Help me not be bad at throwing:

>Be thrower and 4x4 runner
>Only throw 30 ft at the end of first year
>Decide to actually train and get stronger
>After soccer season of the following year, start working out
>Increase my bench from 95 to 225
>Increase my hex dead lift from 245 to 425
>After a while, end every workout with plyometrics and I eventually get to over 100 plyo pushups
>I get stronger in everything except for squats
>Hate them with a passion
>Still two and a half months till track season...

I know squats are such a good exercise but do I really need to do them if I want to throw at least 42 feet this season? (I'm in 12th grade btw)

>95 to 225
>245 to 425
How many mg test per week?
Also yes, besides legs, squat is a good core exercise which is huge for throwing.

>hex deadlift

Why do people keep falling for this meme? You're doing easier half-squats, not deadlifts.

I hate to say it but I don't know what a mg test is. I don't worry about core to much considering I do a ridiculous amount of core every day but a little more can't hurt.

do pause squats.

All I know is I do it since it's easier on your back than normal dead lifts; It may work out different muscle groups but it's still useful.

>How many mg test per week?
>getting intermediate lifts in 1-6 months requires roids

>squat is a good core exercise
No, it's not. This retarded meme needs to die. This is like saying bench is great for the lats because they're engaged during the movement... OP is going to get way more core engagement from a 400+lb trap bar DL than from whatever weight he can squat.

>Why do people keep falling for this meme?
>builds better peak power than squats or deadlifts
>somehow a meme for people that care about rapid power output
>more natural movement, and less injury prone which means faster gains for athletes that need to spend more time on their sport
>significantly less wear on the lower back, which takes the longest to recover and would hinder sport specific training
>hits the lower body and hips in a relatively balanced way meaning less movements are required to get the same result

Not everyone is a rippletit neophyte. No one besides people that started lifting with SS or SL give a shit how much your squat or deadlift. Unless you're a competing powerlifter there really isn't a need to do them over trap bar DL and maybe some leg press if you want nice quads.

Going from 95 pounds, which is literally what a 12 year old can do, to a respectable 225 between sports seasons is fucking impressive that’s all I’m saying.

Still works your muscles, friend.

It's what every young, healthy, adult male should do in their first year of training.

Heavy Kettlebell training. You need explosive power to throw. Low reps, heavy weight. Snatch, swing, TGUs, goblet squats, clean and press (one arm at a time to engage core). I wish i had kettlebells when I used to throw. Also box jumps. Start now with technique, dont wait til season to start. If you throw better you will throw farther.

If you're such a little expert, why are you here? Dumbass bitch boi

also nobody cares about your gay ass loser "sport"

Work primarily on Squats, Power cleans and if you do bench, incline bench with either the standard barbel or with dumbbells.

I was always told Shot was 60% Strength, 40% form, while Discus was 50/50 so work on your form constantly, get it to become second nature, if you glide instead of spin thats fine, if you have compact shots and regular sized shots test how you feel with both sizes, don't just assume the smaller, compact ones are easier to throw.

t. Thrower from 9th grade to 2nd year in college

>why are you here?
Correcting retards like you so people like OP don't follow through with detrimental advise.

Yes, you need to do squats. I'd argue deadlifts have more direct carryover to hammer throw, but that's like debating whether a jab or a hook is a more important punch for a boxer. You both need to be doing both.

I'd also argue that a barbell deadlift is better than KEKbar deadlift, but the important thing is that you're lifting heavier weight regardless.

so he cant tell himself and other's "Yeah I go on bodybuilding and fitness forums" while really never working out/improving himself or applying anything he reads.

>Heavy Kettlebell training

Don't listen to this retard. He listed off pretty much every stupid meme way that CrossFit wanna-be's poorly train explosiveness. I'd think he was a troll if I wasn't so sure the average unlifting, skinnyfat bitchboy on Veeky Forums was really that stupid.

Do power cleans or snatches (cleans being FAR easier to passably learn on your own, and less likely to cause shoulder injury if you goof it up) for explosiveness.

Cleans, holy shit, do power cleans. I cannot believe these have only been mentioned twice in this whole thread. Do lots of cleans, and almost as many push-presses.

What the fuck are you on about? Did you stroke out while typing that?

meant to reply to a different thread

technique technique technique