Best app to track your lifts?...
I'm not autistic enough to use a pen and a pad.......
Also did a sesh of pic related today and my skin feels silky smooth. Thanks Veeky Forums...
Best app to track your lifts?...
I'm not autistic enough to use a pen and a pad.......
Also did a sesh of pic related today and my skin feels silky smooth. Thanks Veeky Forums...
Use Google sheets brah
Just track them in the notes of your phone, it's not that fucking hard OP
I just use the excel app.
Fucking autists
I started using simple workout log.
It's pretty damn good.
No frills, easy to use, unobtrusive ads that you barely notice.
The Progression app is the best weight training fitness tracker EVER
It's free and it comes pre loaded with the most popular weight training plans
This. I got the app after another user suggested it a while back. It keeps track of your stuff and shows you other workouts to do.
Does it have PHUL?
can't find it in the app store. is it only on google play?
pen and paper is GOAT though...
I don't have a smartphone, so I have to use pen and paper. Why does than make me an autist?
Comedy aside, who else has noticed how rapey or at least creepy older women can be? I know I have. Lots of awkward and creepy mires, usually from the loner widdowed and long divorced ones.
I was pretty much raped by an older woman once. If you fucks want the full story lmk
Nah, I'll pass. Thanks for the offer though. Hope you mentally made it out alright.
Can you even articulate what's wrong with writing things down? You say you're not autistic. So you're just brain damaged?
Imagine being such a soyboy that you’re afraid people will judge you for writing your lifts down with a pen and pad.
Just imagine what one day in the life of a person like this must be like.
I want to try Gravitus but it's only on iPhone right now
hit me up
what the fuck is that image?
Use your brain and memory faggot
Just downloaded. No PPL preloaded. Trying to create your own is tedious. no thanks trash.exe
PushxPullxLegs isn't even a program name just a schedule
I want to hear it. Granted I want to remind everyone that the elderly are generally quite lonely people.
tell us the story user its always fun and helpful to hear about getting almost raped by old cougars