Confido devs lock up their 4.5 million tokens indefinitely!

ANNOUNCEMENT: After consulting with our community we have decided to keep our portion of CFD tokens locked indefinitely. This means that the 4.5 million CFD we currently hold will never enter circulation. We have chosen to do this as we have no intention to sell, and we are still able to receive our portion of the revenue whilst they are locked.

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wtf is up with these guys


To the moon we go! Top 100 wallet here baby


When binance ?

A+ team

Easiest moon mission of my life. Great time to get in right now, it's just experienced a bit of pullback

That's a >100m mc team right here

these guys have to be the least greediest team of all the projects out there. they're really confident that they're going to succeed and that's how you make happy investors


That means we have an effevtive 10.5m circulation. Our market cap has gained 30% more room for growth.

no source. fake and gay.

such an obvious Pajeet p&d it's not even funny


It turns out Confido was the next Confido all along.

Non greedy devs should be rewarded with a 100 mill cap, dump all other coins so we can start a movement

kys now

Or get in and get rich with the rest of us

Source is their telegram m8.
Also their twitter

It was announced in the telegram group by the founder

BUY BUY BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>coin is literally called COMFYdo
Fucking comfy

More good news!

Between CFD and VEN I'm a happy man. Only thing I'm not sure is which is going to rise more in the following days.

big if true

huge if big