Guys i recently found this and i just refuse to believe these macros

guys i recently found this and i just refuse to believe these macros

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Texture isn't good mate just eat actual beans. Do try them though, don't let me stop you.

what the fuck? twice as much protein as meat?

how is the fibre more than the carbs

i dont get it either, can they be lying?

it says its just 92% black beans, but black has has
63 g carbs
16 g fibre
21 g protein

it just doesnt add up

yeah i'm pretty sure its bullshit

Theres also edamame which has almost the exact same macros. I feel like it's legit because I want it to be legit

16g carbs
21g fiber

negative 5g net carbs

im thinking of calling them and ask wtf is up

>soyboy wants soy to be legit

Ahh that good ol' instinct of betas to remove themselves from the gene pool.

expensive as fuck too


Don't eat that. It's full of estrogen brah

I think they switched the protein and carbs on the label. Look- fiber IS a carbohydrate, how can carbs be less than fiber? Case closed boys, they fucked up.

it has more protein than normal black beans probably because spaghetti is dried beforehand for packaging purposes, therefore having less water content and higher macros across the board. That's why things like uncooked rice and pasta are stated to have very impressive macros, which get overstated once you cook them because they take in a lot of water.

That looks like the British style of labelling in which carbs and fibre are separate on labels.

no, 100g of DRIED black beans has 340kcal and 21g protons

this has

carbs 39,5 g
fiber 19 g
protein 42,6 g
but is expensive as fuck

My guess is that they mixed black beans and pea protein

I bought this, I can't help but suspect that shit has some kind of protein powder in it
have yet to try it though

was thinking the same

Fiber is not included in carbs..

It's legit, it's explained on the site: "Et sundt alternativ Denne Pasta er perfekt til dem, der onsker at indtage ekstra proteiner samt et lavt indhold af kulhydrater. Et sundt alternativ til det almindelige pasta, da sortebonne pastaen indeholder 400 procent mere protein, 400 procent flere kostfibre og hele 60 procent færre kulhydrater. "

translates to something like:

A healthy alternative, this pasta is perfect for those who wish to eat higher protein and lower carbs. A healthy alternative to regular pasta, because the black bean pasta contains 400% more protein, 400% more fiber and 60% less carbs.

My guess is that carbs have been removed in a similar way as they do with TVP from soy beans, my TVP is like 70g protein/100g dry weight with the rest being pretty much only fibre and a little carbs and fat.

black beans i buy in cans got 7g of protein, wtf you talking about 21g?

Dry beans, the ones in a can have soaked as much fluid as possible.

These are on par with other black bean noodles.

Normal black beans have water in them.
Noodles made out of beans are very dense because it is pure beans that have been turned into a flour. It is very highly concentrated.

water in them when cooked is what i mean

this just seems like it would taste totally disgusting.

just eat some meat bro

I just looked at a bag of black dried beans i got, it says 9g of protein. How the fuck are you getting 21? You must have some kind of jizz soaked black ballz beans.

This is the pasta at costco

explain to me how hydration changes macro ratios

water doesn't have calories, and so adding water would decrease protein/gram but it would change protein/calorie, right?

this site also says 21g/100g, as do the dried beans I have. Yours seem to have my cooked weght, rather than dry weights for some reason.

the nutrition on the packing is for everything inside

if you add water you dilute it

think of adding water to an acid, you still have the acid but its just less potent

fiber is not a carbohydrate

>fibre is not carbohydrates
t. nu-Veeky Forums

It says dry weight 9g. I give up.


>all these vegans stronger than me

He is wrong but kind of right in this context, on nutritional labels fiber and carbs are seperated.

yes it is you fucking twat you subtract it from the total carbs to get net carbs because your body doesn''t process it but it's still a fucking carbohydrate.

jesus christ nigger read a book or something

Den er god nok. De smager også helt fint, bare ikke spis dem for ofte.

>this post

kek m8, stop trolling

>Tfw I deadlift your total

Are you fucking retarded

The dudes saying it's because it's dried are right. Something has 21 g protein per 100 g, remove water, it now weights 50g but still has 21g of protein = 42g protein per 100g. Dried meat is the same, you need about 100g to have the equivalent of a 200g steak. This is whya typical portion of dried meat or prosicutto is 100g.

Good luck eating over 100g of that once shit once cooked and it reabsorbs the water.