Everybody acts like a contrarian little kid, edgy and excessively hostile
Everybody shits on the sticky or dont even read it, and disacredite programs like starting strength or are insufferable fanboys about it
Some people here actually don't lift, and of the ones that lift many are not impressive and have been lifting for years
If you contradict a post that says something mainstream like "soy is bad for you" everybody gets butt-blasted and just call you retarded
Vegans saying meat causes cancer
Most posters don't construct solid arguments anymore, or make up obvious bullshit yet instantly demand source when they see something they don't agree with
Flooded with threads about memes, sex or irrelevant stuff that is not even fit-related
I hate new Veeky Forums
wtf i hate /fit now
>complains about new Veeky Forums
>can't even read
Cut him some slack he's a brainlet
>irrelevant stuff that is not even fit-related
stopped reading right there
this is one of my all time favourite memes and even though i'm posting letting everyone know it's a meme i'm sure you'll still get a few (You)s, that's what i love about it
t.onion and nofap poster
we need a new zyzz, someone who actually posts here
This pic is super reaching. You definitely put way too much stuff and I feel like you're just trying to describe yourself.
Always was like that but it got worse with time.
Beside some classic threads the rest is just teens shitposting.
a starter pack is supposed to have very few items, around 4 or so
this is garbage
mayb if you didn't wed yourselves to RW ideology which is connected to a certain board that is populated with newfags and normalfags from reddit and social media you wouldn't have this problem Veeky Forums
i think Veeky Forumss all time high was the very start of 2016
The future is now, old man!
>TempleOS guy
This web site is 13 years old.
Look at this pic
Look how many 18-22 year olds there are.
Veeky Forums is 30% old Veeky Forums 70% redditors..
This is the new demographic.
>If you contradict a post that says something mainstream like "soy is bad for you" everybody gets butt-blasted
Oh so that's what it is
Nice try soy boy
Meat does cause cancer though.
Because you lack an attention span perhaps?
Sticky is wrong about starvation mode, rest seems alright.
Im 22 and I’ve been on Veeky Forums since the days zyzz used to be alive and post here. Yes, since I was like 14-15. No, I still don’t even look like I lift
>ie fit from day one
>online alarm clock
same here except I reached ripped/athletic mode 2 years after lifting. Still, went through high school aesthetic af and still KHV to this day (22 now) because facelet lamo
Haha I was in good shape in HS and in college stopped caring so much but still kept up lifting. The funny thing is I’m totally insecure about my body and think I’m ugly and look like shit naked but I’ve still banged 10+ chicks and hooked up with even more (they were all good looking but I do regret being so promiscuous when I was younger. I’m all about /monogamy/ now)
Shit my bad that post wasn’t to brag I wanted to end it by saying you can have the best body and face in the world and still be a KHV incel. You NEED to practice humor and social skills. I’m telling you, if you know how to make a woman giggle you are SO in. Not nerdy Veeky Forums memes but with funny socially acceptable witty puns / one liners / convos.