Mental Gains

Hey Veeky Forums, I know mental gains are as if not more important than physical gains. I've been getting music lessons and reading more, but I need more reading material. Any recommendations?

Also mental health general

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Just do the Khan Academy shit son.

Literally just start from scratch with all the math problems and videos. All the science stuff, history, politics, econ etc. etc. etc. I did a bunch of the physics stuff on Khan academy and my sister now asks me for help in her honors Physics class. I'm in my mid 20's, I just come home, chill a bit, go to the gym and then spend the night doing math problems or watching videos and taking notes.

In terms of books, literally any of the classics are great. Any philosophy books, Don't ignore the holy texts. (The Koran is the shittiest one of them all). Guy De Mauppassant is great for a short stories collection. Any Barnes and Nobles you go to will have a table with books for 5 dollars in the front and it's all the classics and best books you can choose.
Also practice a language and an instrument an hour a day. I'm a classically trained pianist and I spend about an hour a day on duolingo.

I've let myself go in terms of reading, but this is a good one.

Nietzsche is Veeky Forums's philosopher

You don't want to start with Nietzsche. Philosophy builds on itself. Doesn't mean you have to read every philosophy book ever written, but get some of the ideas from Greek-Roman, Medieval-Renaissance and enlightenment stuff down before you tackle Nietzsche and Jung.
The Greek stuff is boring honestly, very repetitive, but the foundation. Also as I mentioned above, don't ignore the holy texts. They play a bigger role in our lives than Fedoras would ever care to entertain, especially in philosophy.

>this is a good one.
w e w

It depends, read in line with your interests and find your own path. If you are looking to read important books, start with the Bible. It is foundational for understanding all western literature. Jordan Peterson has a reading list on his website. It is a great list.
Good luck user, this is a good course.

Screenshotted this, good motivation to get my stuff together

Don't go at it balls to the wall though user. Start light. Get yourself in the groove of it first.
When I started my routine about a year ago I would come home totally exhausted from work, forcing myself to get motivated for the gym. Then after sit around playing with my dick or going out and getting black out drunk.
I was tired of it. First start with relaxing, get your mind situated. Baby steps and before you know it you won't understand how you weren't doing this all along.
I make time for the gym, reading, maths, work, friends, family, pets and still get to bed on time.
On the weekends I switch my routine to mornings. Spend the afternoon laying around like a potato and then I go out with friends and maybe try to talk to some girls.

Your life sounds stable and honestly pretty much exactly how I would want my life to look like (maybe more focus on music and visual arts but whatever); my biggest problem right now is, however, I don't have a job but an idea what my career should look like. How to find that fits one?

This. Start with the Socratic dialogues, Plato and Aristotle's Logic, Poetics, and Rhetoric. With a good base you will go farther in Philosophy. A survey course through The Great Courses or similar would be helpful. DeCartes, Kant, Locke, Kirkegaard, and others would be wise prior to tackling Neichze, Jung, Adler, or even lesser thinkers like Shaw or Chesterton. The Bible is the best place to start if you are going to study western philosophy.

*No job NOR an ihres weisst it should look like.

Good initiative OP. Take a BUMP. Btw I study English maths and some chemistry, as alternative to my main one which is finance. Also have one more thing, but I will keep it for myself. Keep it going user. SPOILER IM FUCKING MORE WHORES WITH MENTAL THAN PHYSICAL STRENGTH

just read American Psycho and be done with fiction

You have to try stuff. I'm 25. I started working when I was like 12 under the table. I did every shitty job imaginable until I was 20. Then I got a sales job. Hated the shit out of it, but it payed my bills in college and kept the gf happy. After I got an even better sales job when I graduated. Still hated it. Then I worked in carpentry and finish work with my father, still do on the weekends sometimes. Just got hired at an insurance company doing some rates/adjustments. Still not what I want long term, but it's good pay, great bennies etc. You just slowly move up, the trick I've found is to keep busy. If you stay busy you don't ever catch yourself in the position of "Where the fuck did my life go?" And I've been there too. Actually, after doing a shit ton of the science stuff on Khan Academy I started to develop an interest in Medicine. That's my new study routine. I'm planning on going back to school within a year or so to take premed courses. If I end up enjoying it and doing well, then I'll go down that path. I love the arts, but also understand that with the arts these days there's a billion posers and the market is saturated as fuck. You are 10x better off doing artistic stuff on your own free time and building from there. Me and my buddies have been talking about recording our hang out sessions and seeing where it goes. Maybe start a podcast in a couple years.
As for girls, don't fret. You do you and be the best you can be and they will gravitate towards you no matter what. I did the long term thing, almost got engaged, then I did the fuck slags thing, didn't like it. Now I'm just fully engrossed in my own world and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I miss /fitlit/

Bro you based as fuck. I'm logging on to Khan rn to do some chemistry and work my way up to o chem soon.

Sweet. I've read most of those. I need to get on Descartes and kirkegaard and brush up on my Bible study tho. I like Voltaire a lot, thoughts on him? And is st. Augustine a must read?



>and my sister now asks me for help in her honors Physics class.
Good work user. Now give her the intellectual dick.

Abusive teachers killed any desire for or love of education that I had. How do I get it back?

I feel the same way, that and feeling depressed killed the ambition I used to have

>it's another "user is tired no matter how much sleep he gets" episode

I've just started reading seriously again for the first time in a long time. As a kid I used to be obsessed with books and would spend all my lunch hours and free time pouring over books. Then I discovered the internet and instant gratification and stopped for a long while. This year I decided to start reading again and it's truly wonderful. I've mainly been doing some light reading just so I can get my reading habits back before I move into more heavy stuff. There's nothing quite as relaxing as going to a coffee shop, listening to some piano jazz and setting down to read for an hour or two.

I'm currently reading Dune and have recently gone through The Prince, some assorted works of Cicero, Lord of the Flies, and other classics. I'm hoping to start going through the Socratic dialogues soon.

Find out what you want to learn and learn it. Whenever you feel like giving up think about me ridiculing you for being a retard.

what does the bible have to say about philosophy? Also Nietzsche isn't even a philosopher...he has no arguments. Pseudo-intellectual fraud detected.

why is not a good one? I read it like 6 years ago and enjoyed it.

user. If you want to read philosophy you only need to bother with the Anglo-analytic tradition:

Begin with Plato/Aristotle.

Move through the early moderns like Hume, Kant, and Descartes.

Then into early Wittgenstein, Kripke, Russel and into contemporary anglo-analytic.

The continental horseshit being peddled in this thread like Nietzsche, Jung etc will waste your time and rot your brain, It's what gives philosophy a bad name.


Can recommend Simon Sineks books

Increase neural plasticity by doing tasks that require increased focus (but also productive), e.g. sewing, woodworking, manual machining.
I def. agree on learning another language and instrument (I play violin, piano, and the guzheng), all of these recruit large amounts of brainpower/motor function which contribute to flow.

Increase intelligence by solving problems. Try doing some home improvement or designing something, or if you prefer the theoretical by solving math problems. A great resource is Art of Problem Solving, it's where gooks congregate to do share math olympiad problems and I'm sure you can find some other olympiad problems there as well; used it a lot due to gook parents.

Khan Academy is OK for the basics. If you want to do something that is beyond the high school level you'll need some textbooks, use libgen for that. Much of the material you learn is learned on the job, and once it's there it sticks. The most crucial part is motivating yourself to get off your ass and being willing to put up with failing a few times (of course, don't get wound into a lathe).

All this philosphy learning is just a meme. It wont help you other than be able to talk philosophy with other people who knows philosophy. I fail to see why knowing a bunch about philosophy would help you in any way plus its boring as shit. You'll get mental gain learning about anything why is philosophy always recommeneded? Currently learning guitar, its fun, theres a progress line and it serves to impress other people around you. Learning spanish so i can put this on my resume and help my job searching. Philosophy is the SS of fit.

Yeah but Nietzsche's not boooooooring and he doesn't waste time
>learn solely in order to create!
I don't wanna slog through Plato, I want Nietzsche to call him a fag so I can move on

I finished this book for the first time about a month back. I'd highly recommend it, might be my all time favorite

House of Leaves

That movie was also pretty good
Depressing and gray but still good

It helps you think about shit you've guaranteed never thought about before.

Not everything has to be about social and material gains.


Fuck this book was amazing.
It destroyed me afterwards. I read it at work and needed a hug after I went home

>He doesn't elevate his mind to the greater things.

If you were even a fraction of intellectual you state yourself to be, you'd have had sex with your sister a long time ago

This, started reading Atals Shrugged, doing some calculus II and Physics work through Kahn, and learning a Chinese through duo all in preparation for my classes next semester. Expect for the reading, doing that for because I just want to.

American Psycho isn't even the best book from Brett Easton Ellis. Check out 'Less than Zero'.

>tfw have severe OCD that makes daily life miserable
>prescribed antidepressant fluvox for it
>causes weight gain, especially in my face making me look bloated and unaesthetic

Yes, understanding, and able to make sense of the world around you is a meme and all learning has to have instrumental value. You utter fucking retard.

Plato > Nietzsche. Nietzsche doesn't do philosophy, he has no arguments, there's no logic and it's fundamentally unsound.

Same here. I've been out of high school for five years, and I'm starting my first semester in Uni in less than a month. You use English skills every day, but you'll forget most math by the time you're twenty. Khan Academy is great for refreshing a person's memory.

Philosophy majors have the second highest average IQ after physics major and on average they make more money on average than any other humanities major.

Just found this site today and some of it has some pretty good fiction, I feel like Veeky Forums had a lot of other history nerds who might be into it. Good for phone reading while on the toilet.

Yeah, with jobs that have nothing to do with Philosophy. Just because your BA just happened to be in Philosophy that isn't the reason some random corporation hired you as a manager, they just needed literally anyone with a BA of any kind.

Can someone screencap this bread plz? On mobile and about to go to sleep before an interview


*tips fedora*

>Recommending fine literature (which one of them is a pro religious book) it's now worth of *tips fedora*

Ok fag.

Every single book recommendation is the same fucking few books being passed between a bunch of navel gazing fucking imbeciles who don't know how they're being groomed to see the world in a certain way so that they'll accept certain ideas more easily.

Don't hold up reading a few books as fucking amazing. Post something new goddamnit.

>liking worst Orwell
Read Down and Out, Homage to Catalonia, and his essays.

Reading this now, pretty good. You can take it at surface level as a cool story, but camus is a philosopher ultimately, so try to read it as so.

Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

>worst Orwell
Kys contrarian

Good recommendations for op tho


Only good thing that came from that fucker was Taxi Driver

>mental gains
>posts novel

read adi shankara's commentary on the upanishads

less than zero is not even in the same tier as american psycho, his other books are shite

Is all Young Adult fiction just garbage? What is there besides YA and straight literature?

>The Koran is the shittiest one of them all

That's offensive user


>Only good thing that came from that fucker was Taxi Driver
My friend, you are mistaken. The Myth of Sisyphus is absolute GOAT

>shitting on Camus
You probably haven't even read and understood The Myth of Sisyphus, The Stranger or The Plague.

>learning things to impress others
Not going to make it
