this is why i lift
This is why i lift
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Color me surprised
Is this news for anyone on this (flat) earth?
But it's still
You aren't running around naked in the winter.
>“Our data couldn’t find even a single woman that preferred weaker or feminine male bodies.”
>The findings runs counter to a theory that has been gaining traction in the field of male attractiveness research, that there exists a “sweet spot” for brawn, and that beyond a certain threshold too much strength becomes unappealing.
i'm not running around naked ever 2bh
>The strength of a man was by far the strongest predictor of whether he was rated as attractive - it explained 70% of the difference in scores. Being tall gave men a small boost of a few percentage points, while being overweight incurred a few negative points.
Women aren't attracted to frail/fat girl men?
In all seriousness how bad has it gotten were things like this is front page news? Isnt this something men and women knew for idk forever? With the rise of soyboys and femminazi's its no wonder things like physical fitness has been forgotten. Stay strong men
Could you post the article? Thanks
interesting snippets
>Lukazsweski said the field appears to have been misled by studies which used line drawings of the male body, rather than photographs. “Most of the studies have been done using line drawings, which have shown hulk-like freaks of nature, that are at the borderline of looking like a human,” he said.
>One set of photographs showed male university students and a second set showed men recruited from a gym, who worked out between three to five times each week. The men were also given a strength test.
>The strength of a man was by far the strongest predictor of whether he was rated as attractive - it explained 70% of the difference in scores.
>“Our results suggest that even if you’re a bit overweight, looking strong can buffer that. Basically, being a strong, fat guy is OK, which I think would bring comfort to many.”
lol college betas vs. gym bros.
>I wonder who was preferred
>>“Our results suggest that even if you’re a bit overweight, looking strong can buffer that. Basically, being a strong, fat guy is OK, which I think would bring comfort to many.”
this is a comfort to me
>238lbs at 21% bf
>tfw was already bloatmaxxing
>now I I'm gonna do it even harder
i'm interested in seeing what the strength test was, but the study is unavailable to me
>women follow thier biological programing.
Not gonna make it
cutting edge research here
This is why you're not gonna make it.
people should realize, that mass media is not their friend
they create articles from one end to another. reason they post something like this is to keep you reading as it "confirms" your own thoughts not to actually confirm them, but to bring you pleasure. when mass media bring you pleasure in one form or another, you are hooked into their matrix
please for the love of god, drop them like sack of shit they are. do you own researches if you need to confirm something, dont let yourself to be led through your emotions
Body>face>>>> height. most girls are like 5'5"
So going to college to make financial gains just means you'll get cucked by the buff guy serving your subway sandwiches.
This desu senpai
They probably used at least a million $ of taxpayer money for this groundbreaking research
>>Our results suggest that even if you’re a bit overweight, looking strong can buffer that. Basically, being a strong, fat guy is OK
TWINKS BTFO. Every season is bulk season
well it looks like there's no need to waste time cutting for summer then, just gotta not get too fat.
Beta mindset!
>tfw still 80 lbs overweight from goal of losing 120
This is comforting to hear in times when I feel the most disgusted about myself for the sake of lifts.
You need to make financial gains and physical gainz.
(mental and spiritual gains too)
Make sure you are the buff guy who cucks the dyel working at subway
We need to see the original photos from the experiment
Would be VERY interested to see a repeat study conducted in japan/asian countries
21% is pretty low for some one that heavy.
im 6’7
lift because you want to impress your bros with those sick lats. no girl will understand how much work went into those. the girls are temp, the bros are forever.
>Rippletits was right all along
Why would I want a Polak on my chest?
>scientists confirm what we've already known for thousands of years
>Women will deny this
Rippletoe only makes obese weaklings who have worse gains then moderately serious curlbros.
Why is it always incels that don't actually fuck women debate face/frame/height/body/whatever all the time
Go back to your cave you pathetic pile of shit
Ofc they will but women don't know what the fuck they want.
>tfw my ex laughed at my 'tits'
Not all women want the same shit, user
>looking strong
70% of this is frame, 30% muscle. If you have a beminine skeleton, you'll need a lot of muscle to match a guy with a wider/bigger skeleton. This is best demonstrated in the shoulders. Wider clavicles give the illusion of bigger delts compared to smaller clavicles. And wide shoulders (relative to waist) is the #1 way to look jacked. Wrists are also important but really only matter if you have tiny tiny bitch wrists. As long as you're over 35th percentile its not very noticeable. The other way around is also true. You need 90th percentile or higher to be seen as having thicc wrists.
However, regardless of your bone structure, it is ALWAYS better to be muscular than to not be. Don't let your frame be an excuse to not lift.
t. 21" clavicle master race
>what is playfull teasing
are you really this autistic user ?
>failing a easy mode shit-test
whev buddy
>You aren't running around naked in the winter.
Are men from warmer, sunnier countries more preoccupied with their bodies because of this? When it's always t shirt weather you have to look good all year
Pretty much, I have big ribcage, wide shoulders, okay wrists and even when I go dreamer bulk mode I still look good in clothes.
We use -let not -cel suffixes. Go back to sluthate.
>my only dream ever is to be a big boy
>tfw narrow skeletal build
I'm gonna start stronkift 5x5 and do my best anyway
>21" clavicle
>while 23-24 full on shoulders are Mr. Olympia tier
Considering that your delts are not 1.5" each, you're a lying faggot.
are you retarded? do you not know what an incel is?
>too much strength becomes unappealing
Looking like you have walnuts under your skin is unappealing, but masculinity has no upper limit.
I'm 5'3 tho
>>“Our results suggest that even if you’re a bit overweight, looking strong can buffer that. Basically, being a strong, fat guy is OK, which I think would bring comfort to many.”
almost like there is something in the brain that acknowledges the fact that you have to gain a little fat to get jacked
>Body>face>>>> height.
You wish ugly facelet
>be 6'2" 220 carpetchest bearmode
>told fuckbuddy I might try to wrestle at 190
>"Don't lose too much weight!"
Law of the jungle, kids. Big wins. P4p is a (((manlet))) trick
>tfw this is more motivating than thots
Am I gay?
post physique
how will lanklets ever recover?
100% sure it was a joke user, calm down.
no one here lifts anyways.
>thinking what women want
>making it
choose one
are you retarded? You get points for being tall. manlets btfo once again.
>You aren't running around naked in the winter.
This is why you won't make it. Cold is basically the best way to increase caloric burn and cause white fat to become brown fat (which is more easily shed), it also looks alpha as fuck to be the guy who can shovel their driveway in a blizzard wearing only a pair of posing trunks.
5'9'', wide hips and wider shoulders leave potential of being a short fridge, but then I have fucking 6.5 inch wrists. What mode do I go for?
Small wrists will make your forearms look bigger. Small joints make all gains look more massive than they actually are.
Is this achievable natty?
>beep beep
manlet detected
It is if you're from Siberia apparently.
So water is still wet. Who woulda thunk
Fire hot, say scientists.
post body please, im always having trouble categorizing tall people in terms of weight
Who let you out of the pit?
Actually it's attitude > money > body > face.
Then your reason for lifting is shit. Kill yourself
Faggots who lifts for girls are the male equivalent of girls who watch what they eat so the don't become whales.
In both cases the moment the relationship reaches a higher level of commitment both get fat and lazy.
Lift for real reasons you cucks.
Yes, I live in a tropical city, being fit is a must, on top of that you have to consider that every fucking one out here is a /fraud/
a small boost. lanklets can't pack muscles. being fat deducts that small boost. reconsider your definition of being retatrded, retard.
I lift because I'm scared of being average.
>manlet roids and maxes out at 80 points
>lanklet roids and maxes out at 100 points
>l-lanklets btfo!
in other news, water is wet
>letting your children go to a kindergarten where they are forced to strip down all clothes
No, thanks.
this is why i lift
i life because i got nothing else going for me and it gives me a minor purpose
is that ok?
>"I should lift so I can a gf!'
>meanwhile, plenty of fat people have gfs and get laid regularly
Explain this.
Ah, that explains a lot.
Jason Momoa pls go
It's necessary, though. There are a lot of social "scientists" intentionally skewing data to fit their belief that masculinity is bad. This debunks that.
They're usually shitty women. Also fat people getting laid assumes they aren't also autistic. If you are autistic then you need all the help you can get.
You know Veeky Forums is full of newfags when no one checks a glorious set of quads on the first post.
I won't stand for this.
Consider your post checked and kek'd.
mirin' thos quads breh
nice trips
are you a fraud, user?
My uncle is strong but ugly, guess how successful his Chad looking but non-lifting friend with women is.
I lift because I have nothing else to do because I'm poor and can't afford to have real hobbies
youre so gay
Meanwhile all the men on the books marketted towards men tend to be packing some kind of weapon.