Is there such thing as a woman who doesn't prefer muscularity?

Is there such thing as a woman who doesn't prefer muscularity?

gotta be, theres men who dont prefer femininity

yes, they're called lesbians

you mean like all of Veeky Forums?

yeah, and me too

Are you saying that being muscular is an inherently male trait?

yes but they're likely to have psychological issues

fuck im so gay

Yes when you get down to brass tacks looks fade away and not being shredded isn't a deal breaker, if you're talking about hook up culture then no you have to at least pass for dad bod

Wtf is a dad bod to you? I don't think of muscles when I think "dad bod"

Muscularity is completely worthless if it's put on a shit frame.

That brachyfacial mediterranean slayer in the OP is slaying because he framemogs her to oblivion, his wrist is probably like 9 inches

Are you being serious

you don't need muscles just don't be fat

Yes. 0% percent irony, 100% purity and sincerity


I love when you fuckers think women are just like men in how they are attracted to opposite sex. Women have 80,000,000 different things they look for in a man, and physical attributes are like 10% of them. Men only care about looks.

Yes, it literally is.

you sound bitter. who hurt you user

What makes you draw that conclusion?

How do I sound bitter? Because I've acknowledged that genetics and development is everything in terms of physical attraction?

15% bodyfat, fairly muscular, is active and relatively strong

Fat asses with huge guts and spindly limbs are just fat as fat asses

>Beautiful woman with top-notch body
>Cheating whore who can't stop herself from getting gangbanged behind your back whenever possible
>Who cares! Wife material

You're fucking stupid

All women are whores.

This guy knows whats up. If any of you faggots ever get a woman to like/love yo, you will understand.

Never held a woman

Cuck detected


Forget the fact he's a fatso, he's wearing a Coldplay shirt so that automatically makes him trash

Sure I've held women. I'd just as easily dump them for cheating because I don't get so fucking starstruck by the presence of a female body that I'd cling to it based on looks and nothing else.

Dad bod is muscular from a life of hard work, but 15-20% bodyfat from too many beers. to achieve this you must be minimum 40 years old, and hairy.

Excluded persons include skinnyfat 20s and 30s who use 'muh dadbod' as an excuse to be a lazy faggot

Muscular, 10/10 chads can like fatties.

Slim, 10/10 stacies can like fatties.

The fact that some retards just straight up deny the fact that this CAN happen in any quantity is fucking retarded.

Yes they can. When I was in high school the sexiest girl ended up with a 300lb fat ass. She had a 6'6 buff guy who also was the son of a grocery store owner and was well off chasing her. She chose fatty mcgoo over him.

>Slim, 10/10 stacies can like fatties.

yeah, if they're rich/funny

No you retard. Get it through your head that even though they're rare cases, women can get turned on by fatties just like men can. Not gonna deny that being rich and funny aren't good accouterments but being attractive and not finding fat people attractive are not mutually exclusive.

>not mutually exclusive
Except for 99% of cases

Is being the son of a grocery store owner supposed to be a prestigious title or something ?

>Your dad will never own a grocery store
Why live?

Yes, especially if it in an affluent part of town.

Why do you equate a male 10/10 with "muscular," but a female 10/10 with "slim"? Why didn't you say "Muscular, 10/10 stacies"?

women sex offenders definitely exist

When they live in a 600k house with a swimming pool that has a fucking water slide built in then yes yes it is.

The guy was driving 50k cars at age 16.

600k for a house is nothing, and you can literally buy a fucking water slide from Toys R Us and set it up next to a pool. We're not impressed

>600K house is nothing

600 k are most regular family houses in the us today

A 600k house here in Texas is 6-7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 3+ living rooms.

Where do you live? California? 600K would buy a near mansion.

Can confirm am 9.5/10 chad and can’t get enough of high test women

if you live in/near a city
anywhere else thats a lotta money big boy

my ex's brother bought a shit tier townhouse in seattle for 600k+ although it was new I guess

I'm sure there is, but most woman care for aesthetics more than they'd like to admit. Every single female that I know in person who has a chubby or fat SO and says they either prefer it or are just indifferent to it because he's such a great guy, are the same women that gush over jacked dudes when they see them in RL. I've seen it happen and I've even been the "jacked" guy a couple times.

>manly dykes

More women prefer otter mode to Klokov
A lot are way into scrawnier rock stars
Some are even into femboys and traps

>in/near ciiiityyyy

former athlete, now weekend warrior athlete, that likes to party and eat junk food but hasn't gotten obese yet just doughy