I never really paid attention to the threads here, so I don't really know anything about him but I wanna ask, was Rich Piana considered a good or nice person?
>in b4 he had a big heart
I never really paid attention to the threads here, so I don't really know anything about him but I wanna ask, was Rich Piana considered a good or nice person?
>in b4 he had a big heart
the piano man was well loved
He was an insecure angry racist bully. He was the furthest thing from a nice person.
but I'm an angry racist.
nope, he was insecure as fuck and incredibly ignorant
quite funny tho
most people on Veeky Forums don't remember, but Piana started as a lolcow
He inspired me to get into the stockmarket... I'm down $3000 but it'll turn around next year when the companies start bringing in revenue and the share price blows up.
He was not a good guy at all. He beat up both of his ex wives, slapped a retarded kid and was a racist pig on top of it.
You can hear him beating Sara, the girl in that pic, in this tape. She is also a fundamentally bad person but I don't agree with beating the shit out of her.
how the fuck are you down in this economy?
no matter how bad he was, the girl Sara, was far far far worse. Serious psychopath.
8/10 undercover b8
Everything about the Stay Puft Oil Man was fake--fake muscles, fake plates, fake height (wore lifts), fake tan, fake teeth (veneers), fake hair (transplant) and even fake face. He had tons of work done on his face (and every other part of his body) according to his ex-fiancee.
He bought expensive watches--and rented expensive cars--and then returned them after making a video showing them off. In other words, his possessions too were fake. His wife had fake tits. Hell, those probably weren't even his dogs.
I guess I couldn't blame him, though. He was like a Kardashian sister--he had no discernible talent but we knew who he was for some reason. And he seemed to do well by selling teenage boys on YouTube some weird, macho fantasy of being a badass who didn't give a fuck about anything when in reality he was one of the most insecure people in the world. And like a Kardashian, he was raised by a narcissistic SoCal mother with a plastic surgery addiction and a closet homo bodybuilder dad. It's surprising he wasn't even more screwed up.
he wasn't beating her you stupid cunt, he was back handing his own palm. She did deserve a beating regardless.
>confronting a stealer makes you a bad person just because she's a woman
are you a retard, or a cuck feminist supporter? also that audio piana trashing that bitch irl is fucking GOLD
he could probably make a shitload of mistakes, like every human being, but now that he left humanity behind yo need to appreciate the straight forward talks he did, and learn from his mistakes on his ex-human form
>beating up roasties and niggers is a bad thing
He was a true hero
Here's a song about his life
>but Piana started as a lolcow
same as zyzz, scooby etc
>not taking out five figure loans to gamble on cryptocurrency
It's like you don't even want to make it.
not a piana fan but everyone in the fucking world at some point of their life were a lolcow user, is just irrelevant
>tfw I've literally never been laughed at
he's a big guy
well you never have a life then
That's what they wanted you to think, user.
the lolcow never knows shit, so you basically stayed as a lolcow
Me too. There’s nothing wrong with that. Anyone who travels the world a bit and isn’t mentally handicapped *will* become a racist.
Seriously what's up with his muscles? They don't move at all when in different positions and when Rich is in motion. Is it some type of oil.
Even his autopsy was fake
he was an honest guy
maybe not a good guy, but he was honest
and I appreciated that about it him. RIP piano
shut up you white nigger! you must be a niggerlover.
He exceeded the limits of humanity and he had to move on. True perfection.