Is micropigmentation a good idea. Or will it just project my insecurities about baldness even further...

Is micropigmentation a good idea. Or will it just project my insecurities about baldness even further. I have yet to meet someone in person who has had it done.

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This is almost bad as getting muscle implants.

It does seem a little vain desu but if it could be pulled off it would surely look better than having a shiny bald head

Alright man, listen up. I've my hairline started receding when I was 17, and I'm 28 now. I realized a long time ago that I was going to be bald when I was older, so I just started shaving my head and focusing on getting in good shape. As long as you're confident and fit it's not going to hold you back from getting any chicks, if that's what you're worried about. Also being bald is extremely manly if you think about it, as only men go bald and it's a trait specific to the male sex.

Thanks user. 23 and starting to have a really shitty hairline. Going to buzz it in the new year and hope my head has a good shape

>Also being bald is extremely manly if you think about it, as only men go bald and it's a trait specific to the male sex.

Fuck you morons who use "coping" as some kind of insult, you don't even know what the word means.

It's true though. Men are much more likely to go bald and women who shave their heads are seen as more masculine

Do not do this. It looks okay in photos but I've seen guys in the streets where I live who did that shit and it's fucking obvious and weird.

You will still have hair growth on the ring, and if it's not minimal buzz at all times it will look silly. You'll have to buzz your head pretty often, worth considering

It's also very obvious when you sweat, and all tattoos fade over time

I wouldn't get it if I were balding, my friend isn't very happy with his.

I have the same hairline as the before dude, also shaving my head. Accepting it is 100% better than getting a fake hairline.

it means protecting your ego and self-esteem from any given circumstance that might endanger your worldview. You want your internal weltanschauung to align with external reality. If you notice a discrepancy, you either form a new world-view, or you refuse to accept what you see.
You have certain beliefs about the world, yourself, how things work. If you experience anything to the contrary, you want to cling onto your existing beliefs in order to avoid the stress that comes with the realization that everything you thought you knew was wrong.

When it comes to balding, the coping mechanisms are manifold. There arent many people on this earth who look BETTER when they are bald (it depends on skull shape and how sexually dimorphic the guy is)

>balding is bad
>im balding
>it is bad that i am balding
cue coping mechanism
>its natural
>i look better bald
>i am manly
>there are good-looking baldies with lots of women
>most men are balding anyways, so it doesnt matter if I lose my hair as well

These are all beliefs held that try to chip away at the notion that hairloss is objectively bad. How elaborate those excuses are depends on the individual.

Its the very definition of coping mechanism. You are also very invited to read up on Festinger's cognitive dissonance.
Do and tell yourself what you want, but stop condescending towards people who suffer from hairloss. Maybe you got lucky, but many look absolutely horrific when they've lost all their hair. You spouting empty platitudes to feel better about yourself only adds insult to the catastrophic injury that is DHT sensitivity

I shaved my head after about 6 years of being in hardcore denial and landed a 10/10 trap gf a week later

I started losing hair at the same age.


Just own it, own yourself, lift heavy and even if you're a manlet like me, you will make it.

Yeah no, big words aren't going to make you seem smart and he looks good in both pics

no shit, if that guy didnt look good it'd be fucking over for everyone else

>I have yet to meet someone in person who has had it done.
If you got it done and it didn't show, would you tell people? Anyways, as a guy who shaves his head two-three times per week, I highly doubt that this will look good in the long run. Talk about maintenance to keep your hair at zero millimeters just to give off the impression that you're not balding. Nah, bro.

Men who are balding have higher levels of DHT in the bloodstream. DHT is 10x more potent than T as an androgen. Baldness was positively selected for evolutionarily.

Balding men were fitter and manlier and more likely to get a cavewoman waifu. What are the benefits of hair again? Oh right, none.

Sounds like mop-heads are the ones compensating desu

>Men who are balding have higher levels of DHT in the bloodstream.
Not only that. Genetics will determine how SENSITIVE your hair follicles are to DHT, not just how much test is converted INTO DHT.

Coping is good, though. As is compensating. If you don't cope, you'll kill yourself, and if you don't compensate, you'll go through life with a disadvantage.

People keep talking as if both of these are bad things, but that's only because they are themselves either incapable of coping with their own problems or too lazy to compensate for their defficiencies. Every time someone complains about coping or compensating, it's a pathetic person with no value that's clearly just doing some coping themselves. Which is good for them, in a way.

>broad shoulders
pick 1

>very time someone complains about coping or compensating, it's a pathetic person with no value that's clearly just doing some coping themselves.
the irony

Here some studies on coping mechanisms and perceived attractiveness of self and others.

>trap "gf"

Looks like Dolph Lundgren

As soon as anyone touches it they'll know. It's pathetic. Just be bald, baldy

Baldies hair follicles are more SENSITIVE to dht. You aren't some kind of evolutionary super species.

It’s a bit of both tbhon.



Balding is caused by an excess of testosterone

Didn't even read this gay thread. Yes OP its clear you already have insecurities about being bald and so do I. I'm 23 and just started razoring my head, its funky its weird but so am I. Be who you are. I fucking love it. Now I see guys with hair and basically think of them as gay for how much money and time they spend on some fucking hair. Plus chicks are stupid as fuck anyways so who really cares what they think, they don't even know what they like anyways. Girls find me more attractive now because I don't give a fuck plus i'm not hiding anything under some hair. I'll be the same bald HARD COCKED badass now and when i'm 80.

Only if you're predisposed to balding to begin with, then more DHT would make you go bald faster.
Countless numales around the world are balding, and they are far from high testosterone.

>Not balding but cut hair short for years
>decide to grow hair out bc starting sterons and afraid i'll go bald
>hair doesn't fall out but looks like shit when longer than a close buzz

If you're bald just own it.