need advice and/or a training routine
14 yr old, 175 cm , about 55-57 kg and want to start calisthenics since i didn't really see any progress lifting weights for about 4 months and i'm not really sure how to start and which exercises to use that' s why it would be appreciated if you could write me a training programme for calisthenics, i'm a beginner but i also like harder challenges
Need advice and/or a training routine
You forgot to eat.
Google Convict Conditioning, You are your own gym, Building the Gymnastic body, Infinite intensity.
Go watch ghetto workouts and movnat video online
Eat more food. Try to supplement your healthy three square meals with some healthy snacks. If you can't do that then a bit of junkfood won't hurt.
Play a fucking sport.
Here's your program.
>pullups or chinups to failure
>pushups or dips to failure
>10 V-ups
>1min plank
Repeat 3x, run 30min the next day, take a rest day, repeat for a few months
Behind the head pull ups and upright rows for massive shoulder gains.
Man I hope my sons want to start lifting when they hit puberty like you. My parents filled me with shit food for my teen years and when I realized that I wanted to not look like shit in my 20's and had to do a ton of work losing fat before I actually start making real gains.
Good on you for wanting to get in shape at your age.
I don't have any calisthenics routines for you though because calisthenics are for nignogs and fags.
Child you must bulk while lifting, also join a sports team even if you don’t like sports because you’ll rale in teenage pussy
whatever you do, never diet. I did the mistake of dieting at 15 years of age and it definitely cost me some cm of height. Eat like a pig and try to escape manlet territory
14 yr old
why is a 14 year old taller than me
>why is a 14 year old taller than me
Why are most 14 year olds taller than me?
Shut up nigger, there is nothing wrong with helping a child
Do a lot of sports and eat a lot, you want yo be at least 180cm tall
This :^(
>14 yr old
Post shirtless pic first
don't do drugs or drinking. Max your height out. Get out of this cancer of a website and make some actual friends.
>14 years old
>This kid was born in 2003
>This kid was only three years old when I first started surfing Veeky Forums.
I want off this ride.
you're a freshman so you can still join a sport. do that and get grills so you never jave to come back here
Dude, I started lifting when I was 14
>177 Cm
>65 Kg
After 4 months of lifting
>180 Cm
>73 Kg
Believe me, this is the best time for you to start lifting. Be sure to eat alot and sleep alot to maximize your gains. Also try getting in contact to a personal trainer or something like that, as they can teach you how to lift. Remember, don't overwork yourself; take small breaks from lifting here and there to maximize gains.