>2017 almost 2018
>realize I have no money
>realize I have no gf
>realize I have no pupper
>realize I have no facebook or non selfies in the last at least 10 years
>realize I am 30+
>realize I go to the gym but have no routine and am dyel
should I end it?
2017 almost 2018
Hmmm, Are you me?
What have you done and achieved in 2017 thus far?
Tell me you're actually working to improve yourself
realize today ppl got rich with ltc skyrocketing up to 420
No, I need people like you to make me feel better about myself.
mo money mo problems
you need a gf? start looking for one
don't need a gf? then stfu
no facebook means you have more time to be productive
and about your age - we all get older and THEN WE ALL FUCKING DIE, get over it
>get a job
>get a whore
>ain't missing much
Ok, nigger. Your new life starts today, pick one of the above and start doing.
How about you fucks focus on changing that and getting some more self control and discipline.
You'll achieve 99% of your body and wealth goals by not spending frivolously and eating more food you can buy in bulk at grocery stores and lifting constantly.
You get a girlfriend and social media life (why?) by taking pictures and hanging with friends that don't stay indoors all day.
You can have the first part or the second part. You can have both if you do the first part for a year before doing the second.
>You can have the first part or the second part. You can have both if you do the first part for a year before doing the second.
what if you get big but then stop lifting for a period of years? Will muscle memory help ya bounce back senpai?
your situation is what inspires me to work hard. i wanna use my youth to the fullest so that i dont hate myself for ruining life later on
I bet my money opposite will happen. I am someone who wasted their youth on binge drinking, partying and what not. I would rather spend this time in jail. Now I hope everyone (including myself) who overindulges will just bring themselves on the verge of a suicide.
>pick one of the above
>start doing ouch
As long as you have you have your health everything is better than you think. If/when you lose that you'll know the true meaning of suffering, not the babby stuff you just posted.
Same here
I'm actually working on my life and 2017 has been an amazing year. Can't believe other annons just sit around and don't grab their life in their hands
>Use them as an example, if they're not working on changing you can also become like them
>Don't be like them
h-how did you work on your life?
>tfw same shitty life as last year
>all i accomplished was getting a better looking body
>but no one will appreciate it because i'm never shirtless
Just don't end up like me
Not op of course, I'm in my 30s and have focused through my 20s to build an empire. Now I'm really successful, but please don't end up like me
I'm alone, tfw no gf, tfw no friends
Money and success should not be the primary goals
I woke up January 2017 with new goals, if you set something new you want to accomplish than all you have to do is actually do it
Also, I stopped playing video games
maybe you should go to prison and join a gang then get out and write about it
Better now than at 40. And it sounds like you know what you’re lacking. Go forth and unfuck thyself!
Fix me a good job in your empire and I'll be your friend.
We'll have sick bantz.
>realize I am 30+
its literally never too late to start your life
I actually met a few people on discord and I'm acting like a mentor for them
They asked me to help them and guide them basically.
Two guys are 19
One guy is in his 30s
We talk every few weeks and they kind of give me a status report on how things are going with them. Pretty sure the younger guys are going to make it, the older guy has a lot of work to get through
>btw, they asked me to mentor them after I talked to them about business, life, goals etc..
It also surprised me how many younger people are not aware of Jordan Peterson, truly amazing. That guy is not mainstream at all
>reddit spacing
>can't greentext
>jordan peterson
checks out Tbh
>implying you have taken a selfie before
If you at any point in your life you take a selfie for any other purpose than personal use you are never going to make it