Best ab exercises for size/definition? Something with high weight, low reps?

Best ab exercises for size/definition? Something with high weight, low reps?

I've read ab crunch machines aren't the best for your back and it's hard to isolate the muscle when doing weights that get me to 8 reps tops (which is how I generally approach mass building for all other muscles).

Are weighted sit-ups the only option? Seems like most ab exercises are structured (weight and rep-wise) for endurance over strength.

Ab wheel followed by dragon flag.

depends on (You). tried everything and the ony thing that good-ruins my abbs are heavy weight KCC and wheels. You look like a DYEL doing KCC in the gym though.

Standing cable crunches. I've gained 45lbs (175-220) since last year and I've only started seen my abs after doing them starting in september-ish.

I've found my DOMS is at it's highest after Ab wheel, cable crunches, and dragon flags (sort of my form wasn't very good)

are SCC >= KCC? Get more movement with KCC.

squats and deadlifts. just look at the wichita falls crew

Front squats maybe, but I feel like you need more isolation than that

Solid. I've seen a couple folks doing KCC at my gym before, but never thought to do them myself. Gonna train to do dragon flags as well. Thanks for the suggestions!

KCC all the way! Only ab exercise I've enjoyed this far. Seeing good results due to consistensy

Never done the kneeling version so I can only vouch for standing, the kneeling version is probably good too bu the standing is more specific for squats deads and ohp so that's what I do.

wtf is kcc?

Kneeling cable crunches

do some l sits

Do planks bro

You can also add weight

Wichita falls is a shithole

Leg-raises are the goat

What is KCC?

kneeling cable crunch

>not doing leg raises on the incline bench with a medicine ball between your ankles

I do this with a dumbell, sick DOMS

What about Full Contact Twist?