Golfer's elbow treatment

I'm looking for a way to get rid of golfer's elbow in my right arm. I had tennis elbow in my left, which I managed to get rid of fairly efficiently with a theraband flexbar. I'm trying that again to treat my golfer's elbow, but it doesn't seem to work. I've recently begun to stretch a bit too.
Any advice to get rid of it?

Other urls found in this thread:'s elbow&client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiL9bvbrofYAhWnYZoKHQlDBuEQ_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=753

Bump. Could really use advice, guys.

golfer's elbow just needs rest tho. i got one not too long ago from high rep benching. just stop benching and substituted for dips and cable flyes. resolved after 3 months

rest, ibuprofen etc, what really helped mine was glucosamine, you could switch to dumbbells for a while after resting for a week or so

bw chinups
20 sets, low rep count (3-10, depending on how many you normally can do)
every two days

Bs and sort of bs, you definitely need rest but THE big thing is shockwave therapy. Don't know what to do if you're American, cause apparently it's FDA-approved for tennis elbow and not golfer's, which doesn't really make sense. If you're from anywhere else in the first world, you'll go see a doctor and you'll end up getting shockwave.

Thanks for your replies. I tried more than a month of rest with my tennis elbow back then. No lifting, no martial arts. The break made no difference, it was only after training with the flexbar that I started getting better.

Thanks! I normally do pull ups, around 3x10, twice a week. How do the chin ups help?

Haven't heard of shockwave therapy before, but just googled it. It seems like many patients deem it ineffective. Have you tried it?

Shockwave works better than anything else (corrective exercise, surgical intervention which used to be the standard but I haven't seen a patient who had it done in years). If it doesn't work, you're dealing with a misdiagnosed patient, some other dysfunction in the background, not enough rest etc.,... or it just didn't take, nothing is guaranteed.
>t. physio

Rest, ice, CBD.

Would you mind posting your flexbar routine. I'm dealing with tennis elbow rn

If I don't feel improvement before too long, I'll definitely check that out. Thanks for your input.

I had golfers elbow for about a year and some things that helped me get rid of it were the theraband flexbar, voodoo flossing, and gua sha.

Of course!
I found out about the flexbar by seeing this video, and I've basically followed his instructions.

You twist the bar the way he describes, and then slowly ease your resistance, letting the bar untwist. He says to twist the bar again the same way, but I just twisted it back from the position I was in when the bar is untwisted. Twist, slowly let untwist.
I did this for 3 sets of 15 reps each day for a few weeks. I also did it for both arms.

Not sure I explained it very well. Feel free to ask.

Try to replace it with racer's elbow.

Sweet brah, you da real mvp op

You mean like this?'s elbow&client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiL9bvbrofYAhWnYZoKHQlDBuEQ_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=753

Seems like a good way to lose your elbow, to be honest.

No worries, mate. Good luck with it.

>recently begun to stretch a bit
>begun to stretch
You should be stretching before and after every fucking workout dummy. That's probably the issue.

Also could be overwork.

Also, re misdiagnosis like said, it could be bone spurs. I thought I had a golfer's elbow (had tennis elbow in the other just like you, got rid of it with stretching and rest), but it turned out to be bone spurs + impingement. Had to do PT to resolve that.

I'm nearly 100% certain that my elbow injury is not from lifting, but from martial arts. I do reenactment fighting, and the injury came shortly after I started fighting with a new weapon, which meant using everything from my fingertips to my shoulder in a different way. That will have put a new kind of strain on the joint that I was not used to. There has been nothing in my lifting program that seems related to the injury.

(I'm not using that weapon anymore, and will not pick it up again before my elbow is bulletproof)

So much evidence-free bullshit! Chiro, stretching, shockwave therapy...

Only one thing works: eccentric training of the affected muscles and tendons. See it even includes videos of relevant exercises

Look up those peptides


Thanks a lot! Just read through that, and it was nice to get some myths dispelled. According to him, I should keep using my flexbar and maybe stretch a bit, and make sure I don't overwork or overstretch the joint. So I guess I have to keep at it and be patient.

Sweet. Read the article. It's definitely my right elbow and wrist acting up. How do I determine which of the three elbow ones it is? I will get bouts of numbness and tingling in my tips of fingers from thumb through middle finger if that helps.