Will eating 3 eggs for breakfast every day make me die from a heart attack?
Will eating 3 eggs for breakfast every day make me die from a heart attack?
Yes. Try drinking some soy milk and some fried tofu instead, much healthier
Listen to Dr. Shekelstein here.
And don' you forget about your cereal, too.
If you're part of the 1/3 of population that eating cholesterol raises their own blood cholesterol like me, then yes. Note that its fucking 1 in 3. Not that uncommon
I've been eating about 3 or more eggs daily for the past 15 years of my life. Never had a heart attack.
That may sound like bullshit to some poeple but it is not far away from truth.
There are people who have a strong reaction from cholesterol from food.
Eggs contain LGL and HGL, the LGL could make problems. But the bad effect is easy to avoid, because roughhage will bind the bad cholesterol.
Eggs are very healthy and you should eat them. If they were not animal products the media would call them superfood or something like that.
The fda says 3/day is safe. I wouldn't go higher without talking out the yoke
I eat 4 eggs every day and nothing ever happe-
a-user..you there?
Eggs don't have LDL or HDL lipoproteins in them. They just have cholesterol, which in my case raises my LDL-C
>drinking fried tofu
yes jsut eat OLD SPICE BODY WASH
Depends. If you're shoveling shit into your gaping face hole all day for a large amount of the time you're awake, possibly. If you're eating eggs while exercising daily, controlling what time of the day you eat and staying clean then you're probably going to die of cancer caused by something else
>eating less than 8 eggs a day
>not eating an entire carton per meal
shit i eat 5 whole eggs a day, how can i know if its fucking me up?
Impressive. Very nice.
It is literally healthier to smoke 15 cigaretts a day than eating 3 eggs and I am not even making this up. Watch pic related documentary to open your eyes.
i have high bad colesterol since teen years (thanks genes) and still eat them
fuck it nigga
heart attack seems like a nice death to me
Do you vegans actually follow advice from propaganda "documentaries"?
Also you should be tired of shouting in the wind here with your agenda that nobody takes seriously.
you're fucking pathetic
1/10 bait.
Not subtle enough.
Please prove how it is wrong, thank you. And no, links from Dr. Shekelstein paid by the meat industry are not believable.
Aren't you the one here with the Burden of Proof?
The documentary proved everything with scientific data. You say the documentary lies. Therefore the burden of proof lies on you.
Silence for your post proves how meatcucks are unable to disprove What The Health.
Next time you cross the road don't bother looking.
It's up to you to post proof here.
>by Julia Belluz
Look at this fat bitch. Do you take her advice serious?
Of course, she is going to fight a diet without fatty meat. No source therefore.
I have 10 eggs every morning for breakfast so I hope not
are you retarded?
>hurr durr doesn't count cuz shes fat xd
She's slightly chubby at most, and i doubt even that.
>this is not fat
Let me tell you how I know you're American.
Jasså? Berätta gärna.
Fuck off, Muhammad.
damn that's original