at now?

Fat, fatty foods are the answer.

liquid calories m8

milk + peanut butter + chocolate ice cream + protein powder is 1k that you can chug in 5 minutes

Where did you buy those containers?

would rather be a DYEL than to eat this shit every day

Take whatever your eating now and increase it by 1/3 until it's not enough. Keep this up for years.

High calorie shakes are key brother. Drink one morning and night and I guarantee you'll see gains in weight

>6 large meals

you likely don't know what a large meal actually is, also if it's what you have pictured that's not very caloricaly dense and very filling, so basically the opposite of what you would want to eat. Start counting calories or if your too lazy for that do GOMAD.

those are your best friends now

The fuck is your TDEE? Mine is 2700 and I struggle to hit it with 4 meals. Peanut butter blended in milk with oats is a god send.

Tasty, healthy, caloric.

Doesn't count calories

Can't physics and math his way to gains.

Sad low energy

>I'm eating 6 large meals of low calories foods a day!
>y cum i no ganed wate?

Try eating like an average american and lift. That's literally fucking it. I don't know why people struggle to put weight on, you literally just have to eat high calorie foods and get some protein...

holy shit I wish I was in your position. it's so easy to bulk and eat

try fucking cutting and watching every single thing you eat. you don't know how easy you have it

fatty red meats, eggs, butter, whole milk if you can handle it, never try to bulk on chicken and white fish memes

>you don't know how easy you have it

don't worry, in all likelihood he has no idea what he's talking about

i actually counted calories for three weeks and hit over 4200kcal every day. i don't count them anymore but the amount of food is the same.
it seems like i just crap it all out and not use any of it to gain weight. only gained 3kg in two years. i just don't get it anymore....

what kind of shakes can i make without a blender? i just put a scoop of whey and creatine in a shaker full of milk for my post workout shake.

you can buy food containers in any bigger supermarket.

Idk. I've been lifting for over six years and I'm still a lanklet with novice lifts. When I do GOMAD and two 1000 calorie meals a day I hit maintenance. I have a small appetite and there is not a single meal that I ever want to eat. If I'm hungry I take a few bites and the sensation is gone. I feel fucking weak and pathetic. On top of that I tried to meal prep and got food poisoning and lost almost 15 pounds overnight. I'm about ready to resign myself to being a runner or something

Look at some of the liquid calorie tips in here. Helps me.

its called weight gainer for a reason you fucktard